"I asked you to capture 100 people from the Immortal Realm, why did you only capture a few old ghosts?"

Hei Shang looked at the captives who were far from the number and were all old and weak, and immediately scolded his subordinates.

Chapter 364 Formation, Eternal Death Domain

"Sir! We are now at a disadvantage on the front battlefield, and those people from the Immortal Realm are as brave and fearless as chicken blood. It is really difficult to capture prisoners!"

"Waste! Go and capture more!"

A group of foreign cultivators complained bitterly, but Hei Shang didn't care, just shouted and urged them.

At the same time, he couldn't help but look at the center of the battlefield anxiously. He was shocked to the extreme that Ye Huang was suddenly taken into the Palm of Heaven Pot just now.

Now he still couldn't sense the presence of Ye Huang, obviously he had not escaped yet!

"How capable is that kid? He turned the tide of the battle by himself!"

"If Ye Huang can't escape, what will happen to my formation——"

"Hmm? Yuan Pi, what are you going to do?"

As he was frowning and thinking, he suddenly saw Yuan Pi, who stayed with him, coming to him and looking at the foreign monks present.

"Well, it's almost enough."

Yuan Pi nodded, and then a huge amount of thick black gas suddenly burst out of his body, rolling like clouds and mist, and enveloped everyone present in a few breaths!

Hundreds of special physical shadows appeared behind him, and it seemed that there were resentful souls roaring for their lives, which made everyone present feel cold physically and mentally!

The next moment, he suddenly launched a sneak attack and attacked three of the monks. After subduing them, he controlled the rolling black gas to flow into their limbs!

It didn't take long for the three people to become empty-eyed and dull, as if they had turned into puppets without intelligence!

"Is it the War Puppet Demon Cultivation Technique of the Yuan Gui Clan?!"

"Yuan Pi! Are you crazy?!"

Hei Shang was watching Yuan Pi killing his own cultivators there. Although he was extremely angry, he had just finished setting up the formation and was in a weak stage in all aspects. He was completely unable to stop Yuan Pi!

Yuan Pi used the War Puppet Demon Cultivation Technique to create one war puppet after another, while controlling these new war puppets to help him suppress and attack other cultivators, making the number of his war puppets increase rapidly!

However, in a short moment, most of the foreign cultivators who stayed behind had been turned into war puppets by him, and a few who could not bear the humiliation had exploded into Dao, but because the battle in front was too intense, the turmoil in the back did not cause much waves at this time.

"Hei Shang, I see, you captured the prisoners because this formation requires the Saint Realm to be sacrificed, right?"

"These people have been refined into war puppets by my clan's secret method, use them."

Yuan Pi said to Hei Shang with some pride, controlling dozens of war puppets with dead faces to walk into the formation.

"Yuan Pi! You beast!"

"When facing a powerful enemy, it would be fine if you didn't help, but you actually killed your comrades in arms!"

"Heh! What, you are not convinced?"

"Our Yuan Gui clan is like this, and everything in the world is just a tool."

"I would rather let the world betray me than let the world betray me!"

Hei Shang scolded Yuan Pi, but he sneered and didn't care, but became more spirited!

"Beast! Wait until the war is over, and see how you explain to Ye Huang!"

"Use them quickly. I can't control so many Saint Realm War Puppets for too long."

Hei Shang cursed more and more, but Yuan Pi urged him, leaving him helpless.

He had no choice but to wave his sleeves and throw all the immortal realm captives into the formation, muttering something in his mouth, and activating the formation with all his strength.

As the spells that became real poured into the formation, the formation also burst into a black and red evil light, accompanied by bursts of heart-wrenching and bone-deep screams. The evil light gradually swallowed up all the 100 Saint Realm monks in the formation, turning them into pure flesh and blood spiritual power, and once again fed back into the formation!

Not long after, the formation finally reached its peak!

Hei Shang also focused his attention and locked onto Chu Weiluo in the red barrier in the distance for the first time.

Chu Weiluo, who had been on the defensive, also realized that someone was targeting her, but just as she was about to respond, Hei Shang shouted with all his strength.

"Eternal Death Zone! Open!"

The great formation immediately shone with evil light, and waves of indescribable curse power crossed the void, and actually passed through the red barrier, spreading directly to Chu Weiluo's body!

After a breath, a dark vortex quietly emerged in the space behind Chu Weiluo, and waves of dead and pale breath came out from it, and there was a dead and empty world that had never changed for eternity!

"Eh?! This is——?!"


Chu Weiluo and Chu Lulu were both shocked and immediately retreated to avoid it.

But the vortex seemed to have its own spirituality, and the curse power that merged the flesh and blood of hundreds of saints was terrifying. Even though Chu Weiluo reacted quickly, it was still like a giant beast opening its huge mouth, and instantly brought her into the vortex!


After another breath, the vortex completely disappeared.

