Of course, Bai Jinghong is not the kind of person who eats anything when he is hungry. But Chen Lin’s mother is a middle-aged woman with charm, so why not be a thief? Chen Lin now has no idea of ​​his life experience. According to the original plot, at least when the map is changed, there will be clues. But Bai Jinghong, who is familiar with the plot, knows that Chen Lin’s mother is in Longhai. And now she doesn’t seem to be living a happy life! But Bai Jinghong will not give Chen Lin the opportunity to change the map, he must die in Longhai! Chen Lin, this bastard, dares to hit his precious Ziyue, then Bai Jinghong can only * his mother! Bai Jinghong is a man of action. Once he has an idea, he will execute it.

After settling Ziyue down, Bai Jinghong said, “Yue’er, you will stay here for the time being. If you have any needs, just tell the hotel staff.”

“There are entertainment facilities on the second and third floors, singing, playing games, billiards, and many more.”

“This hotel is ours. You don’t have to be polite to them, okay?”

Ziyue was slightly stunned.

Bai Jinghong’s tone really treated her as his wife.

But she also felt warm in her heart.

This feeling of being cared for and remembered is good.

“Yeah!” Ziyue bit her lip and nodded gently.

“Okay, contact me if you have anything, I’ll come anytime!”

Bai Jinghong walked up, hugged Ziyue, lowered his head and pecked her lips gently.

Ziyue was a little shy, but did not refuse.

“I have something to do, so I’ll leave first. I’ll come to see you, and then… you know!”

Bai Jinghong blinked.

“You dead thing, you’re just thinking about that?” Zi Yue couldn’t help but give Bai Jinghong a look.

Bai Jinghong whistled, blinked, and left.

After Bai Jinghong left, Zi Yue walked to the door, opened it, watched Bai Jinghong’s back disappear, and then closed the door.

At the moment when she leaned against the door, Zi Yue raised a beautiful smile and murmured, “You bastard, you dare to do that to me, I’ll make you beg for mercy!”

Bai Jinghong’s face turned cold when he left. He picked up his phone and called A Kun.

“A Kun, have you been there?”

“Mr. Bai, I’ve taken people there, and they’ll be there soon!” When A Kun spoke, the roar of cars around was very loud.

The voice was also loud.

It seems that a large carload of people was transported there.

“Okay, just smash it. Whoever tries to stop me will be beaten. If we can force some people out, that would be the best!”

If we can force those Hades guards to take action this time, Chen Lin will be in trouble.

It’s no big deal on my side. I just need to take care of it.

“Mr. Bai, I’ve also contacted Cheng Qiang. He didn’t hesitate and agreed directly.”

“After today, they will smash it in the next few days!”

“Very good, I’ll leave it to you. I have other things to do!” Bai Jinghong sneered.

“Do you need to arrange someone?” A Kun asked.

“Let Tieta and King Kong wait for me in Jinhui Community. I’m going to fry someone’s M!~”

With that, Bai Jinghong hung up the phone.

Bai Jinghong threw his phone on the co-pilot, thinking about the place where Chen Lin’s mother lived in the original plot.

“When Chen Lin was found, he was in a place called Jinhui Community!”

“The plot is far from that point now, will he not be there?”

Bai Jinghong himself was not sure, after all, what if he moved there later?

But now the arrangements have been made, and we will know after a look.

Bai Jinghong started the car and drove directly to Jinhui Community.

“Tongzi, you owe me a reward, when will it be issued?”

On the way, Bai Jinghong asked the system.

[Ding, host, don’t be in a hurry, Tongzi can’t cheat you, you are my master! ]

“I’m not afraid that you will cheat me, but I am a little looking forward to it. You are so mysterious, are you holding back a big move?”

[Tongzi is holding back a big move, host, you guessed it right! 】

“Come on, I see, you don’t know what to give me! What a big move!”


[I didn’t scare you….]

[Ding, the host slaps the protagonist, cuts off the protagonist’s chance, and rewards the voice control skill, which can control others to speak, up to one minute at a time! Switch character control, time refresh! 】

“This is not bad, anyway, it can control others

People, they are all good!”

Bai Jinghong smiled evilly. If he controlled Chen Lin to shout in the street or square: “My name is Chen Niubi, I can eat three pounds of shit every day, and the more I eat, the more awesome I am!”

Then Chen Lin would be dead!

And this thing is also a secret treasure for alienation.

This system doesn’t talk much, but it is practical. It is really a very good auxiliary system.

Thinking like this, time passed slowly.

Bai Jinghong also arrived at Jinhui Community.

When Bai Jinghong arrived, he almost attracted everyone’s attention.

This community is an old community, relatively old.

Even the ground has some potholes, but it doesn’t affect much.

After Bai Jinghong got off the car, he saw the Mercedes-Benz parked not far away.

There was a big man in a black suit standing on the left and right of the car.

When they saw Bai Jinghong, they also hurried to greet him.

“Mr. Bai!”

Bai Jinghong nodded: “You guys come with me… Building 10, 708! ”

According to the original plot, that’s where Chen Lin’s mother lives.

Because it’s an old house, the highest floor here is the seventh floor, and there is no elevator.

You need to walk up.

Going up all the way, when you reach the seventh floor, Bai Jinghong has already seen a figure.

The figure is leaning over, sorting things in the corridor.

The chest waves under a wide-collared T-shirt come into view.

From Bai Jinghong’s angle, it’s just a deep ravine.

Because she is bending over to work, her buttocks are stretched, giving people a very plump feeling.

The figure is just right, not thin or fat, and wearing jeans does not affect her slender legs at all.

Hearing the footsteps, the figure also looked over subconsciously.

In this way, it happened to face Bai Jinghong head-on.

Bai Jinghong was a little surprised. It turned out to be the protagonist’s mother “Yan Man”, who was still very beautiful.

A standard mature woman, giving people a sense of “Mrs. Gao Liu from the Gao Liu family in the anime meat marriage.” ”

The temperament is charming, the face is delicate, and it is not affected by the years at all.

The curvy and plump body and the charm between the eyebrows make her look extremely mature and attractive.

Bai Jinghong really wants to ask, “Madam, are you willing to sleep with me tonight?”

“Who are you looking for?” Yan Man asked when she saw a stranger coming.

Bai Jinghong quickly retracted his gaze and chuckled, “I’m looking for Yan Man. Do you know where she is?”

Yan Man was stunned: “You…you are looking for me?”

“Are you Yan Man?” Bai Jinghong also pretended to be surprised.

Yan Man nodded: “I am, I don’t seem to know you!”

“You don’t know me, but I know you, and I also know Chen Jianbin! ”

Bai Jinghong suddenly said this.

Chen Jianbin is the biological father of Chen Lin, the jerk, but he is dead.

Anyway, he is dead, Bai Jinghong can make up whatever he wants.

“You…” Yan Man was obviously surprised.

“Madam, won’t you invite me in to sit down?” Bai Jinghong chuckled, but the smile gave people an extremely oppressive feeling.

Yan Man looked at Bai Jinghong, who was very handsome.

She looked at the two big men like iron towers behind Bai Jinghong.

She was a little nervous.

“Madam, don’t worry. I came here to talk about some things. You and I will go in alone, and they don’t need to go in!”

Bai Jinghong’s smile turned to give people a very friendly feeling.

This made Yan Man relax a little.

“Then come in!” Yan Man pushed open the door and gestured.

Bai Jinghong walked in slowly with a smile on his face.

During this period, his eyes did not move away from Yan Man’s plump figure.

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