"Okay, okay! Where are we going to explore?

Xiao Qianluo agreed excitedly.

Lin Xingyun showed a sly smile.

"To harvest, nature's gift!"

He remembered the first time he saw Xiao Chen.

I checked Xiao Chen's three recent opportunities.

The second of them reads: Seven days later, at night, Xiao Chen went to a cave a hundred miles south of the capital, found the cave mansion left by the ancient powerhouse, and took away the spirit stones, elixirs, and "Wind and Thunder Phantom" in it.

Can he be polite with Xiao Chen?

No, you can't!

Soon, he led Xiao Qianluo.

Found the hidden cave mansion.

I saw that the spiritual power inside was extremely full and full of rare elixirs.

In the corner, there is also a inheritance jade Jane.

Lin Xingyun urged the power of the divine soul to see.

It is recorded on the magic of "Wind and Thunder Phantom"!

"Yay! With so many spirit stones, I'm afraid there are millions!

"These elixirs are all over three thousand years old!"

"And this inheritance jade Jane... Inside is actually a Great Sage-level powerhouse, self-created body power?! "

Nebula, what the hell is this place..."

Xiao Qianluo looked at the rich collection in the cave mansion, and couldn't help but ask in surprise.

Lin Xingyun was next to the jade Jane.

A parchment scroll was found.

It reads.

"My name is Ji Wukun."

"If you can't break through the quasi-emperor calamity, you will soon transform the Dao and dissipate in heaven and earth, and now you will leave some spirit stones, elixirs, and the peerless school I created before my death, hoping that people with fortune will pass it on to future generations."

Lin Xingyun nodded after seeing it and explained to Xiao Qianluo.

"It seems that these are the inheritances of this strong man surnamed Ji, and now they are ownerless."

Lin Xingyun explained extremely naturally.

Then, without mercy, he swept away the things in the cave mansion.

All in the Qiankun ring!

"Thank you for nature's gift!"

Lin Xingyun couldn't help it, and sighed in his heart!

Before leaving.

His heart suddenly moved.

Then he sneered and took out the parchment scroll.

Put it back in the cave mansion............

At this moment, the system also sent a prompt.

"Ding! The host plunders the child of destiny, and the chance succeeds! "

The reward villain is worth 5000! Xiao Chen's luck value dropped by 5,000, and the remaining gas luck value: 75,000! "

Oh? Only 5000 points this time?

"It seems that all the treasures here added up are still far less effective than the Sword Soul Emperor Sutra on Xiao Chen!"

Lin Xingyun thought secretly.

At this time, his villain value has reached 30,000 points.

Three primary draws are already available.

But he is no longer satisfied with the primary lottery.

After you are ready to accumulate 100,000, you can directly open the intermediate lottery!

The orange prize [Innate Dao Embryo] is already terrifying.

If only he had an intermediate lottery.

Gold prizes are drawn once.

That's not taking off yet!

He is looking forward to it now.

What will be the first golden prize you draw?



Day and night.

Xiao Chen hurried all the way, preparing to go to the Demon Beast Mountain Range south of the Imperial City to hone his battle skills.

Five days ago, Lin Xingyun transformed into the news of [Innate Dao Embryo].

Gave him a huge stimulus!

As we all know, the cultivation speed of [Innate Dao Embryo] is extremely fast!

He is very worried now.

He will be overtaken by Lin Xingyun's cultivation.

So practice hard.

"Lin Xingyun, don't think that if you have [Innate Dao Embryo], you are invincible in the world!"

"A strong person must not only have talent, but also have a tenacious Dao heart!"

"It will only provoke women's waste, compared with me, you are not worthy!"

As soon as Xiao Chen thought of Lin Xingyun, he was jealous and hateful.

While galloping, he cursed through gritted teeth.

However, he had just stepped into the mountains.

Suddenly, his heart was blessed and he galloped away in one direction.

Children of destiny, for chance, the location of treasures.

It's all incredibly sensitive.

Soon, he discovered a cave mansion.

