Seeing the obsessive look on Leng Wuyan's face, Su Han smiled slightly.

To conquer this queen, it is necessary to defeat her in what she does best, make her feel that she cannot surpass, so that she worships and gradually submits.

One day, this proud legal queen will become as cute as a little milk cat in front of him.

Sensing Su Han's gaze, Leng Wuyan was a little embarrassed, but her eyes were full of light.

After listening to Su Han's performance, she already had some understanding of the piano that reached the ninth level.

I believe that as long as I go back and practice more, it is only a matter of time before I reach the level of Robert Sabie.

But even so, to reach a height like Su Han, I am afraid that it is a lifetime series.

Involuntarily, Leng Wuyan's heart moved.

Why didn't she find Su Han to learn and let him teach herself?

emmm........ That's right!

I just want to learn the piano, not to be with Su Han.

At this thought, her eyes became brighter.

And outside the hall -

at the moment it is already noisy, and it cannot be suppressed.

"The sound of the piano came from the box on the second floor, which big man is it?"

"I want to worship the teacher, in front of that big man, this Sabi piano master is a fart!"

"Just now, that kid's piano level has to be worshipped, so isn't it worthy to carry shoes for this big man?"

"Aaaaaa Who is it? I'm looking forward to seeing you soon..................


And on the high platform -

the international piano master Robert Sabi, who was originally kneeling on the ground, has stood up at an unknown time.

He was also a little farther away from Lin Feng, looking like I didn't know him.

His eyes looked at the second-floor box, and his eyes were full of fanaticism.

He sees the piano as his life, and he will do whatever it takes to make a little improvement to the piano.

This was also the reason why he knelt down to worship Lin Feng.

But since listening to the piano just now, he feels like a frog at the bottom of the well.

This is the master of the piano, which has gone to the extreme of the piano.

What kind of existence is it to bring people into artistic conception?


Yes, he must meet this real piano everyone.

He did not have the luxury of being able to worship a teacher, and in front of that person, he did not even have the qualifications to worship a teacher.

If you can get a few words of guidance from the other party, it is already lucky.

On the other side, Lin Feng's

face was gloomy and very ugly.

Looking at the crowd who had just praised and admired himself, but now they forgot about him, feverishly discussing a person he had never met.

What kind of human tragedy is this Nima?

He was also staring at the second floor, trying to see who it was.

Is it Leng Wuyan?

No way!

If her piano had this level, she would not have come to this concert.

Could it be Su Han?

It doesn't look like it!

Being able to integrate so many feelings into it must have extremely rich experience, how did Su Han do it?


Finally -

in the expectant gaze, Su Han walked out, and Leng Wuyan followed step by step, and the queen's aura had long disappeared.

Seeing them, everyone was stunned for a moment.

They are all celebrities in high society, and for Leng Wuyan, the queen of the legal world, it can be said that no one does not know.

And who is the man next to her?

The face is indescribably handsome, and the temperament is like a spring breeze, which is elusive.

Vaguely, they felt that the two were headed by the man.

It's kind of incredible.

Since everywhere he came, he was a powerful legal queen, when did he show this gesture?

Who is that man?

What exactly is the identity?

This doubt appeared in everyone's minds.

To be sure, that man was definitely not simple, otherwise he would not have let this queen treat him like this.


, although I wanted to know who was playing the piano just now,

I did not dare to ask about it.

However, Robert Sabi, who has an avid love for pianos, can't help it.

I saw him running to the front with a fart, expectantly and cautiously asking:

"May I ask, which of you played that piano piece just now?"

"It's me, what's wrong?"

Looking at the piano master in front of him, the expression on Su Han's face was a little playful.

The protagonist's descending aura is really terrifying.

In order to fulfill his pretense, the international piano master knelt down to worship the master regardless of face, which was outrageous.

"Plop—" Before

everyone could react, the piano master knelt again.

He looked at Su Han with adoration, and his eyes were extremely sincere.

"I was just deeply shocked by your performance, your achievements in the piano have reached the peak, I love the piano very much, I ask for your advice, no matter what the cost I am willing."

Brush -

this scene, some people were stunned, this piano everyone actually knelt again.

Kneeling is not to worship the teacher, but to give the handsome man a few instructions, and is willing to pay all the price.

This also showed the gap between Lin Feng and this man.

Some people couldn't help but look at Lin Feng on the high platform, and a teasing look flashed in their eyes.

It was like watching a clown show.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Lin Feng's face changed for a while, and he really changed his face quickly like a clown.

"Not interested!"

Su Han shook his head, took Leng Wuyan's hand with one hand, and walked straight out of the concert hall.

He wasn't interested in pointing out the Sabi pianist.

Even if he is internationally famous, he does not put it in his eyes.

Being held by Su Han's hand, feeling the strange gazes coming from all directions, Leng Wuyan's face was a little red, and he was quite emotional in his heart.

In order to improve her piano skills, she also came to Robert Sabi's concert.

Unexpectedly, in front of Su Han, he didn't even have the qualifications to be pointed out.

At the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

I don't know, will Su Han point himself out?

It wasn't until the two of them left that everyone in the hall reacted.

"Groove? It was the young man who played that divine comedy just now!

"Huh....... Isn't this piano master a joke? They are also willing to pay any price, and people simply do not look at it.

"I'm more curious about his relationship with the Queen of Justice than this."

"Nonsense, all holding hands, it must be a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, so envious of Queen Leng, there is such a handsome and temperamental boyfriend."

"Oh my God... The legal queen actually has a boyfriend, and finally someone submits to that queen



Walking out of the concert hall, Leng Wuyan thought of the question just now, and couldn't help but stop talking.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the strange look on her face, Su Han asked suspiciously.

"I listened to the piano music you played just now, it is very helpful to me, I wonder if I can ask you for advice in the future?"

After that, she looked at Su Han expectantly.

"Of course, you are my customer, you can ask me for anything."

Su Han smiled, and there was a hint between the words.

In fact, he wanted to ask Leng Wuyan, it was better to exaggerate.

The richest man in the world, the pinnacle of power, omnipotent ....

This is during the rental period, the system will give him the corresponding ability according to the customer's requirements, and when the time comes, as long as he gets a five-star praise, everything can be converted into permanent.

When Leng Wuyan heard this, a look of joy appeared on her face, and then she couldn't help but feel a little sad:

"Just because I'm your customer..."

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