However, Lin Xingyun said half of what he said.

A sudden glance.

Found the doorway, there was another white dress silhouette.

It has to be said.

A female guest who came to Jianzi Pavilion tonight.

It's a bit much!

"Division... Senior sister..."

Lin Xingyun smiled and said hello.

Looking at Liu Xinyan, it was as if he wanted to eat people.

A cold sweat gradually broke out on his forehead.

"Huh?! Master! "

Peak... Peak Lord?! "

Zhao Hanyi and Zhao Binglan sisters are simply frightened.

Immediately, instinctively, he bowed down towards Liu Xinyan.

"Senior sister, it's so late... Why haven't you gone back to rest?

Lin Xingyun forced a smile.

In my heart, there was already a hint of bad speculation.

Own senior sister.

It will not help you break through the realm later.

Just all the time... Stay in the air and don't leave, right?!

"Your sword pavilion is like a theater garden."

"One good show after another."

"I can't finish reading it!"

Liu Xinyan's tone was extremely cold.

It seems to be sandwiched with a thousand-year-old Xuan Bing.

Indeed, she helped Lin Xingyun break through to the Yuan Mansion.

I sensed that Zhao Binglan and Zhao Hanyi sisters were rushing here.

Then she relied on the cultivation of the Great Sage Realm.

The whole time was in mid-air, secretly eating melons to watch the play.

Every word, every action these four little guys say.

She had it all.

This melon is almost supported!

"Senior sister... It's not early. "

I should rest too, you see..."

asked Lin Xingyun tentatively.

"Should I get out of here?"

"So that you can take my apprentice, her sister, and your little maid."

"Let's all go upstairs?"

Liu Xinyan raised his eyebrows and asked with an angry smile.

At this point she glanced at it.

Kneeling on the side, the sisters of the Zhao family trembled.

He glanced at Lin Xingyun, who was smiling again.

"I see you're in good spirits."

"Sleep? How do you sleep!

"At your age, your realm, can you sleep?"

"Don't go to cultivation yet!"

Liu Xinyan gritted his teeth and said.

Then he waved his hand.

Towards Lin Xingyun, a divine light was shot.

Directly threw him out of the Sword Pavilion!

Lin Xingyun was carried by the divine light and threw out a perfect arc.

Seeing that it is about to fall, ask Jianfeng!

He quickly summoned the bronze Xiaoding to protect himself.

That divine light seemed to have a goal.

With Lin Xingyun, he fell all the way down the mountain.

The fall was almost a blaze of incense.

"Bang ————!"

The bronze ding only hit a stone wall and hit it hard.

but was bounced back and smashed to the ground....

Lin Xingyun then swayed and climbed out of the top.

"Alas, Senior Sister, she really is!"

"I just want to take a shortcut and forge the perfect foundation."

"Why are you so angry?"

He waved his hand and put away Xiao Ding.

Shaking his head and thinking with a wry smile.

I was caught by Liu Xinyan today.

It is estimated that in the past two days, the origin of the [Sister Treasure Body] is not easy to get.


Lin Xingyun was about to leave.

Suddenly, I felt that on my side, there was a slight sword qi streaking through.

He turned his head to look.

I saw the stone wall I hit before.

It turned out to be a whole piece of huge jade, about 100 zhang high.

Countless sword marks are depicted on it.

Every sword mark contains mysterious sword intent.

Even some of the sword qi has not yet been extinguished, and it escapes from all the time.

"This piece of jade..."

"It should be what Senior Sister said, ask Jianfeng's Tibetan Sword Dao Jade!"

Lin Xingyun suddenly remembered.

Liu Xinyan had mentioned it to him before.

This piece of Tibetan kendo jade.

There are sword intent marks of the predecessors of the previous generations of Jianfeng.

Cultivate in front of this piece of jade.

It can help improve kendo perception.

Even the highly savvy.

It can be from Yubi.

Comprehended the swordsmanship of the predecessor powerhouses.

Liu Xinyan explained to him.

If you want to practice kendo, you can first come here by yourself.

"Gee, Senior Sister is really hard-mouthed and soft-hearted."

"They deliberately threw me here."

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but find it interesting.

Then sit cross-kneeled.

Start observing the jade.

"Before entering the Holy Land last time, I was only a little short of understanding from the second level of the Nine-Leaf Sword Technique."

"No, be here tonight, comprehend the second divine power!"

I saw him calm down.

