As soon as he thought of this, he commanded the system.

"System, I decided to subdue Lin Chuan!"

"Ding! The host opens Lin Chuan's subduing route, and the favorability is replaced with [loyalty], and Lin Chuan's loyalty is currently 0 points. "

Oh? 0 points of loyalty?

"Good fellow, there is no loss of loyalty."

"This kid is a backbone!"

Lin Xingyun laughed lightly, but didn't care.

This child of destiny.

It's normal to have backbones and arrogance.

Sooner or later, he will break his backbone and make him submit to his orders!


"Young Lord, you saved the little sister, great kindness, but Lin Chuan offended you and was rude, it is really reckless and ignorant."

"This cup of tea, just Lin Chuan to apologize, I hope the young lord forgives!"

Soon, Lin Chuan was holding tea in both hands.

Bow and apologize to Lin Xingyun.

"It's not in the way, after all, I'm not a narrow-minded person."

Lin Xingyun casually took the tea and asked while drinking.

"But Brother Lin Chuan, listen to your sister, you will challenge Lin Langtian in seven days?"

"He is one of the ten holy sons of the Lin family today, do you have a chance of victory?"

The Lin family has always come from the younger generation.

Relying on competition, select the ten most talented holy sons and holy daughters.

Enjoy the family's large number of cultivation resources tilted.

They are extremely capable and accept all challenges all year round.

As long as you can defeat them in the same realm.

They will be able to take their place and become the new Son and Daughter.

The eldest of them, the First Son, is said to be in retreat all year round.

Cultivation has reached the realm of saints!

Lin Langtian was the youngest of the tenth holy sons.

Xiu Wei has also reached the Yuanfu realm.

"He beat my father into a cripple, and I can't help but repay this hatred!"

Lin Chuan's face was excited, and his face was bitter.

"Revenge is certainly important, but Lin Langtian is one of the holy sons, the tree has deep roots, and there are many elders to support him."

"And not long after you returned to the main vein, you have no foundation."

"Even if you can win him, aren't you afraid of being retaliated against and assassinated?"

Lin Xingyun drank the tea and said lightly.


..." "Don't hide from the young lord, I did have worries..." "

But if I can't take revenge, I will be a son of man!"

"It's a big deal that after fighting him, whether I win or lose, I will leave the Lin family!"

Lin Chuan let out a long sigh and said angrily.

"Of course, you can leave the Lin family and travel the world."

"But what about your sister? Are you not clear about her physical risk? "

She is in the Lin family, and she can still be treated at any time, but if she follows you to the end of the world, or returns to the small imperial dynasty in your hometown, I'm afraid it will be..."

said Lin Xingyun.

He glanced at Lin Qingtan, who was full of sadness and self-blame, and was pitiful.

Lin Chuan was also silent.

Indeed, this is his biggest obstacle.

But he wasn't an idiot either, asked immediately.

"Young Lord, when you say this to me, you want to..." "

I see that you have a good talent and are a forgeable material."

"It's better to join me and be my follower."

"With me as a backer, naturally no one will dare to target you in the future."

"Your sister also has the best healing and cultivation teaching."

Lin Xingyun did not hide it and directly declared.


Lin Chuan looked hesitant and tangled.

"Brother, Young Lord... Others are so good..."

"And they value you so much."

"It's not as good as ... Just listen to the young master, okay?

At this time, Lin Qingtan, who had been sitting obediently.

Suddenly, he pulled the corner of Lin Chuan's clothes and persuaded with a look of anticipation.

She had just listened to Lin Xingyun's words, and she was also full of thoughts.

If her brother is received by the young master.

Indeed, since then, there has been a big backer!

My brothers and sisters, I don't have to worry about it in the future.

You can settle down in the Lin family.

She can also see Lin Xingyun often....

Even his own physique, if he is cured in the future.

In the future, maybe you can still talk to the young master............

She thought and thought.

The pretty little face began to heat again.

Lin Chuan looked at his sister with a thoughtful look.

I was speechless.

This forgot his brother, and did not hesitate at all.

Worthy of being a sister!

However, Lin Chuan thought for a while.

Finally bowed to Lin Xingyun and apologized.

"Young Lord forgives, please allow me... Think about it..."

As you like, you don't have to force it."

"Leave first."

Lin Xingyun agreed indifferently, and then got up and left.

He didn't expect it once, so he let Lin Chuan submit.

Today's words are just planting a seed in Lin Chuan's heart.

"Congratulations to the young master."

"Young Lord... Walking. "

Lin Chuan brothers and sisters sent Lin Xingyun out.

Lin Qingtan looked at his rapidly disappearing back.

The little face was full of loss.

"Alas, my sister is not left!"

Lin Chuan looked at his sister's infatuated look and couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, he never wanted to follow others, he just wanted to rely on himself and ask the peak of the Immortal Domain.

But seeing the virtue of my sister.

Think again about your situation.

He couldn't help but waver............



That night, the Lin family was in an elegant garden.

Lin Xingyun's mother and son, plus Xiao Qianluo.

At this time, they were gathering for a banquet to celebrate Lin Xingyun.

At Liu Fengyi's request, Yingqing also sat down from the side and accompanied Liu Fengyi to drink.

It has been more than three months since Lin Chen's father and son disappeared.

Liu Fengyi has been thinking about tea.

Today, Lin Xingyun's return won the support of the Fourteen Ancestors, which made her pressure suddenly decrease.

And looking at his little son, he really became a dragon.

That's what makes her happiest the most!

Plus she is also very satisfied with Xiao Qianluo's daughter-in-law.

After all, Xiao Qianluo's appearance is impeccable.

The body is also an excellent type of production.

Lin Xingyun led Xiao Qianluo when he came to see her.

She liked it so much that she gave a bunch of gifts.

He also took out a bunch of his dowry as a meeting gift.

It's just that Lin Xingyun's father and brother are still alive and dead.

At this time, if a happy event is done.

It's too filial piety..........

Therefore, Liu Fengyi only comforted Xiao Qianluo and let her rest assured that the Lin family would be her home in the future.

Today can still be described as three joys, she naturally drinks freely.

And Lin Xingyun looked at his mother and finally showed a comfortable smile again.

I am also very gratified.

However, Liu Fengyi, after drinking a few more rounds of wine.

"Lin Chen, the one who killed a thousand cuts!"

"After six thousand years of cultivation, it has not been completed, so this is still the Primordial Holy Body?"

"Primeval Waste!"

"If others guard the border pass, he also guards the border pass, how can he be attacked?"

"Even if a foreigner has ninety percent responsibility, doesn't he have one percent responsibility?"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong

..." "I shouldn't have married from the Liu family in the first place, if I hadn't married, Lin Chen and Feng'er wouldn't have disappeared, Lin Chen and Feng'er wouldn't have disappeared

, and now..." "Fortunately, my Nebula is contending, and I have finally grown up..."

One moment scolded Lin Chen, the other pity himself, and the other praised Lin Xingyun.

He even babbled and sprinkled wine madly.

Lin Xingyun, Xiao Qianluo and Ying Qing, as well as the maids around.

They were all speechless.

Or Lin Xingyun reacted quickly.

Let the maids help Liu Fengyi to rest.

However, before leaving, Liu Fengyi put her arm around Lin Xingyun.

Half-awake and half-drunk instructed.

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