And with such a huge supply of aura.

The Yuanfu phantom behind Lin Xingyun was finally condensed successfully!

When the golden giant Yuan Mansion Shadow was completely formed.

An aura that was ten times stronger than before.

It also bursts out of the top!

"Boom... Boom......! A

rhythmic heartbeat sounded from the ding.

Like beating a war drum, like a fierce beast's roar! ,

rumbling and roaring.

It continues to resound in all directions of the Sword Pavilion!

At this time, Lin Xingyun was in the body.

A small golden Yuan Mansion has been shaped.

Situated in his heart location.

Among them, there is a surging spiritual power.

Compared to the sea of wheels under the dantian.

It is more than ten times stronger!

The cultivation of the Yuanfu Realm.

It is to constantly use spiritual power to shape and improve the Yuan Mansion.

Every cultivator who has just broken through to the Yuan Mansion Realm.

will put the Yuan Mansion in one of the five organs.

Most people choose to put it in the heart.

This protects the heart.

It can also pump a large amount of spiritual power at all times and nourish the flesh and blood of the whole body.

Some people will choose to place it in the liver.

Can be tireless.

Throughout the year, he worked hard day and night.

Others will be placed on the kidneys.

This will be more helpful..................

And the cultivators in the early stage of the Yuan Mansion Realm, the Yuan Mansion cultivated are all white Yuan Mansions.

In the later period, it was the purple Yuan Mansion.

When the Yuanfu realm is complete, it will turn into gold.

And Lin Xingyun, because of the deep roots.

As soon as he broke through the realm, he directly reached perfection.

Shaped the Golden Yuan Mansion!

However, he still has not finished his mind.

I saw him flip his right hand.

From a Qiankun ring, he randomly turned out a vast number of spirit stones.

Roughly calculated, I am afraid that there are five million!

For a while, it was not convenient for him to deal with.

In one go, all the bronze dings were thrown.

Then the sound is transmitted to the sky.

"Senior sister! Help me deal with it! "


Seeing this, Liu Xinyan immediately raised his eyebrows!

"Lin Xingyun! You bastard!

"You are obviously so rich, you have just been prostituting my spirit stones for nothing!"

"You still want me to help you deal with spirit stones, dream!"

She cursed angrily.

Almost want to slap it.

Bring Lin Xingyun and people to the top and shoot it into a pancake!

This brother must not stay for long!

"Senior sister! You move quickly, I can't suppress it if I break through!

Lin Xingyun changed the topic and pretended to urge.

"Hmph! You wait for me!

"I'll find you later to settle the score!"

Liu Xinyan listened, and it was not good to insist anymore.

I had to wave my jade hand and shake it hard in the air.

Just shattered the more than five million spirit stones into a torrent of spiritual energy.

Poured into the ding again.

Lin Xingyun was calm again.

With the help of the residual power to break through the realm.

Absorb all these auras into the body.

In his body, the liver.

The second golden Yuan Mansion is gradually taking shape.

The usual Yuanfu Realm cultivator.

After building a golden Yuan Mansion.

You can break through to the Cave Heaven Realm.

Only some amazing and ambitious Tianjiao.

Will choose to shape more Yuanfu.

But every Yuan Mansion after that requires a lot of resources.

And it is extremely difficult to shape.

Plus to use other organs, bear together.

The risks multiplied accordingly.

Often only a few backgrounds stand out.

He is also a peerless family and a child of the forbidden area.

Will choose to shape multiple Yuan Mansions.

And Lin Xingyun, this kind of top rich man.

He also has the physique of [Innate Dao Embryo], and the cultivation of enlightenment is like drinking water.

To shape the Yuan Mansion, naturally the more the merrier!

An hour later, it was getting late.

A bright moon, slowly rising.

Those five million spirit stones had been completely absorbed.

Lin Xingyun's remaining strength to break through the realm was finally exhausted.


He let out a long sigh of relief.

