At this moment, Yuan Pi finally found it difficult to maintain his aloof posture. He immediately controlled the ancient mirror to resist with all his strength, and at the same time retreated violently, trying to avoid the blow!


However, the fist wind carried the power of six reincarnations, rolling down with the force of a collapse of the sky, hitting the ancient mirror with one punch, and in the blink of an eye, it obliterated the magic weapon's divine energy, sending it flying thousands of feet away!

Yuan Pi who was behind him couldn't dodge, so he had to attack with all his strength. Dao Ze's spiritual power surged out and struck out, and he took Qin Diyao's punch forcefully!


There was like thunder exploding in mid-air, and Yuan Pi received a heavy blow. The Six Paths of Reincarnation were like millstones that destroyed the world, destroying all his Taoist spiritual power, and then letting him fly backwards like a piece of rag!

When he finally regained his balance, blood was pouring out from all over his body, limbs and torso. He felt like his internal organs were being stirred, and blood was overflowing from his mouth. It was obvious that he had been seriously injured!

"Damn it! Who is this woman?!"

"The aura on her body...isn't a special constitution, it's...the Supreme Bone?!"

Yuan Pi's face was full of horror, but after identifying the existence of the Supreme Bone in the opponent's body, greed and viciousness burst out in his eyes again!

"As a prince, I want to see how defiant you can be!"

"The Supreme Bone, which contains the power of reincarnation, is the best in the world! I must dig it out today!"

He was not one to give in and be timid. He immediately shouted loudly, and a strange phenomenon erupted behind him. Thousands of deadly claws flew out from it, and countless physical essences were poured into his body to help him attack Qin Di Yao!

Qin Diyao remained calm, waved her petite pink fist again, the six rays of reincarnation light illuminated the world, and continued to fight Yuan Pi!

Not far below, Chu Weiluo saw that Qin Diyao was suppressing Yuan Pi from beginning to end, and the opponent was almost unable to fight back, so she nodded and praised with a smile.

"Well! Sure enough, it is right to give Yaoyao the "Three Lives Sword Art" and "Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist"!"

"She has the Supreme Bone of Reincarnation in her body, and she also masters the principles of reincarnation. These two magical powers are perfect for her!"

"How long has it been since? She has already fully understood it and used it so smoothly. She is indeed Yaoyao!"

"Willow, you gave her these two magical powers for free. She wanted to give you the White Tiger Magic Medicine and her "Wanhua Sword Art" at that time. Why don't you want it?"

At this time, Chu Lulu's confused voice sounded in Chu Weiluo's mind.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist" was a reward that Chu Weiluo got after testing it on the ancient monument of the extreme path in Zhenliang Pass after arriving at the border.

The "Three Lives Sword Art" is a legacy left to her by her father. It is one of the five great sword art in the Immortal Realm. When practiced to the extreme, it can also use the power of reincarnation to destroy the opponent's past life, present life and next life. Its power is unpredictable and impossible to guard against!

After she became acquainted with Qin Diyao, she gave these two powerful magical powers to Qin Diyao for nothing, which made the relationship between the two even closer.


"Oh! You don't understand this! Yaoyao and I are good sisters. If I also take her treasure, wouldn't it be a business deal?"

"So you absolutely can't take it!"

Chu Weiluo looked embarrassed, but she quickly excused herself with a smile.

But I couldn't help but think to myself.

"Really! The "Ten Thousand Transformations Sword Technique" is also one of the five great sword techniques in the Immortal Realm! It's so difficult to learn!"

"My understanding is not that high, and I am not majoring in swordsmanship. I can't even understand the "Three Lives Sword Technique" left by my father. Why should I get an extra copy when I'm full?"

"It's better not to take any money and let Yaoyao be even more moved! Hehehehe..."

"Willow, you forgot again...I can hear your heart..."

"Yeah! Lulu, you are serious! Believe it or not, I will lock you up now!"

Chu Weiluo saw that Chu Lulu had listened to her inner thoughts, and immediately blushed with embarrassment. She squeezed her little head noisily, as if trying to find some kind of switch to turn off Chu Lulu!

"Ah! Willow! No! What if you lock me up and I can't wake up in the future?"

"Oops! Okay, okay, don't look so pitiful, it's not your concern, it will never be your concern, okay!"

"Yeah! Willow is the best!"

As usual, Chu Weiluo coaxed this "system" that was like her sister, and finally coaxed her.

And the dozen or so foreign saints behind her were completely ignored by her as if they didn't exist!

A group of foreign monks had begun to sweat profusely, because they had attacked with all their strength for dozens of rounds, but they could not even break through a corner of the rose-red barrier!

On the contrary, above the sky, the winner has been decided!