But when he went in and looked.

Only to find it empty.

Nothing but the walls!

"Huh? Have a parchment scroll?

Xiao Chen quickly found the parchment scroll and looked at it carefully.

"Ji Wukun?"

"Crossing the Quasi Emperor Tribulation? Isn't that a Great Sage Realm powerhouse? "

Spirit stones, elixirs, self-created masters?"

"What about stuff????"

After Xiao Chen read it.

Look around immediately.

However, in addition to the walls, it is still the walls....

Not even root grass, not left for him!

He did not die, turning around the cave mansion, knocking and beating.

In the end, the pain was helplessly discovered.

Indeed, there is nothing left here..........

The people who patronize here are simply bandits.

No, even bandits are inferior!

"How is that possible? I obviously sensed that there would be treasures here! Xiao

Chen was puzzled.

Han Feng suddenly appeared.

His divine soul power floated out, and after examining it carefully, he frowned tightly.

"Apprentice, I feel two familiar divine soul auras here."

"It's Na Lin Xingyun and your Seventh Imperial Sister, and it seems... It's not been long since I came......"

"What?! Is it him again?! "

The treasures here... Did he take it?

"Yes, it must be him! That crap!

Xiao Chen was out of disgust for Lin Xingyun.

The first time, he was locked up as a thief.

But after he calmed down a little.

His face was full of resentment and suppressed.

No way, the treasure of this cave mansion was originally an ownerless thing.

He can't, go to Lin Xingyun to ask for it, right?

He could only smash his fist on the stone wall of the cave mansion, and said incompetently and furiously.

"Damn it! How could it be so coincidental, the treasures here should obviously belong to me!

"Hopefully... It's really a coincidence..."

Han Feng looked at this strange scene.

But it was lost in thought.

The other party hollowed out the entire cave mansion.

Why is it left, that parchment scroll?

Let Xiao Chen know that there were once treasures here.

But I couldn't get a single point.

Isn't this a man's mentality?!

And that's exactly what happened.

At this time, Lin Xingyun.

Because it once again made Xiao Chen's mentality explode.

Earned an extra 5,000 villain points!



Another eight days passed.

Early this morning, in the princess's mansion, in Lin Xingyun's room.

At this time, he was bathing in a large golden ding.

Dingzhong invested a large amount of elixirs and demon beast blood.

At this time, it is the spiritual power that is strong, like substance.

He ran the Lin family's basic Qi and Blood Realm Technique "Blood Coagulation Technique" to absorb the essence of these treasures one by one.

The so-called rich family road.

As the second young master of the Lin family, he was not very well received.

But out and about.

The cultivation resources on his body were still extremely rich.

Moreover, he had also harvested a large amount of elixirs from that cave mansion before.

In the past, Liu Fengyi piled resources on him.

It's like a splash, it doesn't work.

But now it's different.

There is a [Innate Dao Embryo] physique bonus.

He absorbed these elixirs and blood.

It's almost more effective with less!

Soon, his jade-like body was inside.

There was a sound of qi and blood churning and muscles and bones exploding.

That is to reach the limit of the Qi and Blood Realm.

The characteristics of a hundred thousand catties of physical strength!

And he slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a turbid breath, and got up to clean up.

When he got dressed and walked out the door.

Yingqing, who was waiting outside, congratulated happily.

"Congratulations to the young master for reaching the limit of the Qi and Blood Realm."

"Aunt Ying, don't laugh at me, it's just a Qi and Blood Realm."

Lin Xingyun's face was a little hot.

After all, like Xiao Qianluo, he is the same age as himself.

It has almost been cultivated to the late stage of the Yuan Mansion Realm............

"I don't dare to laugh at the young lord, but sincerely."

"People who cultivate to 100,000 catties of physical strength in the Qi and Blood Realm are extremely rare, young lord, you can lay such a foundation, and you will definitely achieve extraordinary achievements in the future!"

Yingqing lightly covered her lips and smiled and encouraged.

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