On the other side, Bai Jinghong also arrived at the Sunrise Club.

There were four women and five children on the sofa in the main hall of the club.

The women were worried, but the five children were innocent, playing and eating toys and snacks on the coffee table.

Bai Jinghong walked over with a smile.

Seeing this, his men all bowed and greeted: “Master!”

“Well, thank you for your hard work!” Bai Jinghong responded lightly.

The four women also stood up. They understood that the real owner was here!

“Hey, sit down, don’t be so polite.”

Bai Jinghong still had a smile on his face, which was quite charming.

But for the four women, it was definitely not well-intentioned.

The four of them didn’t know each other. They were all working in their respective positions or taking care of children.

Suddenly, they were all brought here.

There must be something big going on.

Bai Jinghong also sat on the sofa.

A four-year-old girl, cute, came to Bai Jinghong and stared at him with her big eyes.

“Big brother, you are so handsome!” The little girl stuck out her tongue.

“Ouch!” Bai Jinghong raised his hand and hugged the little girl and said gently: “Little darling, how can you talk so well? You are also very beautiful. What’s your name?”

“My name is Beibei!”

“Beibei! It sounds so nice!” Bai Jinghong held the little girl on his lap and gently rubbed her chubby little face.

He also picked up the soft candy on the coffee table and peeled one: “Here, brother will reward you!”

The little girl had no idea what was going on. She opened her mouth and ate it.

She also hugged Bai Jinghong, looking very intimate.

But the little girl’s mother was trembling with fear.

As if afraid that Bai Jinghong would do something.

“Sir…you…you brought us here, is…something happened?” the girl’s mother asked tremblingly.

“Oh, it’s okay, you are Mrs. Wang, right?” Bai Jinghong asked with a smile.

The woman nodded, and she suddenly realized something.

There must be something wrong with her husband.

Otherwise, why would she call Mrs. Wang instead of her name.

“Hello, Mrs. Wang, the other three should be Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Liu, and Mrs. Wu!”

The other three also nodded tremblingly.

“Don’t be nervous, please come here, just relax and have a meal.”

As he said, Bai Jinghong pinched the little girl’s face: “Beibei, brother will treat you to lunch at noon, okay? Cake, snacks, seafood, a lot of delicious food.”

“Okay, okay, I want cream cake, strawberry flavor, thank you brother!” Beibei is very naive, and so are the other children.

“Okay, definitely!” Bai Jinghong waved his hand, and one of his subordinates left to prepare.

Bai Jinghong continued to hold Beibei, but picked up an apple, and his men immediately handed him a fruit knife.

This action made the four women tremble all over, especially Beibei’s mother, who raised her hand to cover her mouth and her eyes were red.

Bai Jinghong peeled the fruit, and the fruit skin fell off in circles under the sharp knife.

He had a lot of strength, and if he couldn’t control it well, the knife would hit Beibei!

Bai Jinghong ignored the four women and said to the girl: “Beibei, brother invites you and your mother to dinner, your father will be hungry, why don’t you ask your father to come together, okay?”

Bai Jinghong saw that the other party was really cute, and couldn’t help kissing the pouty little cheek.

“Yeah, okay, dad works very hard, and mom also said that good things should be given to dad first!” Beibei nodded.

“The tutor is really good, yes, very right!” Bai Jinghong smiled, and finally looked at Mrs. Wang: “Mrs. Wang, to be honest, my wife is pregnant too. Although I have never taken care of a child, I really like Beibei when I saw her today.”

“I think my future son and daughter will definitely be as cute as Beibei.”

“I really want to treat you to a meal, and the child also said that good things cannot forget her father. I think this request is very right and it is difficult to refuse. Can you contact your husband?”

“Okay… okay…” Beibei’s mother trembled all over, and her lips turned white.

“Let’s video chat, I’ll talk to her father!” Bai Jinghong said with a smile.

Beibei’s mother did not dare to refuse, and quickly turned on her mobile phone and made a video call.

Then she handed the phone to Bai Jinghong.

Bai Jinghong took the phone and placed it on the coffee table, with the camera facing him and Beibei.

The video ding-dong sounded for a long time.

When it was about to hang up automatically, the other party picked up.

Looking at the background, there were a lot of weeds on the side, and it was obvious that he ran outside to answer the video.

“Wife, what’s wrong? My boss and I are outside to inspect the project, so we can’t answer the call for too long!”

The man pointed the camera at his chin, but didn’t lower his head to watch the video.

“Daddy, daddy!” Beibei shouted first, her voice was soft and crisp.

“Hey, baby, how are you…”

Before he finished speaking, the other party saw Bai Jinghong holding Beibei.

Bai Jinghong also smiled and waved to him.

This scene made the man sweat coldly, and his face was bloodless in an instant.

His breathing became heavy.

“Mr. Wang, hello, I shouldn’t introduce myself.” Bai Jinghong smiled.

“You…what do you want to do?” His voice trembled.

“Don’t think too much. I’m inviting your family to dinner. Your daughter said you should come over to eat with us, so I contacted you.”

“Oh, you have a few other friends, right? Let them come over too. Their children are also clamoring for their dad to come over for dinner!”

After Bai Jinghong finished speaking, he waved to the children, and a group of children gathered around Bai Jinghong and watched the video.

“Mr. Wang, please notify these children. They all want to see their dad. Let their dad appear in the video!”

The other party was breathing rapidly and ran inside frantically.

Soon, the four men looked at the video anxiously.

The children greeted their fathers.

“Everyone, come as soon as possible. Don’t let the children wait anxiously. See you at the Sunrise Club!”

Bai Jinghong hung up directly.

Bai Jinghong returned the phone to Beibei’s mother and said, “Ladies, your children are very cute. Lunch is being prepared. There is nothing to do now.”

“There is a playground in the clubhouse. You can take your children there to play!”

How dare they not agree? They nodded.

Bai Jinghong waved his hand, and someone came up to lead the way, leading four women and five children to walk inside.

It seemed that only when the children were led by the hand could they feel safe.

Bai Jinghong took a bite of the peeled apple and crossed his legs.

Just waited quietly.

Six people took action, and four of them had a weak spot here.

Even if the remaining two disagreed, they would be besieged by four people.

Unless they were really brainwashed by Skynet, they would not even want their wives and children.

If so, it would be a little troublesome.

But that possibility was no longer possible at the moment.

They are also human beings and have emotions. Just looking at their faces just now, I knew they were afraid and worried.

Bai Jinghong has his own way of doing things. Although this method is despicable, so what.

Being able to solve the problem quickly is the top priority.

He is unwilling to pull with those people, asking them to release Yang Tiantian while making harsh remarks.

Or give some chips that can be exchanged for Yang Tiantian!

Going around, starting a fight, killing four people, and rescuing Yang Tiantian?

Why bother!

Besides, Bai Jinghong’s reputation of being sinister, cruel, unrestrained, and doing things as he pleases has long been deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

They don’t even dare to think in the direction of “this is intimidation and deterrence”!

In their eyes, Bai Jinghong really knows how to kill!

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