"Elder, I would like to try to get the sword!"

said a burly young man who bravely took the lead and raised his hand.

"Okay, you just go!"

the elder encouraged with a smile.

The young man walked excitedly to the bluestone and jumped up.

Then he rubbed his fists and reached out and drew his sword.

Then the crowd saw it.

The young man used all his strength, his spiritual power surged wildly, and he was sweating profusely.

But he couldn't even pull out an inch of the sword body!"

"Gee, it seems that he is not blessed to be this sword."

"Is there anyone else you'd like to try?"

said the elder with a grin.

It seems that this was expected for a long time.

The other elders were also happy, waiting to watch the play.

After all, this rusty sword has been placed here for more than eight hundred years.

No one has ever pulled it up.

Even these elders.

None can be unplugged.

Look at these new little hairy heads.

Draw your sword with all your might.

"I'll come

!" "I'll come too!" Soon

, young men and women tried to draw their swords.

But no one could pull out the rusty sword, not even a single point.

There is even a little girl with a bad temper.

Unable to draw his sword, he was angry and corrupted.

Simply take out your own sword.

Fiercely towards the rusty sword, cut out a sword qi.

However, the rusty sword actually flashed a red light on its own.

At the same time that the sword qi was worn out.

Break the little girl's sword in unison.

Fortunately, an elder was quick in his eyes and saved him from being hit by red light.


After entering the Holy Land, I will punish you for carrying water for three months, and then worship the teacher after three months!"

the elder announced in a cold voice.

The little girl still had palpitations, so she had to admit the punishment ruefully.

Others then understood.

This rusty sword looks rusty and broken.

In fact, spirituality is extremely heavy

! If you don't let it be recognized, you can't pull it out at all!

People who were originally eager to try suddenly lost a lot of confidence.

Tang Yu, on the other hand, stood on the side, sneering and watching the play the whole time.

"A bunch of mediocre talents, still want to pull out blood and kill?"

"These supporting clowns are all out of the blue."

"It's also time for me, the protagonist, to appear!" "

I didn't expect that taking the sword would be so easy, and I could also ask the sword peak sword son by the way

!" "It seems that my luck in this life is stronger than in my previous life!"

The corners of his mouth rose fiercely.

Immediately smug and walked towards the big bluestone.

"Elder, I'll try it too.

"Oh, yes.

The elder agreed with a casual smile.

Although Tang Yu is a golden qualification.

But he didn't think the other party could pull out the rusty sword.

Because the golden qualification disciples of the entire Holy Land have come to try.

Again, no one succeeded.

Yet the next moment.

When Tang Yu walked to the big bluestone.

That rusty sword is actually windless.

The tremor trembled violently.

There was also a burst of clear sword sounds,

as if he had seen the owner who had been lost for a long time.


Huh? What's going on

?" "I'm on a horse with presbyopia?" "

That sword... "

The old man has seen it for eight hundred years, and he has never seen it move by itself

!" "Even the four peak masters can't let it recognize it, emitting a sword sound, is it..."

"Could it be that this little guy can really make this sword recognize the lord?!"

The ten elders were stunned in an instant!

The elders who were still careless, waiting to see the joke.

At this time, Qi Quan was preoccupied and stared at Tang Yu.


, a group of old waste, this is shocking?"

"You know that blood killing, it was originally my sword!" "

Later, I will draw blood and kill and become a sword."

"I don't know, what will you be surprised about?

Huh!" Tang Yu said secretly disdainfully while enjoying everyone's amazement and attention.

Immediately he was about to leap up and draw his sword!

Suddenly, I heard an exclamation behind me.


You are a turtle, that's

a fairy boat!" "What is a fairy boat?"

"It is a means of travel, but it is extremely expensive, and only the big forces can afford it!"

Tang Yu couldn't help but look back.

I saw a huge immortal boat, with a leisurely white light, falling from the sky.

It didn't take long for it to land.

descended on the empty square in front of the mountain gate.

Soon, the door of Xianzhou Zhou opened widely.

Two columns of maids opened the way.

A young man in white and the woman in white dress behind her greeted her.

The ten elders who were originally staring at Tang Yu.

After meeting the man and woman.

Immediately, his complexion changed.

Turning around, they all went to the front of the immortal boat and bowed deeply to the young man.

"Greetings to the Second Young Lord!"

"You elders don't have to be polite, after all, from now on, I am also a disciple of Yaochi.

Lin Xingyun waved his hand and smiled lightly.

An Miaoyin behind him bit her lower lip.

Looking at Lin Xingyun, he had a look of resentment.

But still obediently.

Closely followed Lin Xingyun.

"Second Young Lord, the second young master is approachable, what a demeanor!" "Second

Young Lord, the master has already given orders, if you come, you can go straight to the Yao Pool and choose a peak at will as a true disciple." "

Old Immortal Feng Baoxian, is an elder of the outer gate, I am fortunate to see the Second Young Lord today, what a blessing for the Third Life!" "Second Young Lord,

please, the old Immortal is willing to lead the way for you!"

After all, Lin Xingyun's reputation, they have also heard of it.

Innate Dao embryo, newly promoted Lin family holy son.

Or the second young master of the Lin family.


It is possible to inherit the position of the head of the Lin family

! It is simply promising!

After entering the Holy Land, it was difficult for them to stammer!

Tang Yu who was not far away.

Looking at this, it was just high.

Reward and punish the elders at will.

It's like a little at this time.

Flattery, the boy in white.

The other party's pomp and circumstance is so generous.

Even with his heart, he can't help but feel a little jealousy!

But what makes him jealous the most.

Still behind the boy.

The woman who followed.

In his previous life, he also saw all the best things.

But like An Miaoyin.

A dignified and elegant stunner.

Even he saw it for the first time,

especially looking at An Miaoyin.

The little look of resentment and expectation.

Almost immediately, he wanted to take it for himself!

I can't help but put it behind for a while.

Yet he didn't notice.

Su Qianwu not far behind him.

is also staring at Lin Xingyun............

Moreover, it is even more obsessive to watch.


The saliva is about to come out!

as if Lin Xingyun was on his body.

What is the delicacy that fascinates her!

As it goes, when you gaze into the abyss.

The abyss is also staring at you!

At this time, Lin Xingyun was in his mind.

A system prompt also suddenly sounded.

"Ding, Tang Yu, the son of Heaven's Destiny, has been detected!" Lin

Xingyun smiled slightly.

A glance at everyone present.

After a few breaths, he stared at the one standing in front of the bluestone.

Tang Yu, who was looking at An Miaoyin.

"Found you!"

"System, check out his properties panel!"

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