For Lin Feng's photo, Su Han didn't know, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

On the contrary, he will thank him, just take this opportunity to test Leng Wuyan, and he may consider whether to go to the net.

Su Han was in a good mood, and Lin Wanqing was even more happy, and the two of them strolled around this bustling night market.

Lin Feng, on the side, took a taxi to Leng Wuyan's law firm.

Originally, he thought of washing out the photos nearby and throwing them at the door of Leng Wuyan's office, so that she could find it when she opened the door tomorrow.

But unexpectedly, it happened to happen that Leng Wuyan sorted out the documents and came out.

Lin Feng was ecstatic and walked up.

Leng Wuyan took her work very seriously, and what she did that day would be completed on the same day.

It was only because he knew that Su Han was going to leave at night, and he was reluctant in his heart, so he left his job, even if he endured physical discomfort, let him accompany him to see the scenery in the afternoon.

Therefore, after Su Han left, she came to the office to deal with the case in the morning.

As soon as he walked out of the office, he saw a disgusting guy, and Leng Wuyan frowned.

She ignored it, was unwell today and was ready to drive home to rest early.

It is also strange to say that after using the sanitary napkin given by Su Han, it has a great relief effect.

Can this thing still be alleviated?

(This has to mention the awesomeness of the system.) At

the same time that she felt incredible, she was also full of gratitude to Su Han.

This kind of thing should be expensive, right?

It seems that Su Han really put a lot of thought into her for her.

However, thinking of what Su Han said to her before leaving, everything was seen by him, and Leng Wuyan felt a pang of shame and indignation.

Seeing that Leng Wuyan just glanced at him and didn't pay attention to him at all, Lin Feng's face darkened a little.

He hurriedly quickened his pace, stopped in front of Leng Wuyan before he got into the car, and said with a playful smile:

"Lawyer Leng, I have something for you to see."

"Get out of here!"

However, Leng Wuyan was as cold as ever, and he drank coldly.

"Uh... Well, I almost forgot that this woman had a virtue with Gu Yicheng.

Lin Feng touched his nose, rolled his eyes and said, "

It's about Su Han,

aren't you interested?"


Leng Wuyan raised her eyelids and looked at him coldly, the queen was full of aura.

Lin Feng quickly took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, and put it in front of her.

Leng Wuyan's eyes narrowed and she saw Su Han and Lin Wanqing in the photo.

The two walked together and seemed to have a very close relationship.

She took the phone, looked at it loudly, and her face changed for a while.

Several photos in the album were photos of Su Han and that woman, and looking at the shooting time, it was not long ago.

Her face gradually became cold, which seemed to affect the surrounding air, and Lin Feng only felt a chill arise from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but laugh secretly, as if he had obtained a bottle of water in the desert, which was extremely refreshing.

Several times he was provoked and cut off by Su Han, which made him feel aggrieved in his heart, and he could see Su Han overturning, not to mention how cool.

Dare to play with the feelings of this legal queen, looking at her angry appearance now, Su Han is afraid that she will be sent to the bottom of the prison to sit through?

At this moment, Leng Wuyan finally spoke.

"I don't care who you are, wait for the court summons tomorrow, secretly photograph to invade the privacy of others, plus your ugly original sin, let me go to jail and wear it."

She looked at Lin Feng coldly, her tone was high, without the slightest emotion.

After that, she opened the car door and left directly.

"Beautiful... Ga?

Lin Feng laughed loudly, but when he heard what Leng Wuyan said, his smile suddenly stiffened and he was stunned in place.

What did he hear?

Not to send Su Han in, but to send him in? Because he invaded his privacy by secretly filming?

Nima, fake, the script is not right.

Looking at the distant car shadow, Lin Feng was completely stupid, the mobile phone he just bought.

What's going on here?

He came to snitch on the legal queen and was not only scolded and sat in prison, but also lost a new mobile phone.

Lin Feng wanted to cry without tears, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

And Leng Wuyan?