The roar of the dragon and tiger suddenly came out of the body!

The spirit looks inward.

Five golden Yuan Mansions.

Entrenched in his heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, five major organs!

Reach the ultimate of the Wheel Sea Realm, and then break through.

This is an unprecedented foundation.

Let him take a direct breath, after reaching the consummation.

Five more golden Yuan Mansions were condensed!

At this time, his momentum was several times stronger than before!

"Almost enough."

"My accumulation, plus the remaining strength after breaking the realm, is only enough to go so far."

"If you continue to forcibly improve, you will cause the foundation to float."

"Stabilize it first, and after a while, continue to improve your cultivation."

After Lin Xingyun secretly decided, he made a casual move.

Just put away the bronze ding.

He floated to the ground and stretched comfortably.

When the limbs were closed, there was a pleasant explosion.

After entering the Yuanfu realm.

The flesh and qi and blood naturally also greatly improved again.

He adapted to the activity.

He raised his head and said to the sky.

"Thank you Senior Sister for your help!"

"Junior Brother will definitely reward him heavily in the future so as to repay Junior Sister's kindness!"


High in the air, there was only a disdainful snort.

Apparently with the arrogance of Willow's heart.

Not to ask him for the spirit stones that were spent.

And Lin Xingyun was about to return to the Sword Pavilion to rest.

But I found that in front of me, there was a beautiful woman in a white dress.

"Young Lord... You..."

An Miaoyin bit her lower lip.

Stared at him with a complicated expression.

There was even a hint of fear in his eyes!

She had long noticed that Lin Xingyun had broken through outside the Sword Pavilion.

It's just inconvenient to bother.

Until just now, feeling that his breakthrough was over, he came out to check.

I didn't expect to meet as soon as I met.

She was faint, feeling terrified.

As if the other party made a move.

It's as easy as crushing yourself!

"Why is that?"

"I clearly realm... It's still a cut higher than him! "

Shouldn't the gap between the Dongtian Realm and the Yuanfu Realm be very large?"

"I kill the Yuanfu Realm to complete, all I need is a palm..."

"This bad guy... It's terrifying!

An Miaoyin secretly exclaimed.

Lin Xingyun came over and playfully patted her jade face.

"How? You seem to be afraid of me?

"Why are you so afraid of me?" I won't eat you again. As

soon as An Miaoyin heard it, she became angry.

Suddenly I was not afraid.

Slap his hand and grumbled.

"Hmph! You really ate me!

"Draw me flatbread all day, I'm almost full!"

"Where do I have a painting cake, didn't I get you a true biography treatment?"

Lin Xingyun waved his hand and said righteously.

After staying at Jianzi Pavilion.

He mentioned it to Liu Xinyan.

Liu Xinyan gave An Miaoyin and asked Jianfeng True Transmission disciple treatment.

Except that there is no disciple status.

Distributed elixirs, spirit stones, resources.

All are the same as the true biography, extremely abundant.

"Young man, there is a truth, you have to figure it out."

"If a person, she is a maid, but she takes the treatment of a true legend."

"This is called finding relationships and following a crooked path."

"But if a person, she takes the treatment of a true legend, but still wants to be a good maid."

"This is called having a pattern and dedication!"

"You have to understand the mystery carefully!"

Lin Xingyun put his arm around An Miaoyin's shoulder.

It's like an old river and lake that imparts experience.

A serious book, a flicker.

An Miaoyin was stunned again.

Although she instinctively, she felt that Lin Xingyun was a bit.

But think about it............

It seems to make some sense!

However, he was hugged by Lin Xingyun.

Looking at that closely, she was thinking about the handsome face.

No matter how she is fooled.

I couldn't help but coquettishly and took the initiative to put my arm around Lin Xingyun's neck.

"I don't want to be a true legend, and I don't want any ghost pattern."

"Don't you still know?"

"From the first day I came to the Lin family, I saw you on the first day."

"I just want to talk to you..."

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