Because Jiang Chen was promoted to the fifth level of the Lingfu realm after his cultivation.

Without stopping for half a step, the aura began to accumulate again, heading towards the Lingfu Realm Sixfold.

"Who the hell is this guy? Why have I never seen one in the Spirit Sword Sect?"

Jiang Yuanling's beautiful eyes blinked, and his pretty face was incredible.

It stands to reason that such a talented person should be well-known in the outer gate of the Spirit Sword Sect.

But she had never seen each other, nor had she heard of each other.

Although Jiang Yuanling is not close to men, he is not the kind of person who is dedicated to retreat and cultivate.

The outer sect of the Spirit Sword Sect seems to have thousands of disciples, and there are only a handful of truly talented ones.

Once a gifted person is born, it will inevitably cause discussion and even the attention of the elders.

In this way, it is natural to become famous.

Just as Jiang Yuanling was guessing, Jiang Chen made another big move.

This time, the action is even bigger than the last one.

I saw the spiritual spring water gurgling and boiling.

The surging aura of a hundred meters was absorbed by Jiang Chen, and then converged to the extreme, and finally exploded again.

It was like a ball of water condensed and then popped.

The air wave spring water spread, Jiang Yuanling couldn't dodge and was splashed, and his beautiful face was full of spiritual water, becoming an embarrassed soup chicken.

Jiang Chen still closed his eyes, as if he hadn't noticed.

When Jiang Yuanling reacted, Jiang Chen's body exuded a faint golden glow, and a sharp aura of Gengjin made everything within a radius of 100 meters tremble.

"I can't imagine that this guy is so demonic, and he is actually going to be promoted again?"

At this time, seeing Jiang Chen's state of wanting to advance again, Jiang Yuanling was a little numb.

Xindao: It's only been less than a few minutes before you are about to advance again?

Although Jiang Yuanling is self-controlled, he is a genius in people's mouths.

But she knew that her cultivation was all based on the accumulation of time.

It's definitely not like Jiang Chen.

At this moment, even Jiang Yuanling herself didn't notice it, she had a strong interest in this strange person who had only seen her for a long time.

Jiang Chen is like a ball of light, which is very attractive, attracting the surrounding people to study deeply.

Jiang Yuanling's voice just fell.

Jiang Chen's body made another rumbling sound, like a huge spinning motor, frantically absorbing the spiritual spring.

In a moment, his cultivation rose sharply again, like a layer of ocean waves rushing in, and then layer upon layer to form a terrifying wave of qi, affecting everything within a radius of 100 meters.

After absorbing countless spiritual qi, the violent aura in Jiang Chen's body suddenly erupted, and his cultivation broke through to the sixth level of the Lingfu realm.

All this came and went quickly, and Jiang Chen's aura was several times stronger than before.

"Does he still want to impact the Spirit Mansion Realm Sevenfold?"

Seeing that after Jiang Chen broke through his cultivation, he was still absorbing the spiritual energy in the spirit pool.

Jiang Yuanling pursed his lips, a look of disbelief flashing in his beautiful eyes.

Now she's completely numb.

She couldn't see how wicked this guy in front of her was.

Absorbed half of the spiritual spring water, and advanced to two levels of cultivation.

Now he actually wants to break through again in one go?

You must know that Jiang Chen was only the fourth level of the Spirit Mansion Realm half an hour ago.

The gap with her is quite big.

But as soon as half an hour passed, he was about to catch up with himself?

Although the gap between the three realms seemed to be very large, with Jiang Chen's current demonic promotion speed, I am afraid that in less than half a month, this guy will have to break through the Spirit Sea Realm, right? I don't

dare to think about

I really can't think about it.

Next, after Jiang Yuanling reacted, he found that Jiang Chen's absorption of spiritual energy had slowed down, like a trickle, as if it was very different from the violent scene just now.

"Phew, it seems that he is not trying to advance again, but just to strengthen his foundation. Jiang

Chen's absorption of spiritual energy slowed down, which showed that he would not break through again.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuanling suppressed the curiosity in his heart and began to close his eyes and cultivate.

After all, her original purpose was to cultivate, but who knew that she had watched Jiang Chen's breakthrough for a long time.

"Why is this girl staring at me all the time

?" "Could it be that I have become very handsome and handsome now?"

Jiang Chen, who was cultivating, did not open his eyes, and said in his heart.

Although he had been cultivating all along, his perception was very clear.

He could feel that Jiang Yuanling had been staring at him, and he was still muttering slurred words in his mouth, although he couldn't hear it, Jiang Yuanling's shocked look betrayed her.

It seems that the other party was frightened by the speed of his promotion.

Of course, the promotion speed is so fast not because Jiang Chen is too demonic, but because the devouring trick is too demonic.

The Devouring Technique itself is only a spirit-level low-grade exercise.

But when Jiang Chen had just been promoted, the Devouring Technique was automatically promoted to the middle grade of the spirit level, so there was a scene where he had just absorbed the strong spiritual energy.

Not to mention, after this devouring technique was promoted, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy was greatly increased, twice as fast as before, and it was even more handy to operate.

It's hard to imagine what kind of grand occasion it would be if this devouring recipe were to be promoted to an emperor-level exercise?

Anyway, Jiang Chen is not dead, and there is no problem in relying on this technique to become a supreme.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen closed his eyes and continued to absorb the aura, wanting to consolidate his cultivation.

After all, he had just broken through the twofold cultivation in one go, and his foundation was a little vain, so he had to consolidate it well.

After that, Jiang Chen continued to cultivate and took a good mandarin duck bath with Jiang Yuanling.



It is a mile away from Lingquan.

Lin Feng walked in the Spirit Sword Forest with a disgraced face.

His face turned pale and he asked in frustration,

"Teacher, where is the spiritual spring? How long will it take? I can't bear it anymore."

"You stinky boy, what's the hurry, I'm here soon. Long Lao blew his beard and glared.

"How can you not be in a hurry, teacher, the spiritual energy in my spirit mansion has been exhausted, in case a demon beast comes out later, can't you be beaten?"

Lin Feng was speechless, Long Lao asked him to kill the demon beast for an hour in a row, and then he was not allowed to run the exercises to restore his strength.

Now that he is exhausted, the aura of the Lingfu is at the bottom, and every step is torment.

However, at the thought of being able to soak comfortably in the spiritual spring to recover immediately, Lin Feng gritted his teeth and persevered, dragging his heavy steps towards the place where Long Lao fingered.

Soon, Lin Feng suffered all kinds of suffering, and finally walked between the two peaks, a line of sky.

At a glance, it was pitch black, and below the intersection of the peaks was a huge ravine, in which the dark river flowed, and it looked extremely terrifying, as if a giant beast squatting below that chose people to eat.

"Teacher, is the spiritual spring inside?"

Feeling the abundance of spiritual energy around him, Lin Feng instantly lifted his spirit, because he felt that every cell in his body was jumping.

It's like a person who has been thirsty for days and suddenly a well full of sweet water suddenly appears in front of him.

He couldn't wait to get inside, but as soon as he took a step, the gravel under his feet fell into the bottomless water, and he felt his scalp tingle.

"Teacher, I can't get by, I don't have any strength now. Lin Feng wanted to cry without tears, this feeling was like having a snack that he couldn't eat.

"What are you afraid of, isn't there an old man here? Hold on, the old man will take you up!" Long Lao smiled, and used his spirit body to lift Lin Feng and float towards the sky.


The foothills are full of towering trees, as well as a lush landscape.

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