Yuan Pi received another six reincarnation punches. He was beaten so hard that he vomited blood and his body became dilapidated!

"You're careless! This woman is really invincible!"

"The days ahead are long, the best strategy is to stay ahead!"

He immediately made up his mind, and a thick black mist immediately appeared behind him, surrounding him completely, and he was about to use his escape technique to escape!

Before leaving, he looked at Qin Diyao with infinite hatred and roared.

"You bitch! Just wait for me! I will come to find you again!"

"In this world of ten thousand realms, I must dig out your supreme bone!"

Chapter 338: Wake up angry and unable to transform

"Oh? Dig my Supreme Bone?"

Qin Diyao's face was even more cold, as if it brought back some bad memories.

Her heart blossomed with a doubly powerful six-color radiance, and the aura of reincarnation filled the sky. With every gesture, she looked invincible!

The next moment, she activated the supreme bone power to condense in her left palm, and shouted coldly towards Yuan Pi.

"Reincarnations intertwined!"

Yuan Pi, who was being enveloped by the black mist and trying to escape, suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and a terrifying crisis of infinite life and death emerged in his mind!

"What? This is————?!"

He raised his eyes and saw that six portals of reincarnation appeared in all directions around him, completely surrounding him like a prison. The sentient beings of the six realms mobilized great power in it, crushing him to the point where he could hardly move!

Immediately afterwards, the six portals of reincarnation suddenly staggered and closed, and a terrifying attack force erupted, making him feel as if he was in purgatory, and his remaining body was almost wiped out!

"Ah————! Hateful!"

"Emperor Source Disintegration Method!"

At this time, Yuan Pi truly felt that his life was under great threat. He finally used the escape method of pressing under the box. His body suddenly exploded, and his vast spiritual power burst out like a starburst!

Then he turned into countless black mist and smoke in an instant, and then his body self-destructed with powerful power, rushing in one direction and running away!

Finally, a gap was opened in the Six Paths of Reincarnation Portal, and the black smoke burst out at extremely high speed again, disappearing without a trace in an instant!

And the dozen or so foreign saints below were completely stunned!

They never dreamed that their leader was the genius of the Genggui clan, one of the twelve imperial clans.

He barely had a meal, but he was beaten by the Fairyland woman who only had the princely realm until his body collapsed, and he escaped in embarrassment by self-destruction and disintegration!

Everyone was shocked and frightened, and no longer had the slightest intention to fight. They all began to prepare ways to escape.

"Running too fast."

Qin Diyao saw that he had less than half life left and was running away again, so he stopped pursuing him forcefully and restrained the Supreme Bone of Samsara's magical power with a raised hand.

At this moment, a small gray snake slowly emerged from the cuff of her dress. It lazily twisted its body and spit out the snake's message, as if it had just woken up.

The little snake instinctively rubbed Qin Diyao's cheek affectionately, like a child acting coquettishly to its mother.

Then he opened a pair of deep vertical pupils, and after looking around curiously, he actually locked onto the dozen or so foreign saints below.

"Sorry Xiaolin, I woke you up."

Qin Diyao stroked Cailin's snake body skillfully, but found that it seemed to be a little angry.

He was staring at those foreign saints with an unkind look on his face, looking extremely disgusted.

"What's wrong? Don't you like these people too?"

Qin Diyao asked curiously, and Cailin immediately nodded hurriedly.

It was originally integrated with the origin of the small world of the Burning Flame Realm. It happened that there were people from other lands who were causing endless evil in the Burning Flame Realm. It was naturally extremely disgusted and hostile to the auras of these people.

Not long after, it lost its patience and opened its pink mouth, and a puff of chaotic energy immediately rolled out from its tiny snake body, which was less than the width of a child's arm!

Those chaotic energy was so pure and thick that each ray was enough to collapse a mountain. It also had a terrifying aura that was like the beginning of the world. At this time, it converged into a beam of light in Cailin's mouth, and the murderous intent was ready to go!

"Yeah! Xiaolin, please slow down! I'll get out of the way first!"

Seeing this, Chu Weiluo knew that the other party was about to launch a powerful move, so she quickly shouted and got down on the ground to avoid it!

The dozen saints behind her saw that even Chu Weiluo had to give way. Although they didn't know what was going to happen, they still instinctively felt that something big was coming!


Without any hesitation, everyone used escape techniques one after another, or used magic weapons, or tore apart the space, trying to escape in a panic!


But the next moment, the chaotic energy in Cailin's mouth suddenly burst out and dispersed into more than ten chaotic beams, sweeping across the sky like a comet!

All the foreign monks who were hit by the chaotic beam did not even have time to resist, and were dissolved and shattered into nothingness on the spot!

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