Not even a trace or a little bit of spatial fluctuation was left, as if it had never appeared in this world!

As Chu Weiluo disappeared, the red barrier finally collapsed and turned into pure spiritual power flying in the air!


Lin Xingyun sensed that Chu Weiluo's breath disappeared, and also noticed the changes behind him.

Although he knew that with the other party's identity as the daughter of destiny and the system, it was impossible for any accidents to happen, he still couldn't help but worry.

Especially at this time, the Jade of the Thousand Daos Creation was no longer guarded, and Qin Diyao was still in the process of enlightenment and could not be disturbed.

He immediately waved his hand and the Heavenly Secret Demon Suppression Tower flew from his body into his palm, and he raised his hand to throw it to the Jade of the Thousand Daos Creation.

At this time, Yuan Pi had already led the remaining few war puppets to the Jade of the Thousand Daos Creation, his face full of greed and ecstasy like a raging fire!

"The Supreme Bone and this Jade Book can only be mine! Mine!"

"Now that the group of idiots are all trapped, when I succeed in seizing the treasure, even if Ye Huang escapes, what can I do?!"

Yuan Pi also saw that the Jade Book was rare and extraordinary, and with the temptation of the Supreme Bone, he was already a little flattered at this time!

But he didn't know the situation in the Jade Book, and he didn't forget the horror of Qin Diyao, so he didn't take the lead, but controlled a few war puppets to rush to the Jade of the Thousand Daos Creation to test it.

However, just as the war puppets were about to approach the jade tablet, a dark purple small tower flew over at high speed like a meteor, and in an instant it was blown up by the wind, turning into a nine-story pagoda hundreds of feet high, suppressing it and protecting the jade tablet in it!

"What is that? Blast it open!"

Yuan Pi ordered sternly, and several war puppets immediately attacked the Tianji Demon-Suppressing Pagoda, but no matter how hard they tried, they still couldn't shake the pagoda!

At this time, on the front battlefield, Lin Xingyun had just thrown out the Tianji Demon-Suppressing Pagoda, and immediately broke out a more violent offensive!

Originally, Jian Kan had been entangled endlessly, and the sword force was more fierce and sharp each time, as if he was about to take his swordsmanship a step further!

But Lin Xingyun's blue-gold sword light was shining, as if he had turned into a peerless divine sword, and the flying fairy tribulation light flowed around his body. The sword heart in his body was running with all his strength to bless the sword intent, holding the blood-killing sword and slashing out a shocking sword!

"Hold the sword and fly like an immortal!"

He stepped on the silver-white immortal light, holding the sword and passing by like a flash of light, as if a real sword immortal had descended to the earth. With a slash of the sword, Jian Kan, who was still attacking, suddenly stopped.

"What a fast... sword!"

He murmured in a daze, and his momentum, which had been rising steadily, was suddenly interrupted.

The next moment, blood appeared on his neck, and his head flew up. His body and soul were all destroyed by the powerful sword law!

Chapter 365: Kill again and escape

Lin Xingyun did not stop for a moment, turned around and attacked Wu Chen like a ghost, and the phantom of the sword soul behind him actually held the Dao Xian Bell, covering Wu Chen completely!

Then he poured the power of his soul into the Dao Xian Bell, and unprecedented terrifying heavenly sounds poured out like a tidal wave!




Nine consecutive blasts of the immortal bells rang, not only causing a large number of foreign and restricted monks to spit blood and die on the spot, but also after nine rings, when the immortal bells were withdrawn, Wu Chen's three heads were already a bloody mess, and his soul was completely disintegrated!

Lin Xingyun seemed to wipe away a piece of dust casually, not caring at all, and approached Wu Qian again.

His double pupils were deep and intimidating, as if the universe was opened up in them!

As he mobilized the power of his double pupils, the entire double pupils opened up the space in turmoil, and the double pupils' divine light that was originally attacking other monks was summoned by him, quickly surrounding Wu Qian, and began to attack his body like a rainstorm!

Wu Qian still wanted to resist, and his thousand eyes burst into black light to resist, but were drowned by countless double pupils' divine light, and each evil eye was pierced and exploded!


Accompanied by a shrill scream, Wu Qian's huge body began to twist and break, and was finally completely wiped out by the double pupil's divine light and turned into a sky full of broken corpses!

But at this time, the remaining ten people did not dare to separate, but gathered together tacitly, guarding against Lin Xingyun with great vigilance, as if facing a purgatory killing god!

After killing three Tianjiao in a row, Lin Xingyun took a breath and put the three corpses into the Qiankun Ring as food.

At this time, he was full of murderous aura, looking around, only to see that after continuous crazy killing, most of the forbidden areas and foreign monks in the triple domain had been killed or injured, but this triple domain had also been consumed and wiped out a lot, but it was still unbreakable.

He glanced at Cai Lin in his arms.

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