
At noon the next day, outside Zhenlong Pass.

At the gap in the space of the Ten Thousand Dao Small World, cultivators filed out one after another, until the last person hurriedly flew past, and the gap in the small world finally collapsed and closed completely, and disappeared again in the world, merging into the boundless space turbulence.

At this time, a shocking roar came from the direction of the foreign land.

"What did you do?!"

The roar was like thunder, almost resounding through half of Daozhou, making everyone present feel unstable!

Obviously, he was a top-level strong man from the foreign land, at least at the level of Quasi-Emperor Five Heavens or above!

"What did you do? Kill all those little bastards!"

"Life and death are determined by fate, so if you are weak, practice more!"

Two old voices were also heard from Zhenlong Pass, suppressing the momentum of the foreign strong man and protecting the cultivators of the Immortal Realm.

"It's ridiculous!"

"How powerful is the emperor of our clan? How can you, the ant-like descendants, kill him?!"

"You must have used despicable means!"

"No point in talking, fight!"

Outside the distant sky of the foreign land, more than ten figures with shocking momentum are about to press forward and approach Zhenlong Pass!

Seven powerful auras of the quasi-emperor level are also heard in Zhenlong Pass, and they are about to stand up and fight with the foreign land in a real high-end battle!

But just when the two sides were on the verge of a fight, the figures of the foreign camp suddenly paused.

Then, as if they had received some order, they all retreated, and in the blink of an eye, they disappeared like clouds and smoke, and no trace of them was seen.

Seeing this, the gatekeepers in Zhenlong Pass were also a little confused, not knowing what conspiracy the foreign land was brewing.

But a war was eliminated invisibly, which still made the immortal cultivators feel a little relieved. After all, the combat power shown by the foreign land just now was too terrifying and chilling.

"We thank Mr. Lin, Goddess Chu, and Goddess Qin for their kindness, and we will take our leave now!"

This battle has ended. Many cultivators bowed to Lin Xingyun and the other two and thanked them. Then they left Zhenlong Pass, went to Zhentian Pass to watch the battle, or returned to their own caves to comprehend the gains from the battle.

Seven figures flew out of Zhenlong Pass and came directly to Lin Xingyun and the other two.

"Huh? Little guy, you didn't get the Ten Thousand Dao Creation Jade?"

"How is it possible? It's rare for this generation to have an innate Dao embryo enter, and it must be able to bring out that treasure. Could it be that it was taken away by someone else?!"

Several old men looked at Lin Xingyun and asked in surprise.

They could sense that although Lin Xingyun's Dao power was much stronger than before, it was still far from the strongest level they expected.

Finally, an old man in a white robe caught a glimpse of Qin Diyao, and suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed while blowing his beard.

"This... this child's Dao power---why is it so weird?!"

"Yes! Even I feel that the Dao in my body is suppressed when I face her, could it be--?!"

"Could it be that the Wandao Creation Jade was used by her?!"

"She is the wife of that little guy, right? That little guy must have given it to her!"

"What's wrong with this kid's brain?! He actually gave this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to someone else!"

"Alas! The Lin family kid really has some of my style back then, selflessly giving for love!"

"Old Tang, stop bragging! You were obviously a dog licker back then and got nothing!"

At this time, among the seven gatekeepers, a beautiful woman in a purple dress showed disgust on her face, glanced at the other six, and snorted disdainfully.

"A bunch of idiots, it's really a downer!"

"It's also the fault of the current fairyland, where people actually call deep affection a dog licker!"

She covered her plump lips lightly, tears welled up in her eyes, and turned to look at Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao and sighed emotionally.

"He summoned the treasure but didn't enjoy it, but fulfilled his wife's wish. What kind of fairy love is this?!"

"I want it, I want to have it!"

Chapter 375 Ancient Heavenly Monument, fierce heavenly tribulation!

The beautiful woman in purple dress stared at Lin Xingyun infatuatedly, and Lin Xingyun was naturally the first to notice her.

