"Ye Wudao, nine-inch wheel sea, reward one Tiangang sword box!"

"Ye Wudao again?" "

Shouldn't this guy have won the first place in the test every ancient heavenly monument


Lin Xingyun thought with a smile, his eyes shining.

Swallowing the entire Origin God Spring, plus constantly impacting with giant elephant particles.

His current round sea range.

It's already nine inches and nine points!

And he has a hunch.

This last point can't stop him!"

"Senior sister, protect the Dharma for me."

He sat cross-kneeled and ordered casually.

"Hey, just you have a lot of tricks.

Liu Xinyan pouted and agreed.

I was still confused.

"I'd rather see what you're here for."

"Even if you can take all the rewards of this ancient heavenly monument, you won't be able to deal with those few true disciples." "

The gap between the Wheel Sea Realm and the Cave Heaven Realm is still too big.

However, she saw Lin Xingyun and began to breathe deeply.

Then the eight thousand giant elephant particles in his body released divine light in unison!

and converged towards the sea of wheels at his dantian.

He is in the dantian.

Then there was a dull explosion.

Those are countless giant elephant particles, constantly rushing and bombarding.

Trying to carve out the last round of the sea!

But nine inches later.

Every minute of opening up the sea is a hundred times more difficult than before!

This last point seems to have some kind of strange barrier.

After trying to stop him, he reached ten inches of round sea!

half an hour.

Lin Xingyun's sea of wheels has opened up to the extreme nine inches and nine percent!

Like a familiar spelling head merchant.

This last centimeter.

No matter how he struck with giant elephant particles.

It just can't break through!"

Sure enough, it was much more difficult than when the Qi and Blood Realm broke through the limit.

"If you continue to open up, it seems that there is no obvious effect..."

Lin Xingyun couldn't help frowning.

Even consider whether to stop there.

At this level, go to the ancient heavenly monument to complete the test.

Although it is not complete, the first place is stable.

And this kind of foundation.

It's really majestic enough.

Yet just as he pondered.

Above the sea of his wheels, the jade sword that hovered.

Suddenly, an ancient white light burst out.

Then it trembled on its own, and the sword clanged.

The next moment, it slashed a shocking sword light.

Slashed at the forefront of the impact of giant elephant particles!


A crisp sound like a barrier shattering.

It suddenly resounded in all directions.

The sound is extremely mysterious and not ear-shattering.

But it instantly spread throughout the entire Yaochi Holy Land!

And Lin Xingyun fell into a moment's loss of concentration.

When he came to his senses.

Inner vision.

Discover your own sea of wheels.

Finally, it has opened up to a range of ten inches!

In the brand new sea of wheels, the spiritual power is flowing endlessly and surging.

There is no more flaw.

Now he had a wonderful feeling.

Although it is only, it is only a gap of one point in the sea.

But now I am more than half an hour ago.

This state of complete satisfaction is even more different from before.

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but smile.

Secretly transmitted to the Great Luo Dao Sword Divine Soul, and compared it with a thumbs-up.

"Well done!"

as a bonus.

"I will often stick to that Da Luo sword scabbard!" Da

Luo Daojian immediately jumped, exuding joyful emotions!

"Hmm?" "

Junior Brother, what did you do?!"

Liu Xinyan was suddenly surprised.

Lin Xingyun's changes certainly surprised her.

But what made her pay more attention to.

Above this cave mansion, there was a rumbling thunder!

She stepped lightly and appeared outside the cave mansion.

I saw thick dark clouds that were rapidly condensing.

The next moment, a silver-white thunder light tens of feet wide.


this, Liu Xinyan waved his hand.

With the vast spiritual power of the Great Sage Realm, he struck a palm.

Then the thunder light, along with the thundercloud, was scattered.

Seeing the sky, it was finally clear again.

She breathed a sigh of relief and flashed back to the cave mansion.

"Lin Xingyun, what good have you done

?" "How did you attract all the thunder tribulations?" "Fortunately, this thunder tribulation

is not too strong, otherwise you would have felt better!"

asked Liu Xin angrily.

She was also a little frightened.

The strength of the thunder tribulation just now was enough to kill the God Fire Realm!

Is this a violation of the heavenly rule?"

"Hehe, senior sister, you'll know later."

Lin Xingyun smiled mysteriously.

Immediately got up and walked to the ancient heavenly monument.

He stretched out his hand and probed it, and the aura of the wheel sea was fully released.

I saw the ancient heavenly monument, shimmering slightly.

The next moment, at the top of the Heavenly Monument, a line of golden characters appeared.

"Lin Xingyun, ten inch wheel sea, reward... War Immortal............"It

was the same as the Qi and Blood Realm Ancient Heavenly Monument.

This ancient heavenly monument, the handwriting has not yet been revealed.

Cracks began to appear.


Finally, it was directly cracked!

A hundred heavenly monument rewards were all burst out and scattered all over the place.

This hundred rewards also include various rare elixirs, exercises, divine materials, and so on.

But whether it's the grade, or the rarity.

They are all higher than the rewards in the Qi and Blood Realm Ancient Heavenly Monument.

"This... "

All the rewards in the Celestial Monument?"

It all happened too suddenly.

Liu Xinyan looked at the treasures in front of him, this place.

They were all stunned.

"This heavenly monument, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years to stand in the holy place..."

"Why did it suddenly crack today?"

The heavenly tablet shows that his wheel sea range

..." "There are actually ten inches

?!" "This little bastard..." "

What kind of demon and monster is it?!"

Liu Xin couldn't help but cover his heart, secretly exclaiming.

With her supreme qualifications.

At that time, it was only opened up to the six-inch wheel sea.

Then it broke through to the Yuanfu realm.

She knows the tricks.

For Ye Wudao, who was on the Heavenly Monument, who was a nine-inch wheel sea, she also admired it when she was young.

But now his own little junior brother.

She looked at the tall figure in front of her.

To this little junior disciple who is hundreds of years younger than himself.

In her heart, she actually gave birth to a little admiration.

And in Liu Xinyan's surprised and admiring gaze.

Lin Xingyun was unceremonious.

All the Heavenly Monument rewards are collected into the Qiankun Ring.

Then, with great anticipation, he stared at the remains of the Heavenly Monument.

And as he expected.

In the remains of the monument that day, a pitch-black light mass slowly floated out.

Floating in front of his eyes, he revealed his true body.

It was pitch-black armor.

To be precise, it is a right armour.

Even arms, with palms.

It can be fully covered after wearing.

It is covered with mysterious inscriptions throughout, which are somewhat similar to the inscriptions on the Daluo Dao sword.

At first glance, you know that it is extremely extraordinary!

Lin Xingyun did not hesitate and directly reached out to hold it.

But this time, it was not like when he got the Great Luo Dao Sword.

This right arm armor did not give him the slightest spiritual memory.

He tried to wear it on his hand.

I only felt that I was wearing an ordinary armor.

There is no miracle, just like a common thing.

"That ancient heavenly monument doesn't explain it either. "

War Immortal? What is War Immortal?" "Or is this thing called War Immortal?"

Lin Xingyun looked at it.

I didn't figure out the usefulness of this armour.

But just when this amputated arm armor was held by Lin Xingyun in his hand.

Above the heavenly dome outside the cave mansion.

There are vast black clouds again, condensing at an extremely fast speed! .

And the range and power of this black cloud gathering.

At least a hundred times more than before!

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