
"Little brother, who is this uncle... He looks so terrible..." This

was not said by Xiao Luoli on purpose.

In fact, Lin Feng is not bad, and even feels attractive after watching it for a long time.

However, just now, the little loli kept looking at Su Han's super handsome face, and suddenly looked at Lin Feng's ordinary face, and only under the great visual difference would he have such a performance.

Lin Feng's face froze, and black lines appeared on his forehead.

Obviously Su Han didn't do anything, but he called his little brother very affectionate.

And what about him?

It didn't take much effort, but it was the one who really came to your rescue.

But you call me uncle?

Still look so scary?


Su Han didn't hold back and laughed.

Sorry, I don't want to laugh unless I can't help it.

This Nima is also so funny.

Hearing the laughter, Lin Feng only felt extremely harsh, and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Su Han laughing, the little loli also laughed, and the little brother smiled better.

Blah blah... You have to call your boyfriend.

"He came with me to save you."

Su Han explained with a smile.

However, Little Lori misunderstood, and nodded abruptly:

"He must be your subordinate, right?"

Her eyes lit up, and she consciously found the truth, and her gaze towards Su Han became more and more adoring.

Sure enough, he is the perfect boyfriend, not only handsome, but also has a special subordinate.

Su Han: "........................" Lin

Feng: "..................

..." Lin Feng was dumbfounded, his face was full of confusion, and he couldn't describe his expression in words at this time.

Nima, I became Su Han's subordinate?

He was a soldier king of a generation, but he fell into such a situation?

Su Han's face was even more smiling, and then looked at Little Lori:

"What about your mobile phone?"

"Trampled by that big sister, she is so fierce."

Little Loli's little face looked angrily in one direction, it was a female robber who was subdued.

Su Han raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Without a mobile phone, how did this little loli place an order?

Can't figure it out.

He didn't think about it anymore.

The system is awesome and it's over.

So, he took out his mobile phone and handed it to her:

"Call your dad, he is going crazy to find you during this time."

He did not forget the purpose of this trip and gained the favor of the Xiao family.


Little Lori took the mobile phone and prepared to call her father.


a moment later, she raised her head and looked at Su Han embarrassedly:

"I seem... Can't remember his number.

"Is it your own father?"

Su Han glanced at her, what a filial daughter.

(⊙ω⊙'): "Yes, but I can't remember the number!"

"Then you call the police directly!"

"Oooh good!"

Little Loli agreed, dialed the demon spirit, and after talking for a moment, she stopped and looked at Su Han:

"Where is this!"

"Villa No. 3 in the Western Suburbs!"

Hanging up the phone, little Loli returned the phone to Su Han, and said with some grievances:

"Does the little brother think I'm stupid?"

"I think you're cute."



"Hee-hee... The little brother is so nice! "


But said that at this time -

Xiao Cheng was going crazy.

The phone calls of the Ministry of Supervision were almost broken by him, but he had not yet received the slightest news.

Not far away, one of his subordinates came over with apprehension.

"How's that, is there any news of my daughter?"

Xiao Cheng saw it, raised his eyelids, and asked with hope.

"Not yet, this time the clown group learned to be cautious, and did not leave any traces..." The

subordinate lowered his head guiltily and reported with difficulty.

Xiao Cheng took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and his heart was cold.

Is he going to lose another daughter?

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was from the Ministry of Supervision.

Xiao Cheng exhaled and picked up the phone.

"Xiao Bureau, found it, found it, your daughter found it."

As soon as it was connected, an excited voice came from the other side.


Xiao Cheng's heart trembled, his eyes widened, and he quickly asked excitedly.

"Found it? Where is it? Was she hurt?

"Your daughter is fine, she called the police, she was saved by a "handsome little brother" she said, right in the western suburbs of villa three!"

"Is it? Then I'll rush over now.

Xiao Cheng was very excited, and after hanging up the phone, he beckoned his subordinates to drive.

He didn't care about the strange title, as long as his daughter was okay.

"Xiao Bureau, did your daughter find it?"

"Well, go to Villa No. 3 in the western suburbs."

Then, a police car quickly headed towards the western suburbs of the magic capital, and I don't know how many red lights it had.

It can be seen that Xiao Cheng's excitement does not find anyone to block traffic release.

It upset a crowd, but seeing that it was a police car, they all shrunk their heads and did not dare to squeak.


On the other side -

the little loli was still holding Su Han, and her little head was rubbing one by one, like a little cat eager for the owner's touch.

So, Su Han decisively stretched out his hand and touched her little head.

Feeling the gentleness of this hand, little loli's face appeared intoxicated.

Suddenly, thinking of something, she raised her little head and looked at Su Han with big watery eyes.

"Little brother, I don't know your name yet."

"Su Han!"

Su Han replied with a light smile.

Feeling the squeeze of the little loli, he couldn't help but be surprised, this little loli is so fierce.

Completely out of proportion to her age and stature, so long?

"Little brother Su Han, it's so good, my name is Xiao Luoli, isn't it also very good, it matches your name very well."

Little Lori's eyes were shining, her eyebrows were bent into a crescent, and she was grinning.

Su Han: "...................."

He this is... Provoked?

Still a little loli, just Nima outrageous.

Do we have two names that match? Don't tease me.

Not sticking at all.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng, who was standing not far away, only felt that he was a light bulb, which seemed so redundant.

Seeing Su Han holding the little loli, the jealousy in his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

What a cute little loli, it will be ruined by Su Han.

Originally, the person who was hugged by the little loli was him.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt stuffed.

On what basis?

It was obviously his hand, but it was Su Han who received the favor?

He didn't get the slightest gratitude, and inexplicably became Su Han's subordinate.

Ask for the shadow area in Lin Feng's heart at this time!


First of all, thank you for your support!

Although the dog author can't comment one by one, they all read it, and the five-star praise is all liked.

There is a big saying that it is not pleasant enough to read, today the dog author sent the fourth more, and then another chapter, that is, five chapters, 10,000 words.

Kneel for all support!!

As long as the big ones give strength, every day 10,000 words are no problem, the dog author bursts the liver to death.

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