"Wu Yan, let you go first, why are you still waiting for me here, let's go, the concert is about to start, let's go in."

Su Han came to the front and opened his mouth with a smile on his face, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Looking at that smile, Leng Wuyan had a momentary loss of concentration, and it really looked good.

"Hmm..." The

ghost made a difference, and she nodded slightly.

Su Han smiled and naturally grabbed her waist.

Leng Wuyan's body trembled slightly, and her momentum changed abruptly, and the queen's attributes were about to explode.

Who is she?

The Queen of Legal, which has made countless people fearful, has never been approached by a man.

Not to mention such an intimate gesture.

Just now, I just didn't react, even if it was Su Han, who was handsome and temperamental, and gave her a trace of good feelings.

However, at this moment, Su Han leaned close to her ear, and a sentence came into her ear:

"I am your shared boyfriend, I know the trouble you are experiencing, isn't this the result you want to see?"

He glanced at the crowd, which at the moment was already frying pan, all talking about the relationship between them.

The heat floated in her ears, and Leng Wuyan felt a little uncomfortable, but after listening to Su Han's words, she gradually calmed down.

That's right -

what did she come to Su Han for?

When her shield, in order to deal with the old man.

As a boyfriend, isn't cuddling normal?

If not, the old man would not believe it.

Moreover, it seems that if he puts his arms around him, he will not suffer a loss.......

Leng Wuyan no longer struggled, silent, it was a tacit acquiescence, and a faint blush appeared on her indifferent and beautiful face.

Seeing this, a light smile appeared on Su Han's face.

The heroine who dealt with this Queen Fan naturally could not be as gentle as she was to those previous heroines, and had to show a tougher side.

You're the Queen, aren't you? Overbearing, huh? Then I will be more domineering than you.

Such a woman is owed to conquer!


the two of them walked towards the Melody Music Hall under the dumbfounded gazes.

And in one corner, Lin Feng's whole person looked stupid, and his eyes were about to pop out.

Special, fake, right?

It's also too bullying.

Just now when I saw you, I was going to be sent to the bottom of the prison.

Su Han not only saw it, but also got started, what is the matter with your delicate appearance?

What about your queen aura just now?

Lin Feng's face was difficult to see the extreme, his face was secondary, and the most important thing was heartache.

This superb beauty is actually the guy's girlfriend.

How scummy Su Han is.

That's four!

Of course, this is the case that he didn't count the little loli, if he knew, he was afraid that he would vomit blood with envy and jealousy.

"That's not right!"

A moment later, Lin Feng's eyes were cold, and he thought of what he had seen just now.

When Su Han hugged Leng Wuyan, Leng Wuyan's body trembled slightly, it was obvious that they had not been so close before.

What's wrong with that?

That legal queen was coerced?

Lin Feng frowned, seeing that the two had left, he hesitated and followed.

However, just as he reached the door, he was stopped by the doorman.

"Please show the invitation!"

Where did Lin Feng get what invitation?

Seeing that Su Han and Leng Wuyan had walked in directly just now, his brows furrowed and he spoke.

"Why didn't you see what invitations they came up with?"

The doorman looked at him with a stupid look: "Do you know the identity of that person?" Miss Leng family, naturally you don't need an invitation, you are something, you will roll without an invitation. Hearing

a doorman speak unceremoniously to himself, Lin Feng was angry in his heart, but he still endured it.

Don't let it in, right?

Can such a small door still be difficult for me to do?


The Melody Hall is huge.

Usually, few people come, and it seems deserted.

Unless there is something going on, it will be lively.

And today

, because the international piano master Robert Saby wants to play,

it attracts many celebrities.

Of course, some of them don't understand music at all, but they don't let them pretend to be elegant.

Coming to the hall, the first floor was already full of people, which was quite noisy.

But who is Leng Wuyan?

The second floor is dedicated to a separate private room.

Under the respectful reception of the waiter, the two went up to the second floor.

The second floor is much cleaner, and there are some private rooms to better watch the music on the stage.

The box is spacious, and there is a piano in the middle for these big people to play on a whim.

In order to let the big guys better pretend and play, they can connect the entire hall for everyone in the hall to enjoy.

Walking into the box, Su Han withdrew his hand and mastered the proportions.

Seeing a tea set on the side, he went up to make tea.

Leng Wuyan was a little stunned, her pupils were dull, and she hadn't come back to her senses.

After a while, she regained her consciousness and collected her emotions, only then did she seriously look at Su Han.

The face is handsome without the slightest flaw, the temperament is calm, and there is a faint sense of domineering.

I saw that he was making tea, and began to skillfully set tea and warm cups... The action is done in one go, and the clouds flow water.

Every move is so indifferent and dashing, and it is pleasing to the eye.

Next, brewing

tea has entered a critical stage, hands flying,

temperament out of dust.

Looking at the action of the clouds and flowing water, as well as Su Han's handsome face, Leng Wuyan couldn't help but be fooled.

"How about trying my craft?"

An indifferent voice full of magnetism came, which made Leng Wuyan suddenly wake up.

Looking intently, he found that Su Han was looking at himself with a smile.

Suddenly, a faint red glow appeared on Leng Wuyan's cheeks.

She was fascinated just now!

Immediately, Leng Wuyan hesitated and walked over.

Seeing the teacup on the table, she put it on her lips, took a sip slightly, and suddenly felt that her mouth was sweet and the tea fragrance was overflowing.

Leng Wuyan's eyes lit up, she had also drunk tea often, but she had never drunk it so well as this time.

Su Han's master tea art is not a joke.

Seeing that he was tasting tea, his posture was elegant, and he looked like everyone, Leng Wuyan was still a little unbelievable, and finally couldn't help but ask:

"Are you really the shared boyfriend I ordered?"

Su Han smiled and asked, "How?" Isn't it like that? "

Leng Wuyan really wants to say that it's not like it, with your temperament, no one doesn't believe that it is a wealthy son, how can he come out as a shared boyfriend?

But the words came to his lips and took them back, which involved the privacy of the other party.

"Formally acquaintance, my name is Su Han!"

Su Han put down the teacup and stretched out his hand with a smile.

Seeing this, Leng Wuyan's brows furrowed slightly, she had never shaken hands with others.

However, looking at Su Han's hand stretched out in the air, she still stretched out her hand.

"Leng Wuyan."

The tentacles were cold and felt good, which made her heart flutter.

As soon as he touched it, Su Han withdrew his hand, and Leng Wuyan felt a little lost inexplicably.

Time passes slowly.

With the sound of a distant bell.

The concert began....

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