Lin Langtian was stunned.

I didn't react for a long time.

I don't know what this young master wants to do.

Then he asked with a gloomy face.

"Second Young Lord, are you all right

?" "Did you make a mistake

?" "For the sake of a small branch disciple, you actually questioned me like this on this occasion

?" "My dignified Holy Son, since he dares to challenge me, what if I kill him?"

retorted Lin Langtian untamedly.

Everyone in the audience instantly became excited again!

I thought that Lin Chuan would lose.

Today's play has been watched.

I didn't expect that there would be a second one!

"What a dignified holy son!" "

Our Lin family has always been inclusive."

"The main vein branch should have been treated equally!" "

It seems that a stubborn person like you is no longer qualified to be this holy son!"

said Lin Xingyun.

Stretched out his hand to make a provocative gesture to Lin Langtian.

"Since Lin Chuan has lost, then it is up to me to challenge you!"


I'll sit down in person!"

Lin Xingyun's voice just fell.

Inside and outside the martial arts arena, there was a dead silence.


The next moment, the audience erupted into an uproar!

All the spectators waiting to eat melons.

They were all shocked!

The second young master of his own family actually took the initiative to challenge the Holy Son?"

What realm is it now?"

"On the breath... It feels as if it is... The Wheel Sea Realm is complete

?!", "That young lord, he can

challenge it!" "It's a whole realm worse

!" "This also dares to take the initiative to challenge?!"

"Pass it out, the second young lord is crazy!"

"Second Young Lord!

Jimei, why didn't you tell me that the second young master is a bit stupid?"

It's the stupid beauty type..."


Lin Chuan and Lin Qingtan.

There are also people who took Lin Chuan to heal.

They were all shocked and stunned in place.

"The sea is complete... Challenge the Yuanfu Consummation............"

"You... You!" Lin

Chuan didn't know whether he was faint or faint.

In short, he passed out completely.

"Ah, brother, wake up, wake up!"

Lin Qingtan was frightened, and quickly urged those people to send Lin Chuan to heal.

After a few people left, he couldn't help but stay.

She really wanted to see it.

The second young master who has his heart in mind.

How to challenge that big bad guy Lin Langtian.


At a time when the army in the audience is in chaos.

Lin Langtian was amused.

He looked contemptuous.

To Lin Xingyun's yin and yang strange qi,

he said, "Second Young Master, don't be kidding."

"You're a whole realm behind me.

"I accept your challenge, isn't that bullying

?" "You better go back and cultivate hard, isn't [Innate Dao Embryo] cultivating quite fast?"

"When you break through to the Yuan Mansion Realm, take care of my affairs, hahaha..."

He was laughing wildly.

A blue-gold sword grass suddenly struck.

"Huh, you!"

he dodged hastily, but still scratched his cheek.

Although it doesn't hurt much.

But it was extremely insulting!

"Second Young Lord, you... Are you really going to mess with me?"

Lin Langtian's face turned dark and asked grimly.

But then.

But I saw Lin Xingyun throw a pill.

"This is the Rejuvenation Pill, enough for you to return to your peak form. "

Eat him, fight me now!"

Lin Xingyun said this.

The original noisy audience.

Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamations again!

"It's crazy!" "It's all crazy for

the Second Young Lord!" "I bet five thousand spirit stones, the Holy Son won't take that pill

!" "Yuanfu Realm fights a round of the Sea Realm, do you still need to take pills?

"The Second Young Master can survive three rounds, even if it succeeds

!" "It's a pity, I really don't want to see the Second Young Lord get injured!"

Just don't break your face!"

I've long wanted to see the miserable appearance of the Second Young Master who is pitiful, kneeling and begging for mercy!"

"Jimei, your preferences... A little bit perverted!"



Second Young Lord, since you are so persistent.

"Then I'll be offended!" Lin

Langtian took the pill, but did not swallow it, but said to Lin Qian.

"Then still ask Elder Lin Qian to be the judge, this is the Second Young Lord, who took the initiative to challenge me.

"Well, that's right, it's still only a high score, not a decision on life and death."

"Ready, start!"

announced Lin Qian again.

The second Saint Son position competition officially began!

Lin Langtian did not eat the Rejuvenation Treasure Pill.

He also put the long sword into its scabbard.

