The enemy was already injured, but the enemy was still alive.

Xiao Tianlong was already injured, and with the opponent’s desperate fighting style, he was in a very bad situation for a while.

Originally, he wanted to call Bai Jinghong for support.

But when he turned his head, he saw that Bai Jinghong was also fighting, and it seemed that he couldn’t get away.

Xiao Tianlong roared, and his energy burst out from his body, showing his strength in the middle stage of the earth level.

A burst of rumbling!

All those around Xiao Tianlong who were at a lower level flew backwards.

King Kong and Huoshan also released their energy and were about to fight.

The three figures entangled and intertwined, and Xiao Tianlong was a little powerless and was knocked down by a punch.

But Bai Jinghong found something wrong.

Looking closely, Xiao Tianlong had two golden needles condensed with his energy ready to go.

“Oh no, it’s a trap!”

If they hadn’t seen it in time, Huoshan and King Kong would have fallen for it.

Xiao Tianlong’s Taixuan Divine Needle is no joke.

Although it can cure diseases and save lives, it is also a sharp weapon for killing people.

Just when King Kong and Huoshan were about to attack Xiao Tianlong on the ground.

Bai Jinghong suddenly rushed over.

Xiao Tianlong was about to attack, but suddenly, Bai Jinghong appeared.

And he blocked the attacks of two masters with his own strength.

“Brother Xiao, I’ll hold it, you go!”

Bai Jinghong looked like he was in pain.

Xiao Tianlong was almost moved to tears, what a good brother!

In this situation, Xiao Tianlong’s mind rang with a very melodramatic Cantonese song of Young and Dangerous.

“♫I am the most powerful person in the world and I will do whatever I want!”

“♪I am the most powerful person in the world and I will never look back!”

It was as if he was the “Chen Haonan of Dorayaki”

However, Xiao Tianlong was the protagonist of the light that represented the righteous path, so how could he run away by himself?

He immediately attacked and rescued Bai Jinghong.

Huoshan and King Kong retreated quickly, and Huoshan exclaimed: “Retreat quickly!”

King Kong was unwilling: “No, we can’t retreat. If we can’t take them down, Tiger… The head of the Qin family will definitely not let us go…”

“The lives of our brothers are important. Anyway, it’s their grudge with the head of the Qin family. What does it have to do with us! Let’s go!”

As he said that, those people got on the car and ran away.

Seeing those people running away, Xiao Tianlong also roared angrily.

Then he hurriedly supported Bai Jinghong: “Brother Bai, how are you?”

Bai Jinghong shook his head, stood up and gritted his teeth: “I’m fine, we’ve been tricked, let’s go first!”

Xiao Tianlong had no objection, and the two drove the broken car away.

Bai Jinghong stopped when the car was in a more secret place.

“Brother Xiao, what do you think about this?” Bai Jinghong asked.

Xiao Tianlong punched the front of the co-pilot: “Damn it, it must be the bastard Qin Mohu who did it.”

“Those bastards just let it slip, I heard it clearly!”

Bai Jinghong shook his head: “Is it possible that the other party deliberately let it slip? Let us suspect Qin Mohu? Maybe this matter was arranged by the Qin family?”

Bai Jinghong guessed.

Xiao Tianlong directly denied: “This is going against the grain!”

“Even if the other party deliberately let it slip and wanted to draw our suspicion to Qin Mohu, it just shows that this is true.”

“Qin Mohu must have known that we wanted to negotiate, so he came out to make trouble, and deliberately drew suspicion to himself.”

Bai Jinghong also nodded: “So, Qin Mohu predicted our prediction and deliberately exposed his name. With such a clumsy way of exposure, he guessed that we would definitely think that someone was maliciously framing it?”

Xiao Tianlong gritted his teeth: “Yes, this is going against the grain, just like going around in a circle, the purpose is naturally to provoke conflicts between us and the Qin family!”

“It’s really vicious, but how could it fool me!”

Xiao Tianlong firmly believed that the other party deliberately said the word “tiger”. It was Qin Mohu who deliberately exposed it.

In the Qin family’s cognition, Miss Qin is still in their hands, and we are negotiating tonight. Only idiots will rob and kill!

Bai Jinghong didn’t expect Xiao Tianlong to think so much.

In fact, when he arranged it, he had only one intention, which caused the three parties to conflict.

It doesn’t matter whether Xiao Tianlong suspects the Qin family or Qin Mohu tonight.

But Xiao Tianlong likes to guess, so guess more.

At this time, Bai Jinghong’s phone rang, it was the Qin family calling.

Bai Jinghong looked at Xiao Tianlong: “Showdown?”

Xiao Tianlong was very confident: “No, we can follow Qin Mohu’s intention and question

Ask the Qin family and let them handle it. ”

Bai Jinghong laughed in his heart. The protagonist has some brains, but it was a scam from the beginning. The smarter he is, the more doomed he is.

Bai Jinghong picked up the phone and said coldly: “Hello!”

“Mr. Bai, why didn’t you come?”

Bai Jinghong snorted coldly: “You dare to say that you sent people to ambush us outside the teahouse. You can ask them yourself.”

“Also, don’t think that when you let people attack us, you deliberately missed the word “tiger”, which will make us think that it was done by others.”

Bai Jinghong hung up the phone directly.

“Let’s go. Don’t worry about them today. Let them think about it! “Xiao Tianlong also said lightly.

Bai Jinghong did not respond and drove away directly.

Inside the teahouse, the Qin family was also very confused.

He quickly asked someone to go out to check what had just happened.

Sure enough, his subordinates reported that there was a fierce fight outside.

They also brought surveillance!

The Qin family almost went berserk.

“Qin Mohu, you are not a son. In order to provoke conflicts between the Qin family and Xiao Tianlong, you actually ignored the safety of your sister.”

“I must report this to the family!”

Someone else wondered, “Just now I heard Bai Shao say that the attacker deliberately said the word tiger. Could it be a frame-up? Is this directed and acted by Xiao Tianlong and others?”

“Bullshit, this is the hateful thing about Qin Mohu. This is the opposite of what he does!”

“Who would let it slip for no reason? Isn’t this said on purpose? It is to deepen the meaning that he was framed. ”

“They want to start a war between us and Xiao Tianlong and Bai Shao, and use Xiao Tianlong to deal with the Qin family, while Qin Mohu hides in the back and watches the fight!”

“Also, you see how ruthless those people are, is it self-directed and self-acted? Xiao Tianlong is about to shit himself.”

“Think about it, whether it’s Xiao Tianlong or the Qin family who gets killed, who will benefit? ”

The Qin family was also very angry.

For now, they still had to contact Mr. Bai and ask him to help mediate.

Otherwise, they were really afraid that Xiao Tianlong would do something to hurt the young lady.

The matter that could have been resolved tonight was made so complicated by that bastard Qin Mohu.

They wanted to beat Qin Mohu to death.

This beast, who had provoked such an enemy and implicated the young lady, wanted to drag the Qin family into the water and use the Qin family to eliminate his opponents for him.

If the Qin family really confronted Xiao Tianlong, Qin Mohu could have a win-win situation.

It was really insidious.

As for the person involved, Qin Mohu, who was thinking about picking up girls, how could he have thought that he would be pushed to the forefront inexplicably.

After having dinner with Aunt Lan, Aunt Lan said that she had found an opportunity to get close to Bai Ruoxi.

He was so happy that he almost shook his hands on the spot.

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