When the seven treasure mountains appeared in the world, the light of the Dao spread throughout the world of ten thousand Daos. Most of the cultivators in the foreign lands and the fairyland naturally noticed it and rushed here!

A few hours later, on the red treasure mountain that was the tallest and had the richest Dao Lingyu among the seven treasure mountains.

Chu Weiluo threw a punch, and the mighty fist wind alone knocked a sturdy man back and smashed him deeply into a rock.

Then he raised his hand and took back a large piece of red Dao Lingyu that the other party had just taken.

"Humph! Since you are a fellow countryman in the fairyland, I will spare your life."

"Get lost!"

Chu Weiluo raised her little head and declared domineeringly to the Dao Lingyu subordinate.

After the man barely climbed out of the rock, he gasped for a long time in shock, looked at the extremely powerful Chu Weiluo, and then looked at the even more unfathomable Qin Diyao.

He hesitated again and again, and finally straightened his body and said passionately.

"This is too much!"

"As the first saint of the Changsheng Lin family, how can I be humiliated by you!"

Lin Chun was speaking indignantly, and suddenly found that Chu Weiluo raised her fist at him again.

He gritted his teeth and roared angrily.

"Get out!"

Chapter 347 Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, he went to the tiger mountain

Lin Chun shouted loudly, and immediately turned around and left in grief.


"You just said that you are the saint of the Lin family?"

Qin Diyao suddenly asked, causing Lin Chun to pause in place, and turned back to answer in a daze.

"Yes... yes, what's the problem?"

"Does this fairy... have a grudge against my Lin family... or do you have a favor?"

As he spoke, he took a few steps back calmly, obviously still lacking confidence, not knowing what the other party meant, and not knowing whether Qin Diyao would suddenly attack!

But then, Qin Diyao nodded with a relaxed expression.

"You can collect Dao Ze Ling Yu at the foot of this treasure mountain, but you must not harass us."


Lin Chun almost suspected that he was under an illusion, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he did not dare to move for a while.

Because although there are seven treasure mountains here, when they arrived, the other six treasure mountains were basically emptied, leaving only this most majestic and towering red treasure mountain with a large amount of Dao Ze Ling Yu.

However, the later ones found that this treasure mountain was plundered by these two evil stars, and outsiders were not allowed to touch it at all, so they had to complain and go to the other six treasure mountains to pick up leftovers!

Lin Chun originally wanted to try his luck and see how fierce these two evil stars were!

Now that he tried it out, he wanted to run away in disgrace, but he didn't expect to have an unexpected gain!

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing there? Get out of here!"

Although Chu Weiluo didn't understand why Qin Diyao let her off, she still followed her and scolded Lin Chun.

"Oh! Yes, yes! Thank you... Thank you, both fairies!"

Lin Chun finally reacted, thanked him and immediately ran to the foot of the mountain with a look of surprise on his face.

Until he disappeared, Chu Weiluo took Qin Diyao's arm and asked in confusion.

"Yaoyao, do you have a deep friendship with the Changsheng Lin family? Why do you care about them so much?"

"I can't say that I have a deep friendship with the Lin family..."

"It's just that I have received the favor of their young master..."

Qin Diyao recalled the various charming moments with Lin Xingyun, and turned his face slightly to hide his embarrassment.

"Ah? Have you received favors from the young master of the Lin family?"

"Although I have only been unsealed for a few years, I have heard of his reputation. He seems to have some skills, but he is particularly attractive to women...wait!"

"You still received favors from him? You two can't--"

Chu Weiluo opened her cherry mouth wide, with a look of shock on her face. The three words "having an affair" had already jumped to her lips!

Then she puffed up her cheeks, hugged Qin Diyao tighter with an unconvinced look, and scolded like a spoiled child.

"Well, Yaoyao! Don't let other stinky men take you away!"

"Weiluo! Don't talk nonsense! I have nothing to do with him...with him!"

Qin Diyao's face became hotter and hotter, and hesitantly evaded, but suddenly her body trembled, staring at the south, muttering to herself foolishly.

"And, he has already arrived..."

"Ah! Where is he? Where is he?"

Chu Weiluo was looking in the direction of her gaze. Before she saw anyone, she heard a loud and clear bell ringing!


