"What the hell is this

? a bone? well???" "What the hell is the Sword Auction House doing, what is there to auction for a bone."

"Yes, I think too, but this bone looks very extraordinary, like the bone of a powerful demon beast, tsk, and glows golden.

"Don't speculate in a hurry, wait for Chief Dream to introduce you. "


As Jiang Chen pondered how to slap the keel in his hand.

The auctioneers below are in a mess, and it looks like a downtown area.

"Everyone, don't be impatient, Mengyu knows that everyone must be very curious about this thing.

"Since that's the case, Mengyu won't sell Guanzi. When the

words fell, Mengyu waved her hand slightly, pointing to the keel and explaining.

"This thing is a powerful and unknown demon beast bone!"

"It was obtained by the elder of the Sword Auction House half a year ago in the ruins of a powerhouse of the True King Realm.

"Although this bone looks mediocre, it has been identified by this auction house as the bone of a powerful demon beast from 10,000 years ago.

"Don't underestimate this palm-sized bone, this bone is terrifyingly powerful, and it can make ordinary demon beasts surrender and fear just by breathing.

"And this bone is as hard as black iron, and it is a good material for forging weapons. Anyway

, in order to demonstrate more intuitively, Mengyu waved his hand and called a man in black.

The man in black held a fiery lion known as the king of beasts.

As we all know, the fire lion is extremely domineering and unruly, especially the adult fire lion, which brings the arrogance that goes deep into the bone marrow to the fullest.

Even though the man in black was stronger than him, the fiery lion still wanted to kill him at all times.

But the fiery lion, who was unruly one second

, was cowardly the next, prostrate on the ground, whining and screaming in fear.

Without him, Mengyu brought the keel to the fire lion's side, causing a fear in its eyes.

At this time, the bone also emitted a faint golden light, causing the Fire Lion to retreat as hard as he could, trying to break free from the chains.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the greatest effect of this thing.

"With it, even if you wander around powerful monsters, this bone can keep you safe and sound.

"In addition, the hardness of this bone is also higher than that of dark iron, if a refiner wants to refine a peerless sword, he can also integrate this bone into it to maximize the value of this bone!"


"Oh my God, it's really like this, this bone can make ordinary demon beasts chill, how on earth do

it?" "How else can it be done?" The host of this bone is extremely powerful in life, and even after death, the strength is integrated into the bone marrow, so the fire lion will be afraid.

"That's right, powerful monsters have this characteristic after death, but this bone is even more vigorous than I've seen before.

"It just so happens that I lack a sword now, if I use this bone to forge it, it must be a peerless sword, and with my sword qi, it will make ordinary demon beasts frightened." "

Haha, that's right, I'm all moved. "

The effect demonstrated by Mengyu is vivid.

The crowd went from stunned to shocked.

Of course, the most excited is the refining master who has not yet left - Tai Tianqing.

He was originally a master refiner, and he had no resistance after seeing this bone.

He was a refiner in his life, and he wanted to forge the proud work of life, but after ten years of searching, he couldn't find the best materials to forge, but at this moment, it is obviously there!

" It's amazing, this bone, just with a trace of breath, can deter demon beasts. "

It's hard to imagine how powerful its host was when it was alive?"

Now, Jiang Yuanling seemed to know why Jiang Chen had taken this bone.

However, what she thought was completely different from what Jiang Chen thought.

Jiang Chen knew that this was not an ordinary bone, but a keel, and the effect was far more than what Mengyu had introduced.

As for the effect of deterring demon beasts, are you kidding? It is an ancient true dragon, the first of all races in the true sense, and any demon beast in front of it is tantamount to seeing a big witch, so even if it dies hundreds of millions of vicissitudes, the bones still have a strong deterrent power.

"Okay, since you are full of enthusiasm, the auction of this bone has officially begun, and I hope you will take advantage of the opportunity.

"The starting price is one hundred lower-grade spirit stones, and there is no price limit!"

Mengyu's voice fell.

The crowd no longer feels worthless about this threshold.

Prices are climbing rapidly.

"I just lack a sword, I want this thing, two hundred lower grade spirit stones!" "Which old onion are you? Lao Tzu just lacks a talisman to enter the demon beast forest, this bone Lao Tzu is determined to get, three

hundred lower grade spirit stones!" "Five hundred lower grade spirit stones!" "Six hundred lower grade spirit stones!"

At the start of the auction,

the bidding was endless,

and it was in full swing in an instant.

Without him, this bone is truly a treasure, and its effect is obvious.

Possessing this bone can be regarded as a great killer weapon of demon beasts.

Just fiddling with it for a while, a powerful king of all beasts will be intimidated, such a treasure is the most suitable warrior to make a fortune in the demon beast forest.

Ordinary martial artists want to forge a weapon, and this bone can just be used as a forging material!

Soon, the price of this bone is beyond people's imagination, directly soaring from a hundred spirit stones to a thousand spirit stones.

Basically, when they reached this stage, everyone present fell into a calm state, after all, a thousand lower grade spirit stones was not a small number.

"The old man bid for fifteen hundred lower grade spirit stones, this bone can just be forged into the old man's proud work!"

At this time, Tai Tianqing, who had never made a bid, made a move.

And with one shot, he directly overwhelmed the crowd and improved five hundred lower-grade spirit stones.

After hearing Tai Tianqing quote this price, many people gave up directly and no longer had any ideas.

None of them.

First, the price is too high to be worth it, too expensive.

Second, they didn't want to offend a refiner.

The alchemist and the refiner are equal in status and extremely noble.

After all, alchemists and refiners are extremely rare, and if you want to become one of them, you need great talent.

Moreover, they have a lot of entanglements, and it is not a good practice to command countless strong people to compete with the master of a refiner.

"I'll give you two thousand lower grade spirit stones!" At

this time, Lin Feng couldn't bear it anymore, and when he saw that no one was bidding, he spoke directly.

After all, he has a teacher, so he is unscrupulous in asking for prices, and one plus is five hundred low-grade spirit stones, and he has no worries.

"Isn't the price skyrocketing too fast?"

"It seems that it is not easy to get the keel in hand.

"I'll give out three thousand lower-grade spirit stones!" In

the blink of an eye, he soared from one hundred lower-grade spirit stones to two thousand.

In another private room, Jiang Chen frowned and couldn't help muttering.

He took a deep breath, made a direct offer, and reported the proceeds of the auction of the Nine Red Devouring Flame Demon Core just now.

A full 3,000 spirit stones!

As soon as this price came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Regardless of Jiang Yuanling's shocked and unexpected expression.

Even Tai Tianqing and Lin Feng were stupid! Tai Tianqing

: "What kind of kid is in this private room, and he actually opened his mouth to be three thousand lower-grade spirit stones? No, the old man has to think about it repeatedly."

Lin Feng: "Jiang Chen, this damn guy, why is this damn guy also eyeing this bone, teacher, does it mean that Jiang Chen also knows the function of this bone?"

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