In his eyes, the other party was a round of sea realm complete.

If you stomp your own foot, you can trample a bunch of death

! Use a sword

to recover, take pills to recover

, that is all humiliation to yourself!

"Young Lord, you first please..."

he sneered and provoked.

However, in the next moment, dozens of sword qi turned into blue-gold sword grass and attacked him in unison

! This is the first sword intent of the "Nine Leaves Sword Technique", and the wind knows the strong

grass! It can transform into countless grass-shaped sword qi and cut everything!

"What?!" Lin

Langtian felt the power of those sword grasses, and was immediately shocked.

However, those sword grasses had already attacked and killed to the front.

Soon, his limbs, torso.

They were all cut by those sword grasses, and they were bloodied!

"True Phoenix Ten Thousand Sword Technique!"

He hurriedly drew his sword and used the sword technique that had defeated Lin Chuan before.

A Sword Qi Divine Phoenix appeared, protecting him behind him and fighting those sword grasses.

Yet the next moment.

A figure in white stepped on the wind and thunder and rushed into front of his eyes!

Lin Xingyun bluntly smashed a punch.

But he blessed the power of two hundred giant elephant particles,

which he condensed in the past five days.

Entering the Wheel Sea Realm is complete, plus returning to your own home, absolutely safe.

He could unscrupulously use the Immortal Devouring Demon Skill to absorb cultivation resources.

The speed at which he condensed giant elephant particles.

It is also dozens of times higher than in the past!

Just smash that divine phoenix phantom directly!


!" "Such a strange force, this horse is a wheel sea realm?!"

Lin Langtian's eyes widened in shock.

However, before he could be shocked, Lin Xingyun was already approaching him.

He couldn't take care of much.

He had to go all out with his sword and slash at Lin Xingyun's shoulder.



A palm as white as jade, wrapped in a layer of Xuanhuang spiritual power.

Hold his sword blade to death

! "You!" "

What kind of demon flesh is this stepping horse?!" Lin

Langtian seemed to see some great terror, his pupils trembled!

His sword could smash the opponent's arm,

but Lin Xingyun's palm was undamaged!


while Lin Langtian was terrified.

Lin Xingyun's left hand formed a fist and punched him in the heart!

"Cough ————!"

Lin Langtian immediately vomited blood and flew backwards, and the sword was also free!

Under the martial arts stage, it has fallen into a strange silence.

Everyone's mouths were wide open, as if they could swallow an egg.

They were all deeply shocked by the sight in front of them.


Xiao Qianluo covered his small mouth in surprise.

When I was with Lin Xingyun, Guang was busy with me and talking about love.

It was only now that she had seen it for the first time.

Lin Xingyun's terrifying combat power!


"Xuanhuang Linglongjia, the effect is not bad.

Lin Xingyun slapped Lin Langtian, shook his right palm, and nodded in satisfaction.

The aura wrapped around his hand.

It is the protective divine power obtained from the Ancient Heavenly Monument of the Extreme Dao-Xuanhuang Linglong Armor!

Although the grade of this set of divine powers is unknown, it has great potential.

After entering, you can condense a layer of spiritual power armor throughout your body.

And in the future, as long as it can absorb enough Xuanhuang Mother Qi, it can continue to strengthen!"

Ahem..." "

How... How is it possible..."

"A wheel sea realm... How could it be... So strong?!" Lin

Langtian vomited blood in his mouth, still in disbelief.

Actually a few rounds myself.

He was defeated by Lin Xingyun

, was he having a nightmare,

and it was an extremely mysterious nightmare!

But before he doubted life.

His sword was thrown over by Lin Xingyun.

"I advise you to hurry up and eat the Rejuvenation Treasure Pill.

"Lest others say that I am invincible and picked up Lin Chuan's leak."

Lin Xingyun said indifferently.

It seems that Lin Langtian did not put Lin Langtian in his eyes at all!

"You... You!" "

Lin Xingyun... You look for death!"

Lin Langtian looked at his fluttering look.

His eyes were instantly full of murderous intent, and

he couldn't manage so much at the moment.

The face, compared to the position of the Holy Son, is not even a fart!

He stood up, took out the rejuvenation pill, and swallowed it with his mouth.

In just a few breaths, his injuries healed quickly.

The aura of spiritual power has also returned to its peak!

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