
Ten minutes passed -

the roller coaster stopped.

Mu Ziyan fell into Su Han's arms and was helped out of the car.

"How? Call you stubborn..." Mu

Ziyan patted her chest, sighed lightly, and said with a palpitation:

"Resum....... Don't dare anymore..." But

it didn't take long for her to recover, take Su Han's hand and say she wanted to do it again.

Of course, Su Han righteously refused.


, Mu Ziyan, who begged to no avail,

had to pull Su Han to go elsewhere.

Not long after, the two got on the Ferris wheel.

This is the largest Ferris wheel in the magic capital.

The highest point is 100 meters, which is equivalent to 30 floors high.

When you reach the highest point, you can see all the scenery within a radius of ten kilometers.

As the Ferris wheel slowly turned, the car they were in was also slowly lifting.

The buildings on the ground are also getting farther and farther away from them.

I don't know if Mu Ziyan was afraid of heights or what, and the hand that had been holding Su Han did not let go.

Soon -

the Ferris wheel rose to its highest point.

Standing here -

Su Han had the feeling of trampling the entire demon capital under his feet.

"Su Han, look, the scenery there is so beautiful."

Snuggled in Su Han's arms, Mu Ziyan pointed into the distance.

From here, the dam can be seen in the distance.

The great river is rushing, the river is endless, the majestic trend...

After riding the Ferris wheel, the two played a few more projects.

Without exception, they are dangerous projects.

Its purpose is naturally to eat Su Han tofu.



It is to test Su Han's concern for himself.


As time goes by, the rides get tired of playing.

Two walking in the casino.

Seeing an entertainment project in front of her throwing sandbags, Mu Ziyan's eyes suddenly lit up.

So he took Su Han's hand and walked over.

Sandbag throwing –

it's a fun time.

The more delicate the thing, the higher the value, placed on the farthest and highest shelf.

If you want to throw it, you need a little work at hand and good luck.

But for Su Han, it's not too easy.

"Su Han... That, and that.

Mu Ziyan waved her slender jade hand, constantly pointing to the items on the shelf, and her eyes were almost narrowed into a crescent moon.

"Yes, Su Han, you are amazing, hit again..."

Mu Ziyan cheered excitedly, and pounced and hugged Su Han.

Su Han's eyebrows were slightly raised, it was not the first time he felt that this little nizi had material.

And that's not the end of it.

She directly stood on tiptoe and kissed Su Han on the face, causing passers-by to frequently look at her.

Su Han didn't care, just that she was too excited.

However, he did not notice the smile at the corner of Mu Ziyan's mouth after the sneak attack was successful.

Next to him, the boss came over with a sad face and holding a box.

The box opens.

Inside is a fist-sized music box.

The music box is delicate and looks like the value should not be low.

The surrounding crowd looked at the two with envy.

Just before leaving, I heard the voice of a girl behind me complaining about her boyfriend:

"Look at people's boyfriends, look at you..." Mu

Ziyan had a smile on her face.

Su Han looked indifferent, he had gradually become accustomed to this feeling of being sought after.

Originally thought that Mu Ziyan would stop when she got a music box.

Not long after, he was pulled to throw darts again.

Looking at her elated appearance, her eyes were shining, and there was a joyful light flowing inside.

Su Han couldn't bear to refuse and accompanied her.

Just like that—

Su Han was pulled by Mu Ziyan and took a look at the entire entertainment city.

Somehow, Mu Ziyan played crazy for so long, and she was still in good spirits.


"Su Han........ Is it time to accompany me shopping? Xu

was tired of playing, Mu Ziyan grabbed Su Han's hand and began to shake it.

Su Han frowned slightly.

This nizi, it's really getting worse and worse, don't you know how fierce you are?

A little unbearable, he grabbed Mu Ziyan's small man's waist.

"Okay, don't rub it..." "

Then you promised me?"

Mu Ziyan pouted, her eyes shining with expectation.

Su Han raised his hand and glanced at the Patek Philippe on his hand.

There is still room before the agreed time with Yan Ruyue.

"Let's go."


Mu Ziyan was obviously very happy, and couldn't help but smack Su Han's face.

After the kiss, her face was a little red, and she did not dare to look at Su Han.

The two transferred to the commercial street.

Walk down the street.

Handsome men and beautiful women, coupled with their dusty temperament, attracted countless light gazes.

"Wow... Such a handsome little brother, the little sister is also very beautiful


I bid 10,000, who can help me get the contact information of that little brother......."Ahh

Can I get the contact information of the little brother, I will give it to you? "


the crowd around them was talking.

Looking at Su Han and Mu Ziyan, there was envy and adoration in their eyes.

After shopping for a while -

the two walked into a clothing store.

"Su Han look quickly........ Do I look good in this dress?

Mu Ziyan took off a sky-blue dress from the hanger and asked Su Han's opinion.

"If you like to buy it, there's no need to ask me."

"I don't want it, I'm going to wear it for you to see, if you don't like it, I won't buy it..."

Mu Ziyan shook her head and said in a weak tone.

"Then I like..." "

I don't believe it, you wait here, I'll wear it to you."

Mu Ziyan was obviously dissatisfied with Su Han's answer, and walked to the fitting room with her clothes...


A few minutes later—

Mu Ziyan walked out.

The whole person's temperament has also changed.

Wearing a white skirt before, his temperament was pure and holy.

Now change into this sky-blue skirt to add a touch of nobility.

"Su Han, how is it?"

Coming to walk around in front of Su Han, Mu Ziyan smiled sweetly.


Su Han nodded slightly and expressed his affirmation.

In fact, with

Mu Ziyan's figure,

the charm of the nineties.

No matter what clothes you wear, it looks good.

To say that there are clothes that are not worthy of it, only these clothes are not worthy of Mu Ziyan.

Hearing Su Han's words, Mu Ziyan was a little dissatisfied.

However, it is already good to get Su Han's affirmation.

Immediately find a waiter to pack it.

Then, she dragged Su Han to another special area.


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