"Actually, I have good eyesight, I see everything in the morning..."

Brush -

Su Han's words sounded in her ears, Leng Wuyan could no longer hold back, her face began to turn red, her eyes were full of ears, and she was so ashamed that she was about to smoke.

Seeing this, Su Han chuckled, and with a roar of the car, the Porsche Super left in the dust.

Leng Wuyan was stunned in place, and it took a while to come back to his senses, look at the distant car shadow, and stomp his foot in shame.

"Abominable Su Han!"

However, the corners of her mouth were upturned, and she did not show the slightest look of anger.

She raised her hand and looked at the sanitary napkin in her hand, a bright smile on her face.

It seems that having such a warm boyfriend is not bad.

At this moment, Leng Wuyan's mobile phone rang, it was the notification message of the "shared boyfriend", asking her to comment on this service.

In the car -

Su Han was still thinking about the scene of Leng Wuyan's face flushed, which was really funny.

At this moment, a series of system prompts sounded in my mind.

[Ding... Congratulations on completing your fifth order and getting five-star praise from your customers. 【

Ding... The temporary abilities you gain during the rental period are converted to perpetual. 【

Ding... All temporary items you get during the rental period are converted to permanent. 【

Ding... The system is evaluating your mission order, congratulations on getting a perfect review, bonus points: 5000 points!

"It seems that this queen is not so difficult to conquer."

Su Han's eyes flashed and he laughed.

What he said just now was also a temptation, if Leng Wuyan really gave him a bad review, he would not provoke this heroine in the future.

This is all angry, and later learned of his relationship with other women, ironclad Shura.

There are hundreds of heroines in this world, and there is no shortage of her.

But it seems that the situation is not bad.

"Jingle bells... Jingle bells... Jingle bells... Jingle bell..."

Just then, the phone rang.

Su Han opened it and looked at it, his eyebrows raised slightly, it was Lin Wanqing calling.

On the other side

, Lin Wanqing was in the delicious street, holding a skewer in her hand.

Although she is a young lady, she sometimes comes out to fight the autumn breeze, and she likes the grilled skewers in the delicious street.

Seeing the men and women holding hands walking beside her, Lin Wanqing thought of Su Han, she hadn't seen anyone for two days.

So, she threw away the skewer in her hand, wiped her mouth, and adjusted her breathing again.

Only then took out her mobile phone and dialed Su Han's number, and then she looked forward to it.

"Ding-" The

phone was connected, and Lin Wanqing asked nervously.

"Su Han, what are you doing? Didn't bother you, did it? "

Driving, what's wrong?"

"Are you done with your business?"

"It's over, I'm about to go back."


Lin Wanqing was delighted, and quickly said: "Don't go back first, I'm in the delicious street, do you want to come over?" The

tone was full of expectation.

"Delicious Street?"

Su Han was surprised and asked,

"Are you alone?"

"Hmm!" Lin Wanqing nodded.

"Why don't you find a girlfriend to accompany you, don't you know that it's dangerous to go out at night?"

Su Han's tone was a little stern.

He is not joking, Lin Wanqing has the aura of the heroine, maybe there will be a few ruffians, and then the protagonist jumps out to save the beauty.

"I....... I..." was

counted down by Su Han, Lin Wanqing was speechless, and her heart was very sweet.

This represents Su Han's concern for her.

"Wait there, I'll come right away."

"Oh....... Well..."

Lin Wanqing was stunned for a moment, and then she was extremely happy, and her tone was a little incoherent.

"Su Han is coming to me?"

Listening to the busy tone coming from the mobile phone, Lin Wanqing was still a little dizzy.

She finally made an appointment with Su Han in the evening.

Thinking of the plan that could be carried out at night, Lin Wanqing's heart began to "plop" and jumped quickly.

Then, she quickly ran to the bathroom to tidy up and dress up.


Ten minutes later

, Lin Wanqing came out of the bathroom, dressed noble and elegant, and stood at the intersection and waited.

And not far away, Lin Feng was wandering aimlessly.

Today, he was counted down by Gu Yicheng, the president of Iceberg, which made him very depressed, and came out at night to relax.

Since returning to the city, he has not had a smooth life, not to mention all kinds of targets by the president of Iceberg, and he has met that Su Han several times.

It's just that this is Kyushu, tied up, can't take Su Han yet, let him be very humiliated.


Seeing a familiar figure standing in front of him, Lin Feng was stunned and stopped.

It was the beautiful landlord Lin Wanqing.

What is she doing here?

Soon, Lin Feng knew what she was doing, and saw her greeting a man with a smile.

Who else is not Su Han?

Lin Feng's face turned dark, it was that guy again.

"Su Han!"

Lin Wanqing quickly greeted him, missed it after a few days, and first came to a hug.

"Next time you come out at night, do you want to tell me you know?" If something happens to you, I'll be sad.

Su Han rubbed her head and said with a smile.

After a pause, he asked again,

"Did you come here without eating?"

