Sensing that Su Han had arrived, Leng Wuyan remained silent on the surface, leisurely sipping tea, and his heart was a little panicked.

After all, it was the first time she wore it like this, deliberately wearing it to a man.

Su Han walked over, came to the sofa, and was about to sit down, when his eyes suddenly froze.

His gaze fell on a mobile phone on the table, and the screen was lit up at this time, and inside was a photo of him and Lin Wanqing walking together.

A look appeared on his face, no wonder he felt that something was wrong with the legal queen tonight, this Nima was discovered.

Looking at this mobile phone, it was a little familiar, and I remembered that I saw it from his pocket when Lin Feng took pictures of them before.

Immediately he figured it out.

It should be that Lin Feng finally couldn't get angry, took a photo and showed it to Leng Wuyan, so that he could see his joke.

Oh, it's still too young!

With Lin Feng's brain, how could he know the relationship between them?

Yes, Su Han did not panic in the slightest, anyway, nothing has happened now.

You're just my clients.

Isn't it normal for me to accompany customers?

Leng Wuyan put the mobile phone on the table, originally planning to question Su Han, does that fox spirit look good with her? Why do you have to accompany her at night?

If you want to do something at night, you may look for her.

However, after Su Han's arrival, she couldn't say anything when she came to her mouth.

The trace of anger that remained in the original instantly disappeared into invisibility.

Seeing Su Han, I felt that seeing the sun in early spring made people feel solid and relaxed.

"Wuyan, you are unwell now, you need to rest early."

At this moment, Su Han's words came, and Leng Wuyan felt a little joy in her heart, was this concerned about her?

"I was angry that a nasty guy just took a picture of you and showed it to me..." She

put down her teacup and spoke faintly.

Su Han showed such an expression, but when he heard Leng Wuyan's words, his eyelids couldn't help but jump.

No way?

I have nothing to do with you, and I didn't take the initiative to provoke you, there's no need.

It seems that this queen's possessiveness is not ordinarily strong.

In the end, Su Han gave such an evaluation in his heart, don't provoke this legal queen in the future.

However, Leng Wuyan's voice then came: "I was very angry at that time and decided to prosecute him for violating the privacy of others. Su


Han was stunned for a moment, sure he heard correctly?

It was to sue Lin Feng for violating his privacy.

Instead of sending him to jail and sitting through?

His eyes became weird, it seemed that this heroine's personality had collapsed!

"Su Han, what do you think of my handling?"

Leng Wuyan looked at him, with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

"Ahem, very good!"

The legal queen showed this kind of look, really a little unbearable, like a little grudge.

"Let's go to the piano room, I still have some questions for you."

Afterwards, the two went up to the second floor, which was still the familiar piano room.

Leng Wuyan sat down in front of the piano first, saw that Su Han was still standing, and urged:

"Why are you still standing?" Come and teach me.

"Haven't you learned all of 'Floating Dreams'?" What else do you want me to teach you?

"To create the Divine Comedy that shocked the situation, you must have other creations, and I want to learn them too."

Leng Wuyan was actually a little coquettish, and if she let people who were familiar with her see it, her jaw would drop to the ground in shock.

This is really incredible, the queen who is high up would coquette with a man.

"Made, something is wrong with this heroine!"

Rao is Su Han is stunned, the queen of Gao Leng turned into the little sister next door, which is really outrageous.

After filtering it in his mind, he casually found a song and prepared to hand it to her.

The title of the song "The End of the World"!

It is a heart-wrenching love song, love you for a lifetime, even if it is far apart.

Leng Wuyan listened fascinated, and her thoughts flew in her heart.

"It's so romantic, why did Su Han talk about this song? Was he hinting at something to himself?

"Does he like me, what should I do?" Is it a promise? Or promised? "

Oh, isn't it too early, we've only known each other for two days..." If

he knew her thoughts, Su Han would definitely be messy, heaven and earth conscience, he really just looked for a random song.

Besides, you are the Queen of Law, can you not be such a fool?

"Jingle bells....... Jingle bells....... Jingle bells....... Jingle bells......."At

this moment, Su Han's mobile phone rang.

"I'll take a call, you practice first."

After saying that, Su Han walked out of the piano room.

He was afraid that it was from other women, so he walked a little far away and didn't let Leng Wuyan hear it.

Pulling out his mobile phone, he saw that it was Xiang Dongliu, the concert hall owner.

"Mr. Su, you are really powerful, your song "Floating Dreams" has been sealed, and there are countless people who have asked me to inquire about you, but don't worry, I didn't tell them without your permission..."

Only then picked up the phone, and an excited voice came from the other side.

"Mr. Su, now there are many channel vendors looking for me to cooperate, according to the previous agreement, I will hand over all the channel fees to you, and I will immediately call 100 million..."

Su Han hung up the phone, a smile appeared on his face, he is also a person who is not bad at money now.

Handed over to Xiang Dongliu to deal with, he was not worried, after all, knowing his relationship with Leng Wuyan, he did not dare to play any tricks.

In a good mood, he was ready to go back, but when he turned around, he couldn't help but be startled.

Is it Leng Wuyan, I don't know when I ran behind him, is it so scary?

Seeing his doubtful gaze, Leng Wuyan smiled awkwardly:

"I'll see if you left secretly, emmm... That's right, that's it. Su

Han: ".................."

God left secretly, are you here to eavesdrop?

He secretly said in his heart, fortunately, it was not those women who wanted to provoke him at all times, I was afraid that Leng Wuyan would run away.

Leng Wuyan naturally heard the content of the call, embarrassed and relieved at the same time.

Immediately took Su Han's hand: "Come and teach me, I haven't learned yet..." The

two returned to the piano, and the same Su Han sat next to him, teaching hand-in-hand.

Leng Wuyan turned her head and looked, she felt that there was no problem, but Su Han sat on her left, and her right hand needed to be stretched very long, which was very hard.

She was touched in her heart, it turned out that Su Han taught her like this, and it was too hard, and it was too good for her.

"Su Han, are you sharing a chair with me?"

After saying that, she was stunned, her heart jumped, sitting on a chair, wouldn't that be more intimate?

It's really a personal teacher.


Su Han glanced at the pajamas she was wearing, very thin, just one piece, and he said with some hesitation:

"Isn't this right?" Or come here today.

When Leng Wuyan heard this, the original shyness disappeared, and she spoke firmly:

"No, I must learn this song."

She thought of the photo just now, Su Han and that fox spirit hugged together, is she really not comparable to that enchanting slut?

"Okay then!"

Seeing Leng Wuyan vacate his position, Su Han sat down, wisps of fragrance filled his nose.

Now the appearance of the two is really very close.

Leng Wuyan also felt the masculine aura from Su Han's body, and her heart was even more chaotic, and the level of the piano she played was not even as good as that of an amateur.

However, under the hand-in-hand teaching of Su Han, the god of music, Leng Wuyan finally reluctantly learned to waste...

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