But she had said so much, if she didn’t say it now, she would go crazy sooner or later.

“Of course I can’t stand it.”

“You planned to catch me from the beginning, and pretended to protect me. What’s wrong with me wanting to leave? Do I have to be coerced by you to become your plaything?”

Qin Zhirou said a lot, but Bai Jinghong was still unmoved.

He smiled and lay down on the bed.

He pulled Qin Zhirou into his arms and hugged her.

The two of them were not wearing clothes, so when they touched each other, Qin Zhirou felt like she was electrocuted.

The courage just now was gone.

Bai Jinghong spoke slowly and his voice was also very light.

It seemed to make people feel a little tired.

“Do you think I care if you say so much?”

“You have no say here, even if you say it to the sky, it’s still the same.”

“If you are smart, just shut up and face the reality.”

Qin Zhirou was really desperate.

Let me struggle, so what.

Here, I, the so-called eldest daughter of the Qin family, am no different from a fish on a chopping board.

There has never been an example in the world where a fish on a sticky board struggles and tumbles and then gets free.

In Bai Jinghong’s arms, Qin Zhirou had no way out.

“You… Can you please stop bullying me!”

Qin Zhirou’s hoarse and aggrieved voice sounded.

Tears flowed out again as if they were free, and fell on Bai Jinghong’s arm.

“I didn’t bully you!” Bai Jinghong said calmly: “I gave you a chance, but you chose to kill me to save yourself!”

“You can’t blame me for all this, so don’t struggle.”

Qin Zhirou was silent for a long time, she really didn’t know what to say.

And seeing her like this, Bai Jinghong also knew the principle of giving a sweet date after a slap.

After anger, venting, and despair.

At this time, it is extremely beneficial to relax appropriately for conquering.

Bai Jinghong was not as manic as before, but held Qin Zhirou in his arms very gently.

The two were close, looking at each other, staring at each other.

Bai Jinghong slowly leaned over, and kissed Qin Zhirou’s lips in the most gentle way.

Qin Zhirou was obviously trembling, but under Bai Jinghong’s guidance, she couldn’t resist it.

The room became very quiet in an instant, and even the subtle breathing became coordinated.

From the moment the lips touched, they had already merged.

Just like the softest petals, caressing each other, starting with touching, slowly deepening, always maintaining gentleness and delicacy.


Qin Zhirou hummed softly, her beautiful eyes closed gently, and her tongue followed out of her mouth.

After Bai Jinghong noticed this, his hand began to move up.

But it was still gentle, without the slightest wildness.

There was a gap between Qin Zhirou venting her emotions and calming down.

This gap refers to adjustment and a sense of security.

Bai Jinghong was extremely gentle, which could relax Qin Zhirou, who was already sensitive.

As Bai Jinghong expected, Qin Zhirou did not resist, but subconsciously hugged Bai Jinghong gently.

Everything Bai Jinghong did caused Qin Zhirou great psychological harm and fear.

Now the sudden tenderness, coupled with the hormones drawn out, Qin Zhirou was completely in another world.

Qin Zhirou’s beautiful eyes were tightly closed, her eyelashes trembled, her tongue was swallowing, and she was immersed in it.

Bai Jinghong slowly took off her panties, and the upright…

[Omitted… Jun Yang, medium and thin]


More than an hour later, Qin Zhirou’s pretty face was flushed, and she hugged herself tightly in a daze.

Bai Jinghong had already stood up and put on his clothes.

But he didn’t say much, but left the room.

Qin Zhirou listened to the sound of the door closing, and glanced in the direction of the door with anger and resentment.

She couldn’t have thought that today she would be with Bai Jinghong…

Looking at the bright red on the bed sheet, Qin Zhirou just felt very scared.

Afraid of sinking, afraid that even her heart would be controlled by Bai Jinghong.

In the process just now, she was almost proactive, and she didn’t know how she said those dirty words.

Qin Zhirou wanted to take a shower, clean herself thoroughly, and wash her face, because her face…

But as soon as her feet touched the ground, a tearing pain swept through her body, causing her to cry out and collapse on the bed again.

Helpless, Qin Zhirou could only slowly get up and rest for a while.

Only then could she stand up with difficulty.

Especially when bathing, Qin Zhirou felt helpless.

She thought she would be like those characters in the TV series, being treated like that by someone she didn’t like, sitting in the bathtub and crying.

That was so miserable and pitiful.

But she couldn’t do it. I don’t know if she cried too much and couldn’t cry now!

This feeling made her a little embarrassed.

“If you don’t want to cry, then don’t cry. Who would I cry for!”

Qin Zhirou puffed up her lips and slapped the water in the bathtub hard, as if she was hitting Bai Jinghong.

Bai Jinghong, who left, naturally didn’t think so much.

An afternoon has passed.

It’s time to set off for Xiao Tianlong. At six or seven o’clock, we have to go to Guxuan Teahouse together.

Today is a very critical link and can’t make mistakes.

At the same time, in a hotel in Su Province, Qin Mohu was also entertaining guests.

In layman’s terms, they are not guests, but partners.

Opposite Qin Mohu sat a woman in her fifties.

The woman was wearing a sweater-style dress and a pair of trousers.

She looked a little arrogant, with her hands folded across her chest.

Although she was already in her fifties, she was not good-looking in terms of appearance.

Having said that, one thing was certain, this woman must have been very young when she was young.

She and Qin Mohu shared a box, and she dared to show her displeasure in front of Qin Mohu.

From this point, it can also be seen that the relationship between her and Qin Mohu was either acquaintances or unfamiliar.

“Auntie Lan, there are some things that can be said without hiding them.” Qin Mohu spoke slowly.

The person opposite Qin Mohu was Auntie Lan, the nanny of the Si sisters.

“Whatever Mr. Qin wants to say, just say it.” Auntie Lan still looked arrogant.

It seemed that Qin Mohu was just like that in front of him.

Qin Mohu was very unhappy with Auntie Lan’s attitude.

But he still endured it.

After all, the woman in front of him was the one chosen by his master, so even Qin Mohu would not dare to make things difficult for her.

“Are you sure about Bai Ruoxi?”

“The engagement was discussed at the Yan family, but Bai Ruoxi is now a member of the Bai family.”

“I have met that Bai Jinghong, and he is still so difficult to provoke, but I can’t get around him.”

Qin Mohu really cares about this issue.

If it were an ordinary one, he could just let it go and do it himself.

But Bai Ruoxi is different, Qin Mohu really likes her very much.

Especially since he saw Bai Ruoxi, he really couldn’t help himself.

Her gestures, voice, and smile have been engraved in his mind for many years.

When he was still the young master of the Qin family, the old man of the Qin family and the terrifying old man of the Bai family mentioned it tentatively.

But the old man of the Bai family didn’t care about their Qin family at all.

Needless to say, it was hopeless.

But his master gave him hope again.

After learning that Bai Ruoxi was a member of the Yan family and had signed a marriage certificate, he was really excited for more than half a month.

Now that he was about to propose marriage, Bai Jinghong, the unstable factor, came.

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