Fang Hao didn’t say much, this matter needs to wait and see. He walked out of the security booth and left Wanchao Media. The two of them also looked at each other and were busy with their own things. Yang Tiantian in the office seemed absent-minded. There was a cup of milk tea on the desk, and she gently rotated the cup. The ring on the ring finger was shining and particularly dazzling. At the same time, she also thought of Fang Hao seemed to notice the ring on her hand just now. But Yang Tiantian didn’t take it seriously. Even if the other party suspected, let them check it. She had a clear conscience. If they still didn’t trust, whoever wanted to take the position of Spade A could take it. She didn’t want to live this kind of life either. As she thought about it, her thoughts drifted away.

The scene of kissing Bai Jinghong in the office that day actually appeared in her mind.

So lingering and gentle.

A touch of rouge appeared on Yang Tiantian’s face unconsciously.

She patted her face hurriedly, sighed deeply, and began to work.


In the evening, Bai Jinghong received an invitation from Qin Mohu.

Bai Jinghong didn’t really want to go to this invitation.

But the other party was so sincere that she had to go.

The agreed place was a mansion.

Bai Jinghong only brought three people, a driving iron tower and two lawyers.

When they arrived, the place seemed empty. Although it was bright inside, there were no guests.

“Mr. Bai!” Qin Mohu’s voice sounded.

Bai Jinghong looked over and saw that the other party was dressed neither male nor female, which was really a bit disgusting.

Fang Hao was also powerful. He could still twist his mouth after being treated like that by Qin Mohu.

If it were someone else, they would have gone crazy long ago.

Qin Mohu also had several staff members around him.

“Mr. Qin, are you ready so soon?” Bai Jinghong walked over, sat on the sofa opposite her, and crossed her legs.

Qin Mohu nodded and pushed some documents on the coffee table in front of Bai Jinghong.

“Here are all the properties under my name, and I will transfer them all to you today. Of course, I left a house and one million living expenses, you can understand!”

Bai Jinghong really didn’t have much interest in money, he had too much himself.

But if it was given for free, of course he would take it.

“No problem, Mr. Qin is decisive!” Bai Jinghong gestured to his lawyers,

The two lawyers hurried forward and began to check.

After a while, the two lawyers nodded: “Mr. Bai, no problem!”

“All the assets in Su Province and the capital are here, as well as this mansion!”

“Okay, happy cooperation!” Bai Jinghong directly exchanged the “sex change pill” from the system and handed it to Qin Mohu.

“One hand pays the other hand delivers the goods!”

“Mr. Bai is a real person, happy cooperation!” Qin Mohu was excited when he saw the pill.

That’s right, she is charging for love!

“I really spent a lot of effort on this pill, so you’ve made a profit. Within half an hour after taking it, your body will feel severe pain, but this is all changing, so just grit your teeth.”

“But you have to remember that you can’t have any regrets during this period, otherwise it will be invalid. Is that clear?”

Qin Mohu listened carefully and nodded quickly: “Since I’m so impatient, I can’t regret it.”

“That’s fine. To show my sincerity, I won’t sign the signatures for these assets yet. I’ll take them away after you have the effect.”

Qin Mohu trusted Bai Jinghong even more when he heard Bai Jinghong say this.

She threw the pill directly into her mouth and then lay down on the sofa.

All the lawyers retreated wisely.

Bai Jinghong leaned back and waited.

Although the system’s things are strange, they can’t be said to be omnipotent.

For a transgenic pill like this, it really requires the user to be willing, otherwise it will become ineffective.

If it was effective after taking it, he would have given it to Fang Hao long ago.

In the next half hour, Qin Mohu’s heart-wrenching wails and screams could be heard from the hall of the mansion.

That kind of pain was no different from being skinned and having his tendons pulled out.

But Qin Mohu’s perseverance was also amazing, and she gritted her teeth and resisted.

It was visible to the naked eye that she was changing.

Her face shape, figure, voice, chest, lower abdomen, buttocks, etc. were all changing.

[Ding, automatically erase the script of the lucky protagonist Qin Mohu…]

The system’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Oh my god, dead?”

[There is no Qin Mohu in the world anymore

This person, she can’t pose any threat to the host, so automatically erase everything…]

“Well, Qin Mohu is offline, but Fang Hao will have a sweet baby by his side, hahahaha!”

After a while, Qin Mohu finally calmed down.

She felt that the clothes on her body were a circle bigger.

The overall appearance has indeed changed. Although she is not a top beauty, she is indeed a beauty.

“I… I finally don’t have to pretend. I can love Brother Hao boldly, I can marry him, and I can have children with him!”

Qin Mohu’s voice has also changed. Although it is a little rough, it doesn’t affect it.

Bai Jinghong couldn’t help shuddering.

Damn, it’s terrible!

Fang Hao is also lucky. At least there is someone who loves him deeply, so it’s not a waste of time.

“Thank you, Mr. Bai!” Qin Mohu was very happy.

“You’re welcome!” Bai Jinghong couldn’t help but want to laugh: “In this case, I will accept your property. From today on, there is no Qin Mohu in the world. You can change your name.”

Qin Mohu nodded: “I’ve thought about it a long time ago. Do you think my name is Yu Xiaogan?”

“It’s okay!” Bai Jinghong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Qin Mohu shook his head again: “No, no, Gan Xiaoyu, um, okay, I’ll be called Gan Xiaoyu from now on!”

“Mr. Bai, thank you very much. I hope you can forget this secret completely. Thank you for your help!”

“Everything that happened before will go with the wind. A smile will make all the grudges go away. I hope you will treat my sister and the Qin family well. Please!”

Qin Mohu is still very conscientious. She has never forgotten the Qin family from beginning to end. Even if there is hatred, she just wants to seek justice for herself.

“Don’t worry!” Bai Jinghong waved her hand, and the lawyers took away all the property contract documents, as well as Qin Mohu’s funds.

“Mr. Bai, happy cooperation!” Qin Mohu picked up the champagne on the table.

Bai Jinghong felt very awkward, but still picked up the champagne: “Mr. Qin, happy cooperation.”


“Oh, Miss Gan, happy cooperation!”

Qin Mohu laughed.

The two clinked glasses and drank them all!

Qin Mohu threw the glass away and stood up, coming to Bai Jinghong: “Mr. Bai, you can destroy my cultivation!”

Qin Mohu was also going to say goodbye to the past completely.

Bai Jinghong did not hesitate and hit the opponent’s dantian with a punch.

Qin Mohu spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

This punch completely destroyed Qin Mohu’s cultivation. He was originally in the late stage of the earth level, but he had fallen to the great perfection of the mysterious level, and now he has become an ordinary person.

That is, his physical fitness is better than that of ordinary people.

Bai Jinghong took out a healing pill and threw it to her.

“We will have nothing to do with each other in the future. Qin Mohu’s body will appear in the public eye. You can be Gan Xiaoyu at ease. For Zhirou’s sake, I will help you deal with the follow-up matters.”

“Thank you, Mr. Bai…” Qin Mohu, no, Gan Xiaoyu thanked him and left.

Gan Xiaoyu’s eyes were bright, and that evil smile appeared again: “Brother Hao, I’m here…”

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