Xiao Qianluo leaned into Lin Xingyun's arms.

Shyly and timidly, he hesitated for a long time.

In the end, he still shy and hinted at Lin Xingyun.

said that in her boudoir, there was a spirit cat monster beast.

Will perform a backflip!

Do you want to go together, go over and appreciate it..........

But Lin Xingyun said.

He is a more traditional person.

He is a typical decent gentleman.

Entering a woman's boudoir at night is such a thing.

It's just unconventional!

At the very least, it will not be until after marriage.

Xiao Qianluo was suddenly disgusted.

Fleeing back to his room in shame.

Abide by male morality.

Start with you!



The next day, Xiao Chen took a few servants and went to the Treasure Pavilion in the city to pick up leaks!

Since his teacher Han Feng woke up.

It was as if he had opened a hanging!

With the eyesight of the Han Feng Great Sage.

Pointing him to the Treasure Pavilion, the auction, and the gambling stone shop in the Imperial City.

Loot all kinds of rare treasures!

It's invincible!

Today he came to the Treasure Pavilion again, ready to search for it.

He walked up to the top floor, but suddenly saw it.

His own Seventh Emperor sister was holding Lin Xingyun's arm affectionately.

In front of a vendor, pick out treasures.

"Boss, I want this piece of copper."

"Okay, thanks to your patronage, a thousand spirit stones."

"One hundred spirit stones, if you don't sell them, forget it."

Lin Xingyun was crisp and neat, holding Xiao Qianluo and turning around and leaving.

The boss was directly dumbfounded!

No, how can you bargain so much?

Cut directly into tenths?

Ruthless or ruthless you!

"Gongzi and slow!"

"This broken copper piece has been placed here for half a year, and no one has picked it, today I will suffer a little loss, I should make a friend, a hundred spirit stones, sell you!"

The boss pretended to be pained and said bitterly.

Lin Xingyun did not bother and threw a bag of spirit stones to him.

Just put the copper sheet away.

And after Xiao Chen saw the broken copper piece.

The Han Feng in the ring on his hand immediately transmitted a message to him.

"Apprentice! Quick, cut off that copper piece, there is a heavy treasure inside!

"Yes, Master!"

Xiao Chen had no doubt about Han Feng's vision.

Immediately stepped forward and gave a fake salute.

"See Young Lord."

"Hello Imperial Sister."

"Oh? Such a coincidence, Xiao Dust, you also come to buy something? "

Oh, Nebula, this is what I told you, my ninth brother Xiao Chen."

Xiao Qianluo saw his younger brother and introduced to Lin Xingyun with a smile.

"Well, it's good, young talent, there must be a great future in the future."

Lin Xingyun looked at Xiao Chen and smiled perfunctorily.

At the same time, he held the bronze piece in his hand and spun it around.

As if on purpose, he was showing Xiao Chen!

"The young lord has won the award, and he is not a hero under it."

"But please forgive me for taking the liberty of here, I don't know if this piece of copper in the young master's hand can be given to Xia?"

"Under the wish, double the spirit stone, only ask the Lord to cut love."

Xiao Chen pleaded respectfully on the surface.

Even in his heart, no matter how much he despised Lin Xingyun.

On the surface, he still did not dare to be rude to the Lin family.

"Oh? This...... I'm afraid it's inconvenient. "

This piece of copper makes me feel special and could be useful to me."

"Little brother Xiao Chen, there are a lot of treasures here, you better take a look elsewhere."

Lin Xingyun was embarrassed.

Immediately, the copper piece was collected into the Qiankun ring.

"And slow! You..." Xiao

Chen saw that he put the copper piece into the Qiankun ring, and he was suddenly anxious.

This kind of heavy treasure, since he saw it.

It should be his!

"Xiao Chen, don't shout!"

"Isn't it just a piece of copper? Nebula said that it was useful to him, so don't get entangled, if you want treasures to go to your father and ask for it, there are not many in the palace, right?

Xiao Qianluo frowned and criticized his younger brother.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen was even more angry and corrupted!

Sure enough, it was a married daughter, splashed water.

His sister hasn't married yet.

The elbows have been turned all over to outsiders!

He didn't know that Xiao Qianluo had the life of [Wangfu Wangzi]!

In everything, he will naturally turn to his husband.

"No, Imperial Sister... I..."

Xiao Chen still wanted to explain.

Xiao Qianluo pulled Lin Xingyun and walked downstairs.

"