The hand was broken, but the hand was broken.

Fang Hao felt that his hand was about to break.

If he hadn’t had the strength to move when he clamped it, his hand would have been broken.

But the pain was painful.

This was not a mousetrap, but a trap, and the strength was obvious.

Under the pain, Fang Hao broke open the stone box.

Both hands were bloody, each holding a trap.

Shaking wildly.

The people of the Hong family were also dumbfounded.

What kind of rules is this?

Is there such a thing?

Fang Hao’s forehead was full of sweat. He gritted his teeth and pried open the trap on one hand.

He pried open the other one.

By the time the trap fell to the ground, he had already bled a lot.

“What’s going on!” Fang Hao looked at the Hong family fiercely.

How could the Hong family know, they didn’t break through.

And even if they came down to inspect in the past, they would take the small path.

“This… This was left by the previous family heads, we don’t know, maybe it’s a test…”

Hong Bao explained reluctantly.

In fact, he knew there was no such thing, but he really didn’t know what the trap was.

Instead of explaining, it’s better to pretend that he didn’t know anything.

It’s pretty cool to see Fang Hao bleed!


Fang Hao had nothing to say, it couldn’t be that the Hong family was dissatisfied with him and arranged it.

After all, before coming to the Hong family and before the incident just now, they had no grudges.

The Hong family wanted to get close to him, how could they make trouble.

This trap was unexpected by Fang Hao, he thought it was just unlocking.

But now there is no need to spend a lot of effort to unlock it.

Fang Hao raised his injured arm and turned the switch, and a stone door not far away slowly opened.

This level was passed just like that.

Fang Hao treated the big cut on his arm and walked over directly.

The Hong family naturally followed him.

The second level was relatively simple.

For Fang Hao, it was really easy.

It was just that there was a smell in the second level.

It seemed to be a rotten rat corpse, fried stinky eggs, and the smell of defense.

But Fang Hao expressed his understanding.

This underground building has not seen sunlight all year round, so it is normal to have some smell.

Looking at the hanging bar in front of him that he would use at the beginning, Fang Hao said he had no pressure.

The difficulty is a bit for ordinary people, but in Fang Hao’s eyes, this is just something for children to play.

He jumped easily, grabbed it directly, and then moved quickly forward.

There was no pause at all.

It just felt a little slippery on his hands, as if he was sweating.

“Hmm?” When Fang Hao finished the hanging bar and was about to jump onto the roulette wheel in front of him, he suddenly felt a strong stench.

At this moment, he was still hanging.

The stench was above his head.

Fang Hao subconsciously freed one hand and looked at it.

Why did it seem to be emitted from his hand.

While frowning, he put it to his nose and sniffed it.

This sniff seemed to smell a new world!

“Fuck… I’m fucking!”



Fang Hao only felt that his hand was smelling unprecedentedly.

That kind of stench hit the soul directly.

Rotten rat, fried stinky eggs, constipated defense, three smells came out at the same time.

Normal people can’t accept it at all.


Fang Hao’s dry retching sound was accompanied by the sound of hiccups.

The Hong family looked at each other in confusion.

They were a little far away, and although they also smelled the stench, they didn’t know where it came from.

But why did Fang Hao react so strongly?

The next second, Fang Hao, who was hanging, turned his head and started to vomit.


A big mouthful of something came up from Fang Hao’s throat!

“Oh my god!” The Hong family was shocked.

“Self-heating hot pot!!!”

Fang Hao vomited very cleanly, and it was like a waterfall falling three thousand feet.

He resisted the nausea and insisted on moving forward.

So this turned into a mobile vomiting machine.

Fang Hao was rushing forward, but the sound of “vomit…yue……” in his mouth was endless.

“Is this person sick? Isn’t it the same as exercise? Vomiting like this.”

“Yeah, his mouth is like leaking water, and he keeps vomiting. He must have eaten something bad.”

Other people didn’t know what was going on at all, and they kept muttering.

Fang Hao naturally heard their discussion.

At the moment, he was hard

Scalping his head, he gritted his teeth and passed through it quickly.

He was holding his breath.

Finally, he passed the second level successfully.

But when he looked at his hands, he almost cried.

His arm had been caught by the trap, and now there was some unknown liquid on his hands.

Slippery, with some crystal luster.

It was like………

“What on earth is this…….”


Fang Hao was very angry and roared.

The stench came from his hands.

It was the place where he held it at the second level just now.

I really give up!

He rubbed it for a long time, but it couldn’t be rubbed off.

Fang Hao also chose to endure it at the moment.

Must endure it!

Solve these problems after returning.

Now let’s deal with the third level first.

He rushed to the underground martial arts field of the third level.

There were already several puppet-like warriors on it.

When Fang Hao came on stage, the Hong family also turned on the switch.

These are the puppet warriors, which are also quite advanced in casting.

After starting, they surrounded Fang Hao directly.

The shell of each puppet warrior is very hard.

But for Fang Hao, it is not a big problem.

He punched the puppet, wanting to quickly deal with a few and leave first.

But when Fang Hao hit it, he suddenly felt an extremely dangerous breath.

The puppet warrior suddenly began to shake like crazy.

And then a burst of fire came out!

“Damn it!”

Fang Hao was horrified and jumped to the side!


He jumped away, and the puppet exploded directly.

Although the area was not large, if he had entangled with the puppet warrior just now and exploded at close range.

Even if he didn’t die, his flesh would be blown to pieces.

The Hong family was even more confused.

Isn’t it just the puppet warrior who made a move? Why did it explode?

Could it be that the things inside were broken due to long-term disrepair, so it exploded?

They really don’t understand.

Fang Hao doesn’t understand either, the information is not like this.

Only Bai Jinghong knows what he stuffed inside.

Fang Hao, this idiot, hit the puppet hard and directly triggered the gunpowder inside. If it didn’t explode, it would be strange.

With these puppet warriors, Fang Hao can kill them with a snap of his fingers, so adding some ingredients is necessary.

If there is one, there will be two. If Fang Hao wants to pass the level, he must beat these puppet warriors.

But if he beats them, the puppets will explode again.

It’s simply not something a human can do.

In just three minutes, Fang Hao’s clothes were already torn.

There were different burns and abrasions on his body.

But the good news is that all the puppets were destroyed, which also means that he officially passed.

Fang Hao was very embarrassed, his hair was burned a little, and his face was black.

The level here is more dangerous than he imagined.

And it doesn’t match the information at all.

“Skynet is also useless. It can’t even figure out what it’s investigating. It put me in danger.”

Fang Hao was very angry and put all the blame on the intelligence department.

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