After solving this half-way robber, Chu Hao and the others continued to set off, and the closer they got to the Chaos Realm, the stronger the other cultivators they encountered. These monks are very polite and will not easily offend other Daoists, nor will they easily rob other Daoists.

However, although these cultivators will not cause trouble at will, their aura is strong, and there are faint grievances wailing on their bodies, indicating that these cultivators are not good stubble.

Chu Hao ignored them and continued to move forward, and soon, they saw a chaotic territory.

The sky of that region is chaotic, there are no clouds, no sky, no trace of color, it seems to contain countless colors, but upon closer inspection, nothing is found.

Under that sky, there is a misty chaotic qi, which is not transparent, making it completely impossible to know whether it is a fairy land or an abyss behind it.

"Ahead is the Chaos Territory, six or seven years ago, I came here to practice!" Princess Fire Spirit introduced.

Chu Hao glanced at the Chaos Territory, then didn't look any more, he tilted his head slightly and looked at the high place in front of him, where several figures were sitting cross-knee.

These figures sat cross-kneeled in the void, their figures were blurry, and they couldn't see their faces clearly, but they could clearly perceive that their aura was noble and strong, and seeing them was like seeing the Supreme Emperor.

These are the Imperial Realms!

Chu Hao quickly lowered his head, not daring to look more, for fear of being detected by these emperor realms.

Not only did he find these emperor realms, but even the Fire Spirit Princess and Dongke also saw it, their faces changed, and their breath was not very stable.

"Don't be too surprised, stay calm!" Chu Hao transmitted a message to them, "We don't have a divine bone on us, nor the owner of the divine bone, we are just cultivators who want to go to the Chaos Territory, so we can't panic and go straight forward." Hearing

Chu Hao's instructions, Dongke calmed down a lot, and drove the flying boat towards the edge of the Chaos Territory.

However, they calmed down and moved on, but many people around him hurriedly retreated, ready to get away from here.

"All the Daoists want to obtain the Divine Bone, I'm afraid it's not okay to leave like this! If you don't want something unpleasant, just do as I say..." A melodious voice came from it, which seemed to contain supreme majesty, making people dare not resist.

The owner of this voice at least has the cultivation of the Spirit King Realm!

A Spirit King Realm is preventing everyone from retreating? What happened?

Some of the unknown monks were very panicked and overwhelmed.

Some of them saw the Emperor Realm in the sky, and immediately knew that something big was happening, and they did not dare to retreat, so they could only follow the orders of the owner of the voice, and slowly flew towards the outside of the Chaos Territory.

The Fire Spirit Princess did not dare to disobey this order, drove the flying boat and followed everyone forward, and soon came to the outside of the Chaos Territory, where many cultivators and flying boats were densely suspended.

These cultivators gathered together, were talking about it, and looked at the Emperor Realm in the sky from time to time.

Although the Chaos Territory is close at hand, it seems that there is an invisible boundary that makes people dare not enter the Chaos Territory.

The flying boat quietly approached everyone, and also heard everyone's discussion:

"I received information that the owner of the divine bone wants to enter the Chaos Territory and use the Chaos Beasts in the Chaos Territory to stop the supreme forces from chasing and killing!" Someone said.

After Chu Hao listened, his heart sank, knowing that there were some people who violated the oath and told the information that they had entered the Chaos Territory.

"Fart! I got the news that the owner of that divine bone is going to the Abyss Jedi! Someone retorted.

The Abyss Jedi contains an inexplicable pollution, and the higher the realm, the easier it is to go crazy when you enter it.

Chu Hao once chose it, but then thought that he needed to establish a force, so he ruled it out.

He was not afraid of this pollution, but his men and his brothers could not resist it.

"Well, it makes sense, the reason why the owner of that divine bone said that he was going to the Chaos Territory was probably a smoke bomb he released, which was to confuse everyone!" Someone echoed.

"Then you say, why are there so many emperor realms guarding here? We may make mistakes, but with so many imperial realms, it is impossible to go wrong, right? Someone sneered.

"How do you know that in the Abyss Jedi, there is no Emperor Realm waiting for that Divine Bone Master..."

Everyone argued endlessly, giving their opinions on where Chu Hao might go.

Looking at the dispute between these people, Princess Fire Spirit and Dongke both glanced at Chu Hao secretly, but he was expressionless, as if he was listening to something very fresh.

Time passed quickly as everyone listened to the discussion, and both Princess Fire Spirit and Dongke became a little anxious, they both knew that dragging it out like this was not a way.

Chu Hao's face was solemn, he looked at the Chaos Territory in front of him, and silently called the owner of the territory, the Chaos Beast, in his heart.

With so many cultivators gathered together, he would definitely be able to attract many Chaos Beasts out, and at that time, it would be his chance to enter the Chaos Territory.

He looked around and knew that the number of people was enough, but the chaos beast still did not come out, and it was still not awakened.

It may be that some people used some means to cover their breath, so that they were not detected by the Chaos Beast.

If that's the case, then I should also use some means!

Chu Hao looked at the blue sky and thought secretly.

Just as he was about to use some means, a high-flying voice came down: "Some people speculate that the owner of the divine bone has already arrived here!" That little Daoist, please stand up, my White Emperor will definitely not embarrass you, as long as you are willing to hand over the divine bone, I am willing to appoint you as my teaching holy son!" "

The boy who obtained the divine bone came here?

When everyone heard this, they were in an uproar, and quickly looked around, looking for Chu Hao's figure.

However, Dongke and Princess Fire Spirit turned pale, and they looked at Chu Hao in unison, wondering what he could do.

"That little brother, don't listen to this bastard, he doesn't want you to be a holy son, he just wants to study you! Come to our Purple Qi Alliance, I promise not to study you, and I promise to let you be promoted to the Emperor Realm!" If you are not willing to hand over the divine bone, I will not embarrass you!" Another supreme voice also followed, persuading Chu Hao.

"Haha, my clan has goddesses, it is a good match for Daoist friends, as long as you are willing to hand over the divine bones, my clan will recruit you as a son-in-law, all kinds of treasures, all kinds of beautiful women, enjoy inexhaustible..." The third emperor realm made his promise.

Hearing so many promises from the Emperor Realm, the surrounding cultivators wished that they were Chu Hao, and they couldn't wait to enjoy all this immediately.

But the person involved, Chu Hao, clearly knew that the promises made by these emperor realms were all mirrors, and as long as he came out, he would only become a prisoner and a white mouse.

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