The old man was so angry, but he was still very angry.

Qin Mohu was the same.

He beat his chest: “At the same time, I am a wanderer in the world. It is easy to get a lot of money, but it is hard to find a confidant. I have done this before.”

“I stole it, and it was lace, so cute!”

“I still can’t bear to throw it away, and I have been hiding it under my pillow!”


Qin Mohu’s men also felt a tingling sensation on their scalps.

Who could have thought of this!

It is true that you can only know a person’s face but not his heart.

The young master of the Qin family also has this habit today.

Xiao Tianlong complained again: “Actually, I have a little bit of a preference for Longyang, but I dare not tell anyone. I am afraid that they will laugh at me. I am afraid that they will stay away from me after knowing it, so that I can’t quietly take them down!”

“I am speaking out today because I want to face my own uniqueness bravely.”

Qin Mohu suddenly became excited.

He took Xiao Tianlong’s hand and said excitedly, “Me too!”

“Those women are shit. It’s so nice to tell you the secrets in my heart today. What’s the shame? Enjoy life to the fullest!”

“Come on, let’s live happily together in this world!”

Xiao Tianlong said coquettishly, “Hmm~”: “I have a bosom friend, and I have nothing to ask for in my life… Mo Hu, mine is very big~”

Qin Mo Hu’s eyes were full of emotion: “It seems that my brother is also a rough man… Get up, don’t kneel…”

“No, no… I don’t…”

“Don’t do it? What’s wrong with it? Oh? You are…”

The two of them were full of dirty talk, and they didn’t care about the eyes of the people around them.

At this moment, the whole audience was cracked.

These two people, they are not going to be on the scene… Hey Bazahei!

Seeing that the two were getting closer, Bai Jinghong simply turned his head away.

The system didn’t say that these things combined were so powerful.

Completely ignored everyone.

However, it was just what he wanted!

“They… they might want to…” The discussion started.

“Remove the possibility, look at their hands, they are almost ready to go in…”

“What the hell did I do wrong? If I am guilty, the law will punish me, why let me see this!!!”

“I have done good deeds in my life, and I deserve to see this scene… Kiss, kiss together!”

There were also many people who added fuel to the fire.


“Mo Hu…”


“Mo Hu…”

“Let’s… fence!”


The style suddenly changed, Qin Mohu and Xiao Tianlong withdrew their hands, clasped their fingers, and knelt on the ground.

Their lips kissed each other.

“Fuck~~~!!!” Qin Mohu’s men scratched their scalps one by one.

“Hmm… Hmm~~~~” Xiao Tianlong and the others hummed.


After kissing for a few seconds, Xiao Tianlong moved his lips away: “I… I have hemorrhoids, do you… do you like obstacle courses?”

“Haha, I like yours!”

“Oh, naughty…” Xiao Tianlong was shy and beat Qin Mohu’s chest.

The big guys at the scene were indeed people who had seen the ups and downs of life, and they watched carefully.

Just when the two wanted to “pick chrysanthemums under the eastern fence” and “come out of the mud without being stained”, everything returned to clarity.

All that happened just now was like a terrifying dream!

Now the dream is awake, and the terrifying momentum, the dream is real! ! !

Xiao Tianlong and Qin Mohu looked at each other and were stunned for more than ten seconds.

The scene was as silent as death…

Bai Jinghong saw this scene and retreated far away again.

Something is going to happen!

Sure enough, two sharp and coercive roars were heard at the scene.

The fighting power of the two men also soared to 150% because of their anger!

“Zhao! Your! Mom!”


“Qin Mohu, I will kill your whole family!”

Qin Mohu was naturally furious: “Xiao Tianlong, you die!”

The two men roared, one punched, the other slapped.

In an instant, the seats around the scene were overturned!

The collision happened again, the two men’s eyes were bloodshot, competing with each other!

Waves of fluctuations spread to the surroundings.

The porcelain on the ground was cracked under the pressure!

It can be seen how angry the two men were.

“It’s coming, it’s coming!”

Bai Jinghong was watching over there, muttering to himself.

As soon as the words fell, Qin Mohu and Xiao Tianlong seemed to lose their temper during the confrontation.

A wave of air rolled up behind each other.



The sounds were equally loud.

“Damn!” Someone among the onlookers acted as an interpreter: “I understand this situation. This is too much force, and the farts are coming out!”

“Don’t tell me, just from their performance just now, I was afraid that they would fart and a… set would pop out!”

“You are so disgusting!”

“Just be realistic, that shit superman can’t guarantee it, but Qin Mohu can’t say for sure.”

Listening to the various discussions around them, the two became more frustrated.

But soon, both of them took the initiative and went forward without hesitation to launch the attack.

Xiao Tianlong was smoother and seemed to be familiar with the situation.

He swung his leg back, wrapped in energy, and turned to sweep towards Qin Mohu’s head.

If this hits, something will happen.

Qin Mohu is experienced, how could he not dodge it.

He slightly turned sideways and snatched the sweeping leg.

You can dodge it on the first day, but not on the fifteenth!

Xiao Tianlong’s killer move is not the back kick.

But the buttocks following the back kick!

“Pu … Xiao Tianlong didn’t expect that he would burst out at this time.

He was still confused.

“Boom boom boom…”

Xiao Tianlong made another series of noises.

It was like adding nitrogen to the back, helping him.

The speed instantly increased.

Every time Xiao Tianlong took a step, the footprints on the ground seemed to be corroded, with steam rising.

“Today, it’s not only about who is better, but also about life and death!” Xiao Tianlong didn’t care too much, just risking his life!

The two of them fought instantly, and Xiao Tianlong also knew how to use his strengths.

This made Qin Mohu avoid it and a little afraid.

“Control the crane and capture the dragon!!!” Xiao Tianlong grabbed it with his hand, like a snake, circling up.


Qin Mohu retched, it was really aggrieved, defending while also guarding against shit!

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