"Uh Eat, I'm here for a late-night snack.

"What would you like to eat?"

"I don't know, Su Han, you say!"

Lin Wanqing originally planned to eat skewers, but when Su Han came, she must be relying on her own man.

"You came here, you little gluttonous cat came out to steal fishy, right? Then we'll eat skewers!

Su Han glanced around, and looked at Lin Wanqing again, with a playful expression that you have already seen through by me.

Lin Wanqing "clicked" in her heart, what should I do? It was discovered.

But for a moment she reacted, what did Su Han call her?

Little cat?

Such an affectionate title, what a shame!

Lin Wanqing's thoughts flew over, her little heart "plopped" and kept beating, and two blush appeared on her beautiful face.

"Hmm..." Lin

Wanqing was of course okay and answered in a low voice.


Seeing this, a smile appeared on Su Han's face and pulled her towards a stall.

Feeling the warmth coming from the palm of her hand, Lin Wanqing's pretty face turned even redder, and the corners of her mouth raised a slight curve.

When the two came to a stall, Su Han glanced at the fresh meat skewers on the stall and said,

"Grill all of these for me!"

He pointed out something casually, and then sat down with Lin Wanqing and waited.


The two talked and laughed while waiting for the barbecue!

Ten minutes later,

strings of fragrant skewers were brought to the table.

Smelling the scent that came to her face, Lin Wanqing couldn't help swallowing her spit, but when she thought of Su Han next to her, she couldn't help but blush.

"Shame on you!"

Lin Wanqing was self-contained, and she was apprehensive in her heart, Su Han would not dislike her, right?


At this moment, a chicken leg appeared in front of him, and Su Han's magnetic voice came from his ears.

She took the chicken leg, but hesitated, and did not take a bite for a long time.

"Why are you stunned?"

An inarticulate voice came, and Lin Wanqing turned her head sideways and saw Su Han tasting another chicken leg with great taste.

Seeing this, she couldn't care so much, and bit into the chicken leg in front of her.

After eating a bunch of chicken legs, Lin Wanqing found that there was no movement next to her and looked up.

He found that Su Han was looking at himself with a smile on his face.

Thinking that her imageless appearance just now was seen by Su Han, she couldn't help but be stunned in place.

"It's over....... Being seen by Su Han, what will he think of me?

"Does he think I'm too inattentive to image?" Could it be..." She

was full of thoughts in her heart, constantly making up Su Han's opinion of herself.


Lin Wanqing found that there was something on her lips, she opened her eyes, and what came into view was Su Han's hand.

Holding a tissue in his hand, he was wiping the corners of her mouth.

Looking in the direction of his arm, he saw Su Han's handsome face.

At this moment, Lin Wanqing was stunned!

Su Han was actually wiping her mouth.

In her heart, an unprecedented warm current emerged.

"Look at you, what a little flower cat!"

There was Su Han's voice in her ears, Lin Wanqing only felt extremely sweet, her heart was about to melt, and she only felt that her whole soul was filled with happiness.

It's a good feeling.

Not far away

, Lin Feng saw such an intimate scene between the two, trembling with anger, and his heart was like a knife.

Originally, all this should have been his, and it was taken away by that guy.

Seeing the woman he likes throw into the arms of others, but he is powerless to stop it, that feeling, don't mention how uncomfortable.

However, the scene he saw next made him even more heartbroken.

Su Han put down the tissue, glanced at Lin Feng in the distance, and a bad taste appeared in his heart, playful opening:

"Wanqing, I helped you wipe your mouth, should you also express it?"

Brush -

Lin Wanqing woke up in shock, looked up just in time to see the mocking look on Su Han's face, and saw some oil stains at the corners of his mouth.

She was instantly stunned, her eyes suddenly lit up, Su Han is letting himself wipe his mouth?

So, she pulled out a tissue from the table

, but because Su Han was taller than her, she could only move closer.

Who knew that when he came to Su Han, he didn't know what he stepped on, his left foot was tripped up, and his center of gravity fell to the ground unsteadily.


If this is broken, he must break the phase.

But she thought too much, with Su Han there, how could she be disfigured?

Su Han made a move, took her into his arms, and let her sit on her lap.

Lin Wanqing hugged Su Han's neck.

Fortunately, the light here is relatively dark, and no one notices it, otherwise they would think that the two of them are doing something exciting.

Lin Wanqing came back to her senses and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Be careful, if you break it, I'll be worried!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Lin Wanqing discovered her situation, sitting on Su Han's lap, her hands still around his neck.

This...... Too ambiguous, right?

I like it!

"Are you going to wipe your mouth for me?"

"Hmm..." Lin

Wanqing was a little embarrassed, she was going to help Su Han, but she almost fell.

"I haven't finished eating yet, what do you wipe your mouth?"

"Then you asked me to indicate that it was...?"

"I'm going to... You feed me


Came late, wrote more, eight thousand today!

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