The bell ringing seemed to contain the truth of heaven and earth. Once heard, people felt as if they were sublimating to immortality. They almost entered the state of enlightenment and comprehended the true meaning of cultivation!

Chu Weiluo was also hearing her heart trembling when she suddenly came to her senses.

Because she found that the blood-red Dao Ze Ling Yu in her hand was shaking and trembling!

"Huh? Why is this Dao Ze Ling Yu moving by itself?"

"Hey hey hey! Do you still want to run? Come back to me!"

Seeing that the Dao Ze Ling Yu actually had its own will and flew towards the direction of the bell ringing, she quickly transformed a spiritual palm and pulled the Dao Ze Ling Yu back.

But not a moment later, another bell ringing came!

Seeing that she couldn't break free, the spiritual jade in her hand dissipated on its own and turned into a red-gold radiance, as if it had merged with the avenue of heaven and earth. It couldn't be captured or stopped at all, and it continued to gather towards the south!

At the same time, the same situation was happening in various places on the other six treasure mountains.

I saw that the cultivators were either searching for and collecting Dao-rule jade scraps or fighting with their enemies, but at this moment, they all stopped their actions and looked at the Dao-rule jade scraps in every corner. They all seemed to have developed intelligence and took the initiative to fly towards the south, and they could not be stopped at all!

Everyone was stunned, especially those who had just finally found one or two scraps that Chu Weiluo had let go, and were secretly delighted. Now they had begun to collectively spit out sweet words!

Especially at the foot of the red treasure mountain at this moment, Lin Chun saw that a piece of red jade that he was about to get also turned into light and flew to the horizon, and he was so angry that he jumped up and down on the spot!

"I you!"

"Who did this?! Who did this?!"

"In this world of ten thousand Daos...how dare anyone bully me?! I will fight you!"

Lin Chun could no longer hold back, and his powerful spiritual power suddenly burst out, and he was going to seek revenge on the person who took away the Dao-rule jade!

But the next moment, a silver-white fairy shadow flashed in front of him, carrying countless Dao-rule jade brilliances, floating down and revealing his figure.

"Brother Lin Chun, who were you scolding just now?"

Lin Xingyun looked at this brother with a smile and asked.

At this time, he had gathered a seven-color light ball in his hand, and the power of Dao-rule was extremely rich and abundant, and he was still constantly collecting Dao-rule jades gathered from all directions. Three feet above his head, the Dao Immortal Bell was constantly ringing a bell!

It was obvious that after he came here, his innate Dao embryo physique was further stimulated to generate divine power, attracting and collecting all these Dao-rule jades!

"Young... Young Master?!"

"Lin Chun has seen the young master!"

Although Lin Chun was extremely shocked why Lin Xingyun appeared here, and it seemed that he was the culprit who robbed his Dao-rule jade!

But he still did not forget the rules, and immediately saluted respectfully.

And Lin Xingyun saw his performance and smiled.

He knew that the other party was the first saint son of the Lin family, and his prestige among the younger generation was second only to his own. Moreover, he was honest and straightforward by nature, so he did not care much about his previous impoliteness.

"Hey, you don't have to be polite, brother."

"I heard that the family only sent people to participate in the battlefields of the Saint Realm and the Great Saint Realm this time. I am busy with training and rarely go back to the Lin family."

"You keep these Dao Lingyu, and distribute them to those kings and saints after returning."

Lin Xingyun said as he separated a part of the seven-color light ball in his hand and handed it to Lin Chun.

He is now the undisputed next generation of the Lin family. His fighting power and reputation are already loud enough. Naturally, this kind of thing of granting favors and winning people's hearts is also indispensable.

"This——?! Lin Chun thanks the young master!"

Lin Chun was stunned for a moment, feeling the extremely rich and rich power of the Dao in the divine light, and once again turned his indignation into surprise, and bowed to Lin Xingyun again!

At the same time, he also looked at Lin Xingyun and couldn't help but be shocked.

He thought that the rumors in the family were indeed true. Although this young master was only at the perfect level of the king and marquis, he couldn't even see through his depth!

On the contrary, at close range, he felt a wave of fear, as if the other party could threaten his life at any time!

"The two tigresses above were also like that. Are the young people in the fairyland now... so outrageous?!"

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