"Humph! Do you blame me? He agreed to let me test his strength!"

Chu Weiluo stuck out her tongue and didn't take the other party seriously at all.

"If you continue to entangle, I'm afraid you will have to stay here before starting a war with the foreign land."

Qin Diyao also announced calmly to everyone in the Qin family, her eyes were as cold as ice, and she was also not polite at all.

"That's right! Yaoyao is so good!"

Seeing her protecting her like this, Chu Weiluo was moved and hugged her little arms tighter, which made Qin Diyao look helpless, as if she was worried that she would hurt this little sister.

"Qin Di Yao! You————!"

Everyone in the Qin family was so angry that the three corpse gods jumped, but they did not dare to say any harsh words.

Their own holy son was crippled by a punch. They already knew the strength of the other two, and they were simply not something they could deal with!

Everyone present looked at a group of saints from the Qin family who were so subdued by two little girls from the princely realm that they did not dare to say anything. They all sighed in astonishment.

There is no objection to the strength of Qin Diyao and Chu Weiluo, only deep awe and fear!


"The world of ten thousand realms is about to come. You should unite as one and not fight privately!"

At this time, an old and powerful voice came from Zhenlong Pass, resounding throughout the pass. It was obviously the strong ones among the gatekeepers who were speaking to maintain order.

But the other party had no intention of punishing Chu Weiluo. Instead, he turned a blind eye and wanted to settle the matter.

After all, Chu Weiluo and Qin Diyao are both the most important immortal seedlings appointed by the highest level at the border! It is the hope for the future of Immortal Domain, so they naturally have to focus on protecting it.

The World of Ten Thousand Daos is a small world opened up by an unknown powerful person in the past. There are countless treasures containing the principles of Tao. Many of the treasures can help princes and princes understand the principles of Tao and even help saints. Perfect breakthrough to the realm of the Great Sage!

And because the world of ten thousand worlds has been floating in the turbulent space of fairyland and foreign lands for a long time, there is no trace to be found, and it only appears once every one hundred thousand years.

This time in this world, it was calculated by the strong men from both sides that it would come outside Zhenlong Pass, so they agreed to choose the Saint Realm battlefield at Zhenlong Pass.

The two sides are now accumulating strength, waiting for the arrival of the Ten Thousand Worlds, and then officially start fighting there to compete for opportunities!

At this time, Qin Ji also flew back to the pass, but his face was disgraced. He no longer had the face to approach Qin Diyao and Chu Weiluo. He just looked at the two women with resentment in his eyes, and then took everyone in the Qin family to another corner. Wait.

But then I saw four more space doors emerging from the four directions above the sky, and dozens of figures walked out of them.

Among them, the seven people who took the lead and came out, although they were all at the saint level, their auras were far stronger than Qin Ji!

Even though they are far less powerful and terrifying than the real emperor, they are still extremely noble. Ordinary monks don't even dare to look directly at their true form!

"With such terrifying pressure, could it be that these seven people are... the descendants of the Great Emperor?!"

"Oh my god! Seven emperors appeared in a row? Who are these people?!"

"It doesn't matter which emperor's son you are, he will be a huge help to us in the Immortal Domain after all!"

"With the addition of these seven emperors, we will be more confident in dealing with the twelve imperial clans in foreign lands!"

Everyone was shocked and exclaimed by the appearance of these seven people, but most people still felt happy and relieved, feeling that strong support had arrived, and they were a little more confident in the upcoming battle!

However, when the four people arrived, one of the leading emperors looked at the people in the Immortal Realm and locked his eyes on Qin Diyao almost instantly.

"It is indeed here!"

"You little bitch, suffer death!"

He was dressed in white clothes and a white hat, and his skin was as pale as paper. At first glance, he looked like a sickly mortal.

But when his spiritual power burst out, boundless wind and clouds rolled up in the sky, and a giant hand of white bones, thousands of feet tall, poked out from the clouds, and rushed towards Qin Di Yao!

"Huh! You are really looking for death!"

Chu Weiluo's face sank when she saw this, and she was about to punch out, but Qin Diyao gently stopped her.

Then I heard a cold snort that spread in all directions from the depths of Zhenlong Pass, and then a ray of divine light rushed up to the sky, collided with the giant white bone hand, and instantly dissolved it into nothingness!

"The war is about to begin. If there is another private fight, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The indifferent voice of the gatekeeper was like thunder, which made all the monks present stand in awe. They knew that it was a powerful elder who took action and easily defused the offensive of an emperor's son.

But the emperor in white sneered again and again and said with arrogant contempt.

"How dare you interfere in my son's affairs?"

"If you dare to stop me again, when my father recovers, I will kill you all with one finger!"

Bai Wuyou threatened in a cold voice, not taking the gatekeeper seriously at all.

"Shu Zi is so impudent!"

"Don't think that your restricted area can cover the sky with one hand. The borders of the Immortal Domain will not allow you to offend!"

