Then, it's as if it's not about itself.

Steadily floated down in front of Lin Xingyun's eyes.

"What a domineering book!"

"It's solipsistic!"

"This is the Great Luo Dao Sword... The kendo power that he personally summoned?

Lin Xingyun looked at the blue-gold book in front of him.

I can't help but be shocked and amazed.

A booklet, can actually turn a sword on its own?

And even the Emperor Jing was not afraid.

He couldn't help but be curious, and directly took the book in his hand and looked at it.

"Nine Leaves Sword Technique?"

"One of the five great sword techniques of the Immortal Domain?"

Lin Xingyun suddenly remembered a legend he had heard before.

The strongest five sword techniques in the Immortal Domain.

If you can collect them all, you can integrate them.

Will be able to directly use the sword path to become an emperor!

One thought of that legend.

Plus the call of the Great Luo Dao Sword.

And the performance of this sword book just now.

There is no reason not to choose it yourself!

Lin Xingyun did not hesitate and directly accepted it into the Qiankun Ring.

And seeing the "Nine Leaves Sword Technique", he was selected by Lin Xingyun.

The other kendo texts suddenly seemed to be deflated.

They are full of resentment.

Slowly flew back to their respective floors..........

Lin Xingyun didn't care either.

With the "Nine Leaves Sword Technique" such a superlative.

Other kendo texts.

It seems to be so "vulgar powder".

He continued to walk upwards.

Soon reached the eighty-first floor.

According to Lin Chuan's system chance prompt yesterday.

Quickly found the Great Desolate Sutra.

"The Great Desolate Sutra: It can quickly condense the spiritual power of the earth, mountains, grass and trees, and greatly increase its own cultivation in a short time!"

"It's a similar increase secret method to the [Heavenly Fire Nine Changes] that Xiao Yan used that day, but the grade is higher."

"The Great Sage-level increase secret method is not bad."

After Lin Xingyun briefly looked at it, he was ready to accept it together.

However, without waiting for him to make a move.

The Great Desolate Sutra suddenly began to stir.

And then float.

I want to go downstairs.

"Oh, it must be Lin Chuan coming over."

Lin Xingyun sneered.

Just as he can attract the Emperor Sutra.

So are these children of destiny.

There are always various exercises and treasures, channeling themselves and giving them a hug.

"Gee, are you so hungry for him?"

"You're a slut!"

Lin Xingyun smiled and quickly struck.

Firmly grasp the Great Desolate Sutra.

After all, just a booklet, although psychic.

But it's not like "Nine Leaves Sword Technique", which is extraordinary.

After being controlled by Lin Xingyun.

The Great Desolate Sutra struggled and trembled.

Like a delicate maiden.

Still want to fly to his sweetheart, Lin Chuan's side.

But in the end, it was still grasped by Lin Xingyun strongly!

Received into the Qiankun ring.

And at this time, the bottom of the Gongfa Pavilion.


"Strange... How do I feel..."

"It's like... What important thing was lost?! Lin

Chuan, who had just entered the door, suddenly became irritable and confused.

Directly stunned in place.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Qingtan on the side looked up and questioned.

"Didn't... It's nothing..."

"Let's go, go and find out, is there any suitable exercise for you."

Lin Chuan prevaricated and said.

Yesterday, due to the outbreak of the extreme yin power in Lin Qingtan's body, he was rescued by Lin Xingyun.

As a result, she successfully broke through to the Wheel Sea Realm at night.

After entering the Wheel Sea Realm, the basic exercises of the Qi and Blood Realm are not applicable.

You need to start choosing another practice and practice for a long time.

Lin Chuan took his sister to this Gongfa Pavilion.

By the way, I want to see if there are any quick miracles.

Challenge yourself for a few days, it helps to get by.

Elder Shouge, after asking them.

He gave them a wooden plaque that could go up to the forty floors.

Forty floors, the highest collection of the marquis realm grade of the divine powers.

Lin Chuan took Lin Qingtan and went upstairs to look for it.

However, I searched for a while.

I didn't find a technique suitable for Lin Qingtan.

No way, the extreme yin body is too special.

A princely realm-level cultivator.

They are not capable of creating matching exercises.


"If only I could go up some more layers and look for them in those Saint Laws and Great Saint Laws..."

Lin Chuan sighed secretly.

He had heard that Lin Langtian was a holy son.

It can be selected at will, saint-level divine power exercises.

Compare yourself with each other.

Identity, resources, really lagging behind.

Come to think of it.

He couldn't help but hold the jade talisman in front of his heart.

"Master Diao, don't you have any exercises that are suitable for my sister?"

"No, I'm just a remnant soul now, my memory is lost too much, and it's not easy to guide you in cultivation."

"But don't worry, when you become a holy son, isn't it easy to find exercises?"

"Although that Lin Langtian is difficult to deal with, it doesn't matter, I will make a move!"

"At that time, if you can't be defeated, I will lend you a part of the divine soul power, are you afraid that I won't be able to take him?"

In that jade talisman, a cold and arrogant voice came out.

"That's it

," Lin Chuan promised.

While apologetically said to Lin Qingtan.

"Qingtan, let's go back first."

"Don't worry, when my brother becomes a holy son, I will take you to find higher-grade exercises."

"It's okay, brother, Qingtan is not in a hurry."

"Brother, I believe in you, you will definitely be able to defeat that Lin Langtian and become a holy son!"

Lin Qingtan nodded, and there was no trace of displeasure on his small face.

Instead, he smiled and encouraged Lin Chuandao.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan became more and more remorseful.

But also more wary.

However, just as the brothers and sisters were about to go downstairs and leave.

Lin Xingyun also "just right", from the forbidden place on the forty-first floor, walked downstairs.

"Huh? Coincidentally, you're here? "

Less... Young Lord?! "

Meet the Young Lord."

Lin Qingtan was surprised for a while, and couldn't help but call out coquettishly.

Lin Chuan saluted with some embarrassment.

"Oh? Qingtan also broke through to the Wheel Sea Realm?

"Have you found a satisfactory exercise?"

Lin Xingyun asked deliberately.

This time, Lin Qingtan's face showed inferiority.

Lowered his eyebrows and replied.

"Also... Not yet..." "


"Below forty floors, there are really no too good exercises."

"Why don't you Qingtan follow me upstairs to find it?"

Lin Xingyun suggested with a smile.

That gentle jade-like appearance made Lin Qingtan's face blush and his heart beat.


"Young Lord... Is it really possible? Seeing

Lin Xingyun nodded.

Lin Qingtan plucked up courage.

With a small broken step, he came to Lin Xingyun's side.

"Brother Lin Chuan, do you want to go up and take a look together?"

Lin Xingyun glanced at Lin Chuan and still asked with a smile.

"Thank you for your good intentions, I..." "I'm

temporary... You don't need such high-grade martial arts.

Lin Chuan really couldn't pull his face.

After all, yesterday, he politely refused the other party's solicitation.

Now it is necessary to take advantage of the other party.

He was really embarrassed.

However, the next moment, Lin Chuan was directly dumbfounded.

"Oh, then forget it."

"Qingtan, let's go."

After Lin Xingyun finished speaking, he actually took Lin Qingtan's little hand extremely naturally.

"Hmm... Well!

"Brother, then me and the young master... Go up first..."

Lin Qingtan was also doubly surprised, and turned back to explain.

He went to Lin Xingyun's side again.

Watching the two go upstairs intimately like a couple.

Lin Chuan suddenly had black lines all over his head.

There is a kind of home-grown cabbage.

The feeling of being arched by a pig!

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