When she saw Su Han with other women, she was indeed quite angry.

But she thought of the relationship between the two, the contract relationship was over, what reason did she have to be angry with Su Han?

Thinking of Su Han's identity, sharing her boyfriend, maybe it will be his new customer.

Who is to blame for this?

If you want to blame, blame yourself for the short time to place an order.

If this idea is heard by the woman who placed the order before, I am afraid that she will think that she is in Versailles, and they have only placed an order for a day.

Leng Wuyan drove the car, looking at the photos on her mobile phone from time to time, and her thoughts did not belong.

"What are you doing so close?"

"Isn't it supposed to happen to them at night?"

"No, Su Han must not be with that woman, that woman is seducing him when she sees it, I can't let him fall into it."

The more he thought about it, the more wrong it became, Leng Wuyan finally picked up his mobile phone and dialed it.


But said that on the other side, Su

Han and Lin Wanqing went to see the night scene again after visiting the night market.

Lin Wanqing smiled happily all the way, thinking of tonight's plan, after taking Su Han, it would be even more perfect.

She had already begun to think in her heart about which method she used to provoke on the Internet at night, and the posture after prodding...

Lin Wanqing kept staring at the time, and when it was ten o'clock, she looked at

Su Han:

"Su Han, I'm a little tired of shopping, let's go home."

When she said this, her eyes dodged, she was embarrassed, and she did not dare to look at Su Han.


Su Han saw her strangeness, raised his eyebrows, and a playful look appeared on his face.

These women are really uncomfortable, and their brows are thinking of pushing him backwards, which makes him very helpless.

You are the heroine, can't you be reserved?

Then, Lin Wanqing got into Su Han's car and walked towards the villa area of Shanhaiwan.

The co-pilot, thinking of what was going to happen next, Lin Wanqing's heart "plopped" and jumped.

Under the nervousness, she actually forgot the sultry method she had thought of, and she was suddenly anxious.

So regardless of Su Han being next to her, she took out her mobile phone to open Du Niang and clicked into the collection.

[On 18 Techniques for Flirting with Men! ] 【

99 poses that make men want you! 】 【

How to make men die for you! 】

Su Han was looking at the car, saw that she was not reluctant, and chuckled.

Before he was bold and open, he began to panic when he approached the moment.

It turned out to be a king with a strong mouth.

But it was useless to panic, provoking his anger, and it was impossible to let go.

Soon, the Porsche Super drove into the mountain bay and came to the villa.

Lin Wanqing was still looking at the phone, Su Han was a little speechless, you have seen dozens of pictures for so long.

He really wanted to say, you don't have to worry about this, just lie down obediently.

Leave the rest to him.

He had 108 in his mind, in more detail.

"It's arrived!"

Su Han stretched out his hand and patted Lin Wanqing's shoulder.


Lin Wanqing came back to her senses, her hand shook in fright, and she fell to her thigh.

"Arrived, what are you looking at, so fascinating."

Su Han said with a playful smile.

"Nothing, nothing!"

Lin Wanqing quickly waved her hand, her face rather flustered.

Later, she also got out of the car, but looking at the villa in front of her, she became even more nervous.

"Jingle bells... Jingle bells... Jingle bells... Jingle bell..." Just

as Su Han was about to call Lin Wanqing into the house, his mobile phone rang.

Su Han opened it, his face changed slightly, and he quickly returned to his senses.

"I'll take a call!"

After saying to Lin Wanqing, Su Han took the mobile phone and left.

Lin Wanqing nodded stunned, watching Su Han walk away, and she gradually recovered.

"Lin Wanqing, what are you afraid of? Isn't that what you want?

"It's done tonight, Su Han will be yours in the future, and you can be together every day in the future."

"I missed this time, I don't know how long I have to wait, come on you are the best."

"Be sure to take Su Han down today!"

After some psychological hints, she seemed to have confidence, and she waved her fist, her eyes full of fighting spirit.

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