"If you dare to cause trouble again, there is no need for you to join the war. Go back to the restricted area now!"

Several more old voices came from Zhenlong Pass, and they were obviously extremely disgusted with people like them coming out of the restricted area.

In mid-air, the other six emperors also made contemptuous and sarcastic sounds after hearing this.

"Ha! These old guys are so ridiculous. Who said we are here to help?"

"We are only here for the Wandao World. If you fight for life or death, what does it have to do with us?"

"Brother Bai, I heard that that woman killed many of your direct bloodlines in Minghai."

"I've observed that she does have some abilities. I'm afraid it's hard for you to deal with her alone. Let's do this. I'll help you deal with her with ten bottles of divine liquid!"

"Brother Bai, don't listen to him. I only want nine bottles of divine liquid, but I have to cripple this woman for a while first!"

"No need to worry about it, I can take care of her myself!"

Bai Wuyou glanced at this group of old friends from the other three restricted areas and knew that they were all cannibals, so he immediately refused in a cold voice.

Immediately, the spiritual energy and Taoism all over his body surged again, and a pair of giant white bone hands appeared in the sky again and attacked Qin Diyao, completely ignoring the warning of the gatekeeper!

Qin Diyao didn't show any weakness, the Supreme Bone in his heart burst out with six-color divine light, and he was about to fight Bai Wuyou head-on!

Chapter 334 The coming of the world of ten thousand ways is destined to happen

"Huh? The light emitting from that woman's heart seems to be evolving into six reincarnations?!"

"It's the Principle of Reincarnation! One of the ten most powerful Principles, that woman must have a valuable treasure on her body!"

"And the smell of her flesh and blood is really wonderful. How can it be more delicious and alluring than any other ferocious beasts?!"

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry, I can't let go of this delicious food!"

"Okay! You go and assist Bai Wuyou first, and we will raid the formation for you, haha!"

Several other emperors in the restricted area also had sinister sneers on their faces, making no secret of their interest in Qin Diyao, but none of them made the first move. Apparently they realized that although Qin Diyao was a treasure, she was also extremely difficult to deal with!

Just waiting for Bai Wuyou to take the lead so that they can reap the benefits.

But just as the two sides were at war with each other, a series of strange sounds that penetrated the soul suddenly came from the sky.

Everyone was unconsciously attracted, looking up at the distant sky outside the pass.

Above the clouds high in the sky, nine-colored light spots flashed across like aurora. After a moment, that area of ​​space was like pieces of broken glass, bursting into a huge gap measuring 10,000 feet square!

Countless miraculous nine-color spiritual energy poured out from the gap like a stream of light, revealing another small world that was deep and vast, complete with heaven, earth, sun and moon.

Obviously, this small world has been wandering in the turbulence of space for a hundred thousand years, and finally it comes again and sees the light of the two realms again!

"It's the World of Ten Thousand Daos! It's finally here!"

"This is a great opportunity that comes once in a hundred thousand years. If you miss it, you will have to wait for the rest of your life!"

"The treasures that can help people enlighten themselves and break through to the Great Saint Realm are among them! Hurry! Don't let people from other lands take the lead!"

Even if all the monks in Zhenlong Pass are saints and have good mental state, they will inevitably be completely ignited by this scene at this moment. Without any hesitation, they all fly towards the space gap that enters the world of ten thousand ways.

The foreign side also became excited, and all the monks instantly jumped into the air and rushed towards the gap!

The two sides met in front of the gap in the Ten Thousand Dao World, and naturally there was a collision. Many people took advantage of the other party's attention being focused on the Ten Thousand Dao World to use extreme moves to attack the other monk!

"The world of ten thousand worlds has arrived?"

Bai Wuyou, who was getting ready to kill Qin Diyao, couldn't help but show some hesitation when he saw this situation.

The opportunities in the Wandao World are also not small, otherwise he would not be so condescending as to come here in person, but Qin Diyao did not want to let it go.

But before he could react, Chu Weiluo grabbed Qin Diyao's arm, jumped into the air with her two pink legs, and led Qin Diyao straight towards the gap in the space of the world.

"Willow? What are you doing? Why are you running away?"

Qin Diyao was not angry with Chu Weiluo, but she was a little displeased that the troublemaking emperors in the restricted area had not been killed yet.

"Yao Yao, what are you doing with those little shrimps? You might as well go into the Wandao World to hunt for treasures!"

"Besides, there are many people here. When we enter, they will definitely follow us. It won't be too late to kill them after entering the Wandao World!"

Chu Weiluo explained eloquently, but the corner of her mouth already curled up into a cold and evil smile.

She has roughly scanned these emperors. Although the attribute points on them are not as huge as Qin Diyao's, they are far more than all the geniuses in the border!

"I want all their attribute points!"

Chu Weiluo thought with a sly smile, she has decided to kill all these emperors and turn them into attribute points for herself!

"Hmph! Want to escape? Dreaming!"

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