Tian Zhuoli: "..."

Ye Yan: "..."

Su Qianqian: "..."

All students: "..."

Tian Zhuoli said with a sad face: "Master is so deceptive!"

"Pfft~~" Su Qianqian covered her mouth in amusement.

Ye Yan patted Tian Zhuoli on the shoulder with sympathy, "Brother, come on!"

"Huh?" Tian Zhuoli was puzzled.

"Work hard to make money!" Ye Yan said.

"Get out!"

Su Chen didn't know that Tian Zhuoli and Ye Yan had misunderstood him. Su Chen had already lined up to buy food and returned to the dormitory.

As soon as Su Chen sat down, a system message popped up. Su Chen clicked on it and saw that it was a familiar ID, "Tian Tian (Ceng Meng Da)", which posted a text.

"Congratulations on winning the League of Legends Advanced Division Finals. You are the player with the highest winning rate in LoL history."

Seeing this news, Su Chen was stunned.

Su Chen couldn't help but wonder, could it be that he really did it?

But this is not logical. Su Chen clearly remembers that he did not play at all.

At this time, Tian Tian sent a new message, still with the name Su Chen recognized: "Are you willing to date me?"

Su Chen: "Uh~"

Tian Tian: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to, I can continue to help you play the game and let more players know about lol!"

Su Chen: "Yes, yes!"

Tian Tian: "Then I'll come to school to find you tomorrow!"

Su Chen: "Okay!"

Tian Tian: "Bye~"

Su Chen quickly quit QQ. Su Chen found that this thing was getting more and more weird. This was unscientific. Why was he here? This world is unscientific, and Su Chen feels like he is going to collapse.

Su Chen took out his mobile phone from under the bed and wanted to call Tian Tian to find out.

Su Chen picked up the phone, hesitated for a moment, and then put it down again, because Su Chen was afraid that Tian Tian would refuse.

Su Chen was not sure whether Tian Tian had feelings for her. After all, Tian Tian's character was like this. She didn't care about anything but liked lol, which made Su Chen feel something was wrong.

No matter what, let the soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth. Anyway, I have to go to Tian Tian tomorrow morning to find out, otherwise Su Chen's conscience will not go away.

Just when Su Chen was about to wash up and go to bed, Su Chen's cell phone rang. Su Chen glanced at the screen and saw a call from Li Shiqing.

"Hello, my dear wife~" Su Chen answered the phone.

"Su Chen, will you come back for dinner tonight?" Li Shiqing asked.

"Uh..." Su Chen was stunned, "Not tonight, I have something to do today!"

Su Chen did not directly say that he was going out on a date tonight. Su Chen was afraid that Li Shiqing would know that he had lied to her.

"What can happen to you?"

Su Chen: "I'm going to find my girlfriend, chat with her, and go on a date with her."

Su Chen was talking nonsense. Only Su Chen could give such a reason.

Li Shiqing on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, "Oh! Got it, then I'll hang up!"

"Yes!" Su Chen heard Li Shiqing saying that she wanted to hang up the phone, and Su Chen quickly agreed.

But Li Shiqing added before hanging up the phone: "I'll go to the company to find you tomorrow!"

"Ah?" Su Chen was dumbfounded, why did Li Shiqing suddenly change her mind, "Honey, I..."

Li Shiqing seemed to have guessed what Su Chen wanted to say, "Stop talking nonsense, I have my own arrangements tomorrow."

When Su Chen heard this, he had no choice but to agree. Su Chen had no choice but to say that he owed Li Shiqing money. Although the money was nothing to Su Chen, it was money owed to others after all. Pay it back as soon as possible.

At least at this stage, it must be paid off as soon as possible, otherwise Su Chen will always feel guilty.

Su Chen lay on the sofa and sighed, "Oh~~"

On the other hand, Li Shiqing started packing her things after hanging up the phone.

Lin Waner called out from the kitchen, "Daughter-in-law, what are you packing?"

Li Shiqing: "I'm going on a business trip!"

Lin Wan'er said in surprise: "Business trip? When did it happen? What kind of work is it?"


"Oh!" Lin Wan'er had no doubt that he was there.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Wan'er would not go out casually, because many of the company's business needs to be handled personally.

But since it is work, Lin Wan'er will definitely support it.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Lin Waner asked.

"No, you can rest at home, I'll go alone!" Li Shiqing said with a smile.

"Hmm~ Then be careful on the road." Lin Waner warned.

"I am leaving."

Li Shiqing left. Lin Wan'er looked at Li Shiqing's leaving figure and shook her head. This girl just didn't like to be restrained. She couldn't blame Li Shiqing.

"Hey, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, please wait for me!" Seeing Li Shiqing leaving, Su Chen hurriedly chased her out.

"What's the matter?" Li Shiqing stopped and asked.

Su Chen pointed to the apple on the table: "I'm hungry, can you peel an apple for me?"

Li Shiqing walked to the refrigerator without saying a word and took out apples from the refrigerator.

Su Chen quickly followed in and stood aside watching Li Shiqing peel the apples.

Su Chen discovered that Li Shiqing's knife skills were very good. In just two or three minutes, he could peel a big apple. Li Shiqing cut it into pieces and put it on a plate and brought it to the living room.

"Use it slowly!" Li Shiqing left after finishing these things.

"Eh? Wife, you haven't told me where you are going on a business trip!" Su Chen called out to Li Shiqing.

"You have no control over where I go. Just go to bed as soon as you finish eating!" Li Shiqing waved her hand and left without looking back.

Su Chen watched Li Shiqing leave, but he had mixed feelings in his heart.

At this time, Su Chen thought of Ye Yan, "Hey, it's better not to call that guy, lest he say he's faking it again."

Su Chen opened Weibo and wanted to check if there was any news about him on the hot search list.

As a result, his identity was revealed on Weibo. It turned out that Tian Tian was Su Qianqian in the game, and Su Qianqian applied for this ID herself.

At that time, Su Qianqian still had many fans in the national server, and Su Chen's vest account also had many fans.

Tian Tian's vest is the vest of a club that Su Chen and several other girls formed in lol. Later, Su Chen changed his position and was no longer online.

So fans always thought that Su Chen was still the same Su Chen as before.

Moreover, Su Chen had not been online for so long, so he gradually forgot about Su Chen.

But tonight Tian Tian suddenly broke the news, and Tian Tian's skills made everyone know the name Su Chen.

At this moment, Su Chen's vest has been scolded badly. Not only Tian Tian was scolded, but someone even posted on the forum saying that Su Chen had lied to them.

There was also a group of people who went to Su Chen's room to make a fuss, and some even went to school to besiege Su Chen.

This incident went viral on Su Chen’s Weibo, and even Su Chen’s parents, Su Chen’s sister, Lin Wenxin, Tian Zhuoli and others knew about it immediately.

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