"Gee, it's worthy of being a supporting villain, such a miserable fate, either gray or green, it's simply useless."

"Oh? Purple sun moon fruit? Good stuff!

"You're welcome!"

Lin Xingyun sneered and went straight to the back mountain.

The Mandate of Heaven villain system can see through except for Lin Xingyun.

Recent opportunities for all!

These days, Lin Xingyun relies on this.

He specifically went to find the clansmen who had the least to deal with him.

Check out their recent encounters.

All snatched in advance!

If you can't do it, let Aunt Ying help.

Afterwards, look at their painful, angry and corrupted faces.

What a cool word!

And when he rushed to his destination and found the purple sun and moon fruit.

The flowers are ripe on the vine.

Exudes rich and pure spiritual power!

"Take it, you!"

Easily slip it away after the Qiankun ring on your hand for storage.

Lin Xingyun then returned to the dormitory.

It's a pity that plundering such a small role cannot increase the villain value.

Otherwise, the entire Lin family would be fleece by him first!


And just after Lin Xingyun left, it was only a quarter of an hour.

Lin Yan rubbed his hands and rushed over.

He would come to take care of the [Zixia Sun Moon Fruit] every day.

Know that this fruit will ripen today.

Looking back on these ten years, he worked hard and cultivated carefully.

Today, it's finally time to harvest!

"Don't waste Lao Tzu painstakingly cultivated you for ten years, today is finally ripe!"

"After eating this fruit, I can break through to the Divine Fire Realm!"

"At that time, I can find an opportunity to apply for the transfer of which small branch to be the head of the family, and live a fairy life!"

He is already starting to think about it, and he can't wait!

And when he rushed to the place of planting.

but found on the vine.


Even the petals, there is not a single piece left!

Lin Yan was stunned for a full quarter of an hour.

Only to suddenly roar out!

"This... This...... This! "

Who did it... Who did this to you!

"Who did this?!"


Lin Yan's fierce and angry roar instantly resounded in the back mountain!

Finally, he gouged the hill three feet into the ground.

I asked the surrounding clansmen again.

Still unable to find out who stole the fruit.



And Lin Xingyun, who does good deeds without leaving a name.

At this time, he had returned to his palace with ease and comfort.

"Huh? What's going on?

Lin Xingyun just entered the door.

I saw a stunning girl sitting in the front hall, wearing a bright yellow and luxurious dress.

Her apricot eyes were red.

It seems to have just cried.

The two tear stains on his face are more delicate and lovely.

The figure is also quite delicate.

Even more graceful than some young women who came here today.

Beautiful feet, stepping on a pair of red embroidered shoes.

All are inlaid with emerald gold thread, and they are noble everywhere.

Plus youth.

It can be said that it is pure and lustful!

However, she is just one of the women who were dismissed by Lin Xingyun.

But he persistently stayed here and did not leave.

Just to wait for Lin Xingyun to come back.

"Xiao Qianluo? Why are you still here?

"Aunt Shadow, what's going on?"

Lin Xingyun frowned.

Then he looked at Yingqing on the side.

"Young Lord, it was this young lady who insisted on seeing you again for the last time..."

If I forcibly force her to leave, she will commit suicide outside the gate of Lin Family Mountain, so..." Ying

Qing's face showed guilt, feeling that he was a little derelict in his duties.

But she can't really force this girl to death.

"Oh, got it, out of the way."

Lin Xingyun listened to it and had to sigh softly.

Turned his head to look at Xiao Qianluo.

This girl is indeed stubborn, he has long known it.

He was grilling in a barren hill.

The scent did not attract beasts.

But it attracted Xiao Qianluo, who ran away from home, forgot to bring money, and was hungry.

She was originally the Seventh Princess of the Apocalypse Dynasty.

Dissatisfied with being sent to marry, he ran away from home without permission.

Unexpectedly, I met myself by coincidence.

Since then, it has been a mistake at first sight for life.


At this time, Xiao Qianluo saw that he had finally returned, and immediately greeted him with joy as if he had rejuvenated.

Wrapped her arms around him.

"Princess Xiao, please respect yourself!"

"I have already made my words very clear, you better go back to your Apocalypse Dynasty as soon as possible, so as not to worry your father and the emperor."

Lin Xingyun gently pushed away Xiao Qianluo's jade hand and indifferently refused.

"You... You...... Lin Xingyun!

"When we first looked at the moon together, we called people a little fall..."

"Now that you are going to quit the marriage, just call me Princess Xiao?!"

"You... You're going too far!

Xiao Qianluo's face turned red with anger, and he reprimanded in a coquettish voice.

She bit her lower lip in disbelief and stepped forward again.

This time, she was delicate and hugged Lin Xingyun's waist tightly.

Let him push and can't push away.

Then she leaned on his shoulder and started talking.

Lin Xingyun only felt that the fragrance was pleasant.


"Nebula, you don't have to pretend to be so desperate!"

"I actually heard my father mention that something big happened to your Lin family recently, and your father and your eldest brother are missing now."

The Apocalypse Dynasty is a subordinate dynasty of the Lin family, and it is closely connected, and it is natural to get news faster than other forces.

"I know, you're afraid that your veins will lose power and will affect us at that time, so you quit marriage with us, right?"

"Those women today don't understand your painstaking efforts!"

"Only... Only I understand you!

Lin Xingyun was speechless by her brain supply, and couldn't help but slander her stomach.

"Ah, yes, yes, sister, you know me too well!"

"Sister, you know too well!"

Although this girl answered the process correctly.

But the brain made up the wrong result.

He just didn't want to be dragged down by women to cultivate!

However, he did not wait for an answer.

Xiao Qianluo gently snuggled into his arms.

Said with a coquettish face.

"Nebula, you're so stupid, do you think I care about your family lineage?"

"Even if you are kicked out of the Lin family in the future, I am willing to accompany you."

"You can go back to the Apocalypse Dynasty with me, if the Father Emperor does not agree to us being together, we will go to the end of the world, and we can go wherever we want

..." "Nebula..."

Xiao Qianluo called coquettishly, rubbing around in his arms.

Cute like a kitten.

And the more Lin Xingyun listened, the more black lines his face became.

The heart said, it is worthy of you, Xiao Qianluo!

You could run away from home without money.

It's already outrageous.

Now you still want to pull yourself and wander the world?

Lin Xingyun looked at her pretty face more and more.

The more I feel that there is a beauty that has not been polluted by wisdom!

But he also had to admit it.

Xiao Qianluo's appearance and figure.

In the red face he befriended.

It can almost be ranked first.

It's a pity that it's a!

"Such a good-looking girl."

"Lying once should be able to cry for a long time!"

The corner of Lin Xingyun's mouth hooked a bad smile.

He wants to work hard and break this girl's heart!

Let her go home obediently.

Because of the perennial pulling with various women.

He couldn't be more familiar with this!

"Ding! Blood relatives of the Children of Destiny detected! "

Just as he was about to strike.

A system prompt suddenly rings in my head.

"Huh? Blood relatives of the Children of Destiny?

"Is it Xiao Qianluo?"

Lin Xingyun was stunned, and then looked at the cute girl in his arms.

"System, check her properties panel!"

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