
"Wow... So handsome, such a temperamental man, isn't this better looking than my male god?" "

Not only handsome, but also in good shape, how good would my boyfriend be?"

"The squad leader said that she has a boyfriend, and now the two are holding hands, it's a hammer!" "

There is a good show to watch, Liu Hao came prepared this time, and the goddess already has a boyfriend..."

When he came back to his senses, he found Mu Ziyan, who was holding hands, and couldn't help but talk.

They were right, Liu Hao, who was sitting in the first place, really had a bad face.

I waited for a few years, thinking that the goddess had also been single, but I didn't expect to really bring a boyfriend.

After a moment, he was ready to separate the two according to his previous thoughts.

He immediately got up and greeted him with a smile.

"Elder, you can come, come and sit, there is a place reserved for you.

As he spoke, his eyes kept looking at Mu Ziyan without looking at Su Han.

Sensing the envious gazes from all directions, Mu Ziyan felt a little proud in her heart, and the hand she held tightened.

Hearing Liu Hao's words, she nodded, and the two followed Liu Hao's guidance.

Seeing this scene, Su Han's eyebrows raised slightly.

Of course, he is familiar with this plot.

It is specially designed for the protagonist Lin Feng to pretend to punch his face.

The next thing is that Liu Hao looks down on Lin Feng, and there is only one next to the first one, and he wants to separate the two.

Lin Feng naturally did not do it, and the conflict broke out, teaching Liu Hao a lesson.

In the end, he said "not rare", and changed to another position with Mu Ziyan.

He cut off the protagonist, which means that he will experience the same plot.

Thinking of this kind of pretense and face-punching plot, Su Han couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

While he was thinking, the two had already arrived at the chief under Liu Hao's signal.

There were only two empty seats, one of which was his own.

It's coming, it's coming, it's coming.

Everyone's eyes converged here, and the girls had nervousness in their eyes.

I don't want to see the male god being taunted by Liu Hao.

The boys wore the expression of watching a good show.


"I'm sorry, there are only two places here, I don't know if this one can..." Liu

Hao had an apologetic look on his face before looking at Su Han.

In an instant, he was stunned in place, but he couldn't say anything when it came to his mouth.

This temperament is restrained and deep, and he has only seen it on some big guys on TV.

Not even on his father.

"Could it be that this is some rich second generation?" an

idea suddenly appeared in Liu Hao's mind.

This temperament cannot be cultivated by ordinary families at all.

Moreover, what is Mu Ziyan's identity?

She is the school flower of the school, she is proud and does not pretend to people.

Where is it like showing the posture of a little daughter now?

I'm afraid it's climbing into a wealthy family....

The more he thought about it, the more Liu Hao felt that it was possible that Su Han was a rich second generation.

I was suddenly startled, and my back was covered with a layer of cold sweat.

Good guy, he almost offended this one.

Although his family opened a small company, it was worth millions.

It is not worth mentioning in front of the real rich.

If he offends this rich second generation, he will bankrupt the family company in a word...

Liu Hao didn't dare to think about it.

Yes, he quickly changed his words.

"I don't know this gentleman... Can you just take a moment here, today is my poor hospitality, did not arrange a top box, I'm really sorry..."

While speaking, Liu Hao's face showed guilt at the right time.

Although he liked Mu Ziyan, he also pursued the other party for several years.

But if he offends this and ruins his family, he would rather choose to let go.

Mu Ziyan

: "...................

." Su

Han: "............" Everyone: "............


I took off my pants, you show me this?

A string of question marks flashed on Mu Ziyan's head, and her face was full of confusion.

She was ready to speak, saying that she and Su Han were doing other positions.

Separate her from her boyfriend?

Just got such a perfect boyfriend, and he won't be separated when he dies.

When Liu Hao spoke, she was not angry at first, but with some joy.

At that time, if she shows her determination to sit with Su Han, will he be moved by this?

But what does this guy mean by suddenly changing his words?

Su Han was also stunned.

The phrase "It's okay, I'll go sit somewhere else" blurted out.

In his opinion, it is nothing to change positions.

Mu Ziyan will follow anyway.

There is a conflict, or even a big fight, it is completely unnecessary.

That will only show that you have no quality.

And as a shared boyfriend, he must leave a good impression on Mu Ziyan, and he also thinks about the other party's five-star praise.

I just didn't expect to suddenly hear such a reversal.

What's going on here?

He cut off the protagonist.

The pretense punch that should have been experienced for the protagonist did not happen.

All kinds of despise to say good, all kinds of targets?

The plot is broken.


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