The sky changed again, and the dark clouds rolled on the sky again, thunder was ear-shattering, and thunder was dazzling.

An invisible imperial power crushed the audience, shocking everyone, and frightening some people to quickly destroy the little bit of caution in their hearts.

Relying on this imperial power, the Eastern Purple Emperor temporarily calmed everyone. There was no joy on his face, his face was extremely gloomy, and he looked at everyone coldly.

Under his gaze, some people quickly lowered their heads, not daring to look at him, for fear that he would see something.

Ordinary resources, few people will look at it, but the divine bone is what the vast majority of cultivators are eager for, and using the divine bone as a reward, maybe someone will really hunt and kill the members of the Three Emperors Alliance.

In addition, there are people whose main target is not the divine bone, but the secret of Chaos Qi, and if they can befriend this son of Chaos, they may be able to know a trace of its secrets.

Chaos Qi is related to the existence of the Transcendent Emperor, and if they know a trace of secrets, they may be able to change their path and make them stronger.

After Chu Hao's reminder, many cultivators realized that this son of chaos already had a certain hole card and the qualifications to play with the strong, and he had become a little climate.

He has the land of chaos, and he also has the supreme treasure divine bone of the avenue, that is, he has the earth and the law, and with these two, the couple and the wealth also follow.

With these things, he will definitely be able to improve quickly and become stronger quickly.

Not only can they get stronger quickly, but they can also use these things to control some people and do something.

Understanding this, everyone's opinion of Chu Hao changed a lot, but unfortunately, the Eastern Purple Emperor is here, otherwise, there will definitely be cultivators who will go to the Chaos Territory and communicate with the Children of Chaos.

"Dongzi Emperor, what are you doing, are you preventing all Daoists from understanding the mysteries of the Dao? You are too arrogant that even the Heavenly Emperor does not dare to do this..." At this moment, Chu Hao said aloud again, very dissatisfied with the persecution of the Eastern Purple Emperor.

"You shut up!" the Dongzi Emperor shouted angrily.

"In order to prevent the Three Emperors Alliance from blocking your path, I will now issue another reward..." Chu Hao smiled slightly and said in a loud voice.

Halfway through his words, he stopped because a Spirit King appeared in front of him and tried to assassinate him.

A ripple suddenly appeared in the void near him, and a spirit king dressed in blue clothes jumped out of the ripple. This Qingyi Spirit King held up a long sword and stabbed at Chu Hao, trying to kill him.

At this moment, a mysterious avenue vortex appeared in front of Chu Hao. The vortex spun rapidly, enveloping him.

"Hmph, an entry into the Dao Realm, I also want to stop King Ben and give me death!" The Qingyi Spirit King sneered, raised his long sword, and slashed towards Chu Hao fiercely.

Only a dazzling sword light was seen, and the Dao Vortex was cut in half.

Although this sword light was extremely sharp, it still could not break the vortex, but instead split this sword, adding a little power to the vortex and pushing the vortex towards the chaotic qi behind him.


vortex shot into the chaotic qi without hindrance, and the chaotic qi tumbled, wrapping it in the blink of an eye.

This Spirit King tried to assassinate Chu Hao, but he used the Great Avenue Vortex, blocked it for a moment, and fled into the endless chaotic qi.

"Damn it!" the Qingyi Spirit King shouted angrily, his face darkening to death.

He assassinated an intruder ant, but the assassination failed, and the ant escaped

! Roar! When

he cursed angrily, countless roars of chaos beasts suddenly sounded in the Chaos Territory.

The Chaos Beast that had been stimulated by the Eastern Purple Emperor before fell into rage and roared out angrily when this Qingyi Spirit King attacked.

Hearing the roar of the Chaos Beast, this Spirit King's face changed, and he quickly turned around and fled.

At this moment, the chaotic qi tumbled, and a huge chaos beast claw stretched out from the chaotic qi and grabbed towards the Qingyi Spirit King.

This giant claw was too big, and extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it blocked the space and grabbed the Qingyi Spirit King in the claw.

"Kill!" The Tsing Yi Spirit King burst out everything, desperately attacking, just to fight for a trace of life.

Unfortunately, this chaos beast is too strong, comparable to the Emperor Realm, and his attack is useless, so he can only watch himself being caught by giant claws.

"Emperor, save me!" At

this desperate moment, the Qingyi Spirit King looked in the direction of Chaos City, looked at the Eastern Purple Emperor in Chaos City, and hissed for help.

This Spirit King was sent by the Eastern Purple Emperor to prevent Chu Hao from continuing, and if he could, destroy this disgusting beast by the way.

But obviously, this Spirit King failed to assassinate, not only failed, but was also captured by an Emperor Realm Chaos Beast.

This Spirit King knew that he was about to die, so he desperately asked the Eastern Purple Emperor for help.

Inside and outside Chaos City, both the strong and the weak understood the inside story, and they all looked at the Eastern Purple Emperor one by one, wondering if he would save this Spirit King.

In the Spirit King's extremely expectant gaze, in everyone's gaze, the Dongzi Emperor's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, a pair of iron fists were clenched tightly, and the emperor power on his body rushed up to the sky, and the heavens and the earth changed color.

However, no matter how he broke out his Diwei, no matter how ugly his face was, he did not attack that chaos beast and save the lives of his subordinates.

He was afraid, he was afraid of the being in the Chaos Territory, he was afraid that the being would kill him because of this.

"Ah!" When

he hesitated, the Qingyi Spirit King who was caught screamed bitterly, and was pinched into meat paste by the giant claws.

After pinching the Qingyi Spirit King to death, this chaos beast retracted and did not go out of the chaotic territory to attack everyone.

The Chaos Beast retreated, the Son of Chaos also disappeared, today's farce can be said to be over, but inside and outside Chaos City fell into silence, everyone was staring at the East Purple Emperor, chilling for his ruthlessness.

I can't cut me out, the Spirit King is the strongest existence under the Emperor Realm, but today, a Spirit King was pinched to death, and the Dongzi Emperor, who commanded the Spirit King, did not say anything about it, watching his subordinates being killed.

That Spirit King's last scream, extremely terrible, made everyone remember deeply, and also made everyone have enough understanding of the ruthlessness of the Eastern Purple Emperor.

The Dongzi Emperor, whose face was completely lost, had a black face, did not say a word, and disappeared into Chaos City with a bang.

He disappeared, and the imperial power also disappeared, and everyone relaxed, they looked at each other, and countless emotions flashed in their eyes.

What happened today is so amazing that anyone will be shocked.

They knew that after today, the name of the son of chaos, Chu Hao, a genius and demon, would definitely spread to the world and would definitely be known to everyone in the world.

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