The aura of rhyme unfolds all around.

After absorbing the entire Genshen Spring.

The aura of Dao Rhyme he exuded also increased to thirty-six.

At this time, he completely stimulated the enlightenment characteristics of the [Innate Dao Embryo].

Begin to take a closer look at the sword marks on the jade.

One hour later.

He subconsciously pointed into a sword.

Hundreds of lapis gold sword grasses immediately appeared around him.

He observed the jade sword marks on the side.

While casting the Nine Leaves Sword Technique.

Gradually, the first layer of magical powers, the Wind Knowing Grass.

Complete execution.

The next moment, his sword finger was in the air, turning into a strange seal.

There were hundreds of sword grasses around him.

It's like hearing a command.

Quickly around him, lined up in formation.

When the sword formation is fully formed.

Countless sword grasses began to circle and stab.

Like a fierce soldier in the formation, he is cooperating with the killing.

And Lin Xingyun constantly controlled the sword grass and perfected this heavy magical power.

Another hour passed.

The sword grass in the sky finally flew back into place and resumed its formation.

It immediately turned into aura and slowly dissipated.

This is exactly the second magical power of the "Nine-Leaf Sword Technique" - the Nine-Leaf Sword Formation!

You can control countless swords and grasses and form a killing formation to face the enemy!

"Whew..." "

Hidden Sword Dao Jade, it does have a miraculous effect."

"In less than midnight, I comprehended the [Nine-Leaf Sword Formation]!"

Lin Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief and said with admiration and smile.

There was a huge amount of sword intent that contained kendo jade for him to observe.

There is also the blessing of the characteristics of [Innate Dao Embryo].

Comprehending swordsmanship is like a divine help!

After practicing the magical powers.

He waved his hand.

From the Qiankun ring, take out a sword box.

The box was about six feet long and silver-white throughout.

Although not the slightest bit of edge.

But it seems to have a murderous intention inside, which makes people shudder.

It is the first prize of the Ancient Heavenly Monument of the Wheel Sea Realm - the Tiangang Sword Box.

Lin Xingyun took it for granted.

From his own spiritual memory, he learned how to use it.

Inside this sword box, thirty-six sword qi can be contained.

It's like accumulating power.

Nurture and grow it all the time.

Until the time of confrontation with the enemy.

Every sword qi burst out from it.

All like a sharp sword, suddenly unsheathed.

The power will multiply!

"Thirty-six sword grasses are cultivated in it."

"Wait until you are facing the enemy, and then use it to join the Nine-Leaf Sword Formation as a formation eye."

"The lethality will inevitably rise!"

Lin Xingyun has already thought of its usage.

At this time, he raised his hand and slapped it and injected spiritual power.

With a loud machine expansion creaked.

The sword box burst into silver light and unfolded instantly.

Thirty-six dark grooves are revealed.

Lin Xingyun immediately mobilized his spiritual power and transformed into thirty-six sword grasses.

It's all in it.

After putting away the sword box.

Lin Xingyun continued to look at the Tibetan Sword Dao Jade and observed the sword marks.

Try to continue comprehension, the third magical power of the Nine Leaves Sword Technique.

Another little more than an hour later.

The sky is also dark.

At the beginning, there were diligent disciples who got up early to practice swords.

Lin Xingyun ignored them.

But he suddenly felt a place in his heart.

Begins to heat up and get hot.

After advancing to the Yuanfu realm.

Da Luo Dao Sword, on its own, from the sea of wheels.

ran to his heart and entrenched himself in the Yuan Mansion.

At this time, the Da Luo Dao sword, the sword kept ringing.

It seems to be very excited.


"Su Qianwu is coming?"

Lin Xingyun just reacted.

A silhouette wearing a true golden robe.

It's just not far away.


"Lin... Lin Gongzi!

Su Qianwu exclaimed in surprise.

Then, without hesitation, he walked towards Lin Xingyun.

But he still retains a bit of reserve, and sanity.

Without directing, he threw himself into Lin Xingyun's arms.

"Young Master Lin, such a coincidence..." "

You... You also come to enlightenment..." "

I also every day... They will all come here to see the sword marks...,"

Su Wu twisted her fingers lightly, and said to herself.

She lowered her face.

With a shy face, he stood beside Lin Xingyun.

A pair of eye-catching long legs, twisting Nini.

It seems to be pondering.

How to chat with Lin Xingyun.

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