He then stepped forward and bowed, smiling gently.

"Senior, I want to ask you for a small favor."


"Mr. Lin, just tell me! I can help you with anything!"

"My name is Ouyang Lin, just call me Sister Lin!"

Ouyang Lin was overjoyed when Lin Xingyun approached her. She immediately agreed with a sweet smile, and couldn't help but straighten her own exaggerated curves and licked her red lips.

Her eyes were even more gentle and charming, as if Ouyang had removed the radicals, just waiting for Lin Xingyun to visit her.

"Then it would be disrespectful to refuse."

"Sister Lin, I would like to ask you to help open up a space channel and send the three of us to Zhenliang Pass."

Lin Xingyun took Qin Diyao and Chu Weiluo and said generously.

"It's a small matter, let's go now!"

Ouyang Lin did not hesitate, and immediately waved her robe sleeves. The huge spiritual power of the quasi-emperor realm was controlled by her to the extreme, and a space channel was easily opened in a few breaths.

Then she took Lin Xingyun and the other two and walked straight in. Not long after, they passed through the channel and came to Zhenliang Pass again.

"Thank you, sister Lin, but I would like to ask you to protect us for a while."

"I will repay you in the future!"

Lin Xingyun looked at the Jidao Ancient Heavenly Monument standing at the Zhenliang Pass, and turned to Ouyang Lin again.

"No problem, sister will definitely protect you!"

Ouyang Lin smiled and agreed readily, but he was thinking secretly in his heart like a cat's claw.

"You still want me to protect you, but a verbal thank you is not enough!"

At this time, at Zhenliang Pass, the two old guards were surprised to see Lin Xingyun coming back and being brought back by Ouyang Lin, who was also a guard.

But just as they were about to ask, they saw Lin Xingyun, Qin Diyao and Chu Weiluo, flying straight to the ancient heavenly monument.


Chu Weiluo looked at the familiar name on the top of the heavenly monument, and she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"Weiluo, don't be sad, I will take good care of you for Senior Chu in the future."

"Ah?! Husband, are you...are you proposing? So embarrassing!"

Lin Xingyun hugged Chu Weiluo into his arms and promised, which made her even more surprised. She kept rubbing against Lin Xingyun's arms, and instantly threw away some sadness.

At the same time, Lin Xingyun nodded to Qin Diyao, who also understood his meaning, nodded in response, and then walked towards the ancient heavenly monument by himself.

When she stretched out her slender white palm and pressed the ancient heavenly tablet, the tablet suddenly shone with precious light.

A line of golden characters quickly appeared at the top of the ranking list.

"Qin Diyao, the king and marquis realm has reached the state of taking the body as the way, and the reward is the war fairy..."

The next moment, the entire heavenly tablet began to break apart inch by inch, and was about to completely cease to exist!

"Daddy's name is broken..."

Chu Weiluo watched her father's name and record break apart and disappear, and the sadness in her heart surged again.

But then, a hundred reward light balls burst out from the ancient heavenly tablet, making her big eyes flash again!

"Wow! So many treasures!"

"Husband! Husband! I want it!"

"Okay, okay, you can take it."

She called out tenderly, jumping and acting coquettishly in Lin Xingyun's arms, and Lin Xingyun could only smile and pamper her.

At the same time, she could not help but nod with satisfaction, thinking that her guess was correct. With the strongest Dao principle that Qin Diyao had comprehended now, he had indeed reached the highest level of the king realm and was recognized by the Ancient Heavenly Monument!


Chu Weiluo cheered, and with a wave of her hand, she collected all the 100 reward light balls.

She was about to put them into her Qiankun ring, and then looked at Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao hesitantly.

Finally, she pursed her lips and divided the 100 light balls into three equal parts.

"This is for my husband, and this is for Yaoyao!"

She kept 34 pieces for herself, and put the rest into two Qiankun rings, and handed them to Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao with a flattering smile.

"Weiluo, keep them for yourself first, I have some troubles to deal with first..."

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