"Her Royal Highness!"

"I've seen Her Royal Highness!"

"Lord Princess!"


order to prove that Chu Hao was bragging, the Fire Spirit Clan princess took him out of the hall and came outside.

Compared to the secret land with only flames, there are many people in the clan land of the fire spirit clan. Along the way, they met servants, guards, and fellow tribesmen, who saluted her as a sign of respect.

Chu Hao looked all the way and found that these people's respect for Her Royal Highness was sincere, and there was no intention of fooling.

"I didn't expect that you have a very high prestige in your clan!" Chu Hao glanced at her and smiled slightly.

"Hmph! You also don't look at who I am? Isn't it normal for me to be liked as a princess? The Fire Spirit Princess snorted coldly and said arrogantly.

Chu Hao also had a little understanding of her personality, and did not care about her arrogance, and after smiling slightly, he looked at the surrounding scenery.

The soil of the land of the Fire Spirit Clan is fiery red, as if it is a burning flame, and many plants growing on the land of this tribe, whether they are spiritual herbs and treasure herbs or ornamental plants, are all fiery red, and they are all fire path spirit plants. In addition, the birds and small beasts that occasionally appear are also spirit birds and spirit beasts with fire attributes.

And the buildings of the fire spirit clan also carry a lot of flame elements, not only most of them are fiery red, some are also inscribed with this flame rune, and a few of them are even burning up.

"This Fire Spirit Clan is really a Flame Clan! Everything is about fire, fire everywhere! Chu Hao sighed.

Here, whether it is the clansmen of the Fire Spirit Clan, guards and slaves, they are all cultivators who practice the path of fire, and from a distance, they can feel the scorching aura of the path of fire.

When he was looking at these clansmen, these clansmen were also looking at Chu Hao, they had never seen a young man appear next to Her Royal Highness, or a young man who was not a fire spirit clan.

If it weren't for this young man's realm or the Inscription Realm, these clansmen would have thought that their princess had been kidnapped and forced, and would have already tried to save Her Royal Highness.

Although they were a little relieved about Chu Hao, there were still many teenagers who glared at him angrily, eager to swallow him.

Damn it for an ugly toad to appear next to Her Royal Highness!

After Chu Hao left that secret place, he fine-tuned his appearance, making himself no longer so perfect and becoming much more ordinary.

But this ordinary, in the eyes of the teenagers, is ugly.

For the thoughts of these young men, Chu Hao ignored them, he looked at Her Royal Highness the princess and said: "You should use the power of your clan to find out everything, and then quietly send me out of here, don't let anyone know that I have a relationship with your clan."

"Don't worry, my clan is not afraid of any enemies!" Princess Fire Spirit said magnificently.

She took Chu Hao to a relatively secret hall, and not long after she entered, before she sat down, a woman with a plump posture quietly appeared.

The woman glanced at Chu Hao, lowered her head, and saluted respectfully: "The slave sees Her Royal Highness!" "

Has anything big happened lately?" Well, related to the imperial realm, there is no need to say what is under the imperial realm! The Fire Spirit Princess sat on the high seat and said flatly.

At this moment, she had a trace of the lofty momentum of a princess of a family.

The woman frowned and thought for a while, and replied in a deep voice: "Your Royal Highness, an ancient region has recently been opened, and an amazing treasure has appeared inside!"

"What treasure?" Fire Spirit Princess asked curiously.

"It was a divine bone, a divine bone containing ten thousand mysteries! In order to compete for this divine bone, several emperor realms fought fiercely! The woman reported

, "Unfortunately, even if several emperors made a move, they still didn't snatch the divine bone. The divine bone was still in the hands of its original owner, and the original owner was teleported to a force of teleportation without knowing where. Hearing

her report, the Fire Spirit Princess glanced at Chu Hao, and asked again expressionlessly: "Tell me about this original owner in detail!"

"That's a young man, his realm is the Inscription Realm, but the combat power is extremely amazing, the ordinary Entry Dao Realm is not his opponent, and the Heavenly Pride of countless great forces have been defeated in his hands!" The woman replied.

Her tone was full of amazement and curiosity, and the Inscription Realm was so powerful, which simply shattered her cultivation three views.

Her shock did not shock the Fire Spirit Princess, but made the princess's face turn black.

Because this princess thought of her experience in the secret land, she was also the proud son of the defeated power.

"I know! Any other information? The princess of the Fire Spirit Clan took a breath, calmed her mood, and asked again.

"Uh, no more! This teenager is very mysterious, it seems that he suddenly appeared, his teacher's inheritance, his past, no one knows! The woman shook her head.

As she spoke, she glanced at Chu Hao, and she had a feeling of wanting to say something.

"He is not an outsider, he will say something boldly!" Princess Fire Spirit said quietly.

Although she didn't understand why the princess trusted the young man so much, the woman still kept one point and didn't say it all: "We caught a companion of that young man..." Hearing

this, both Chu Hao and the Fire Spirit Princess raised their eyebrows, a little surprised.

"What kind of companion, and what is the relationship with that teenager?" The princess asked.

"According to the available information, that companion has a very close relationship with that young man..." The woman glanced up at Chu Hao, and saw that the princess was still indifferent, so she quickly reported

, "That companion's name is Dongke, he is that young man's closest companion, master him, maybe you can quickly find that young man!" Her Royal Highness, that young man has a lot of stakes and is concerned by countless emperor realms, I suggest, either do not interfere in it, or, absolutely must not leak secrets, and cannot let anyone know! "

The characters and treasures that have been paid attention to by so many emperor realms must contain countless secrets, for a big clan like the Fire Spirit Clan, either hand over Dongke in exchange for resource treasures, or, find Chu Hao through Dongke, quietly obtain all the benefits, and not let anyone know.

Hearing Dongke's name, Chu Hao was quite excited, but he didn't expect that they actually teleported to the same place.

The Fire Spirit Princess was expressionless and asked lightly, "How did you determine that companion was the boy's companion?" This kind of thing is very important, if you catch the wrong person, it is not good!

"We paid quite a price to get the portrait of that teenager, and the portrait of his companion!" With a wave of her hand, the woman revealed several portraits.

Among them, there are Chu Hao's original portraits, and there are portraits of Dongke, Zhuge Lin and others, all of which are very realistic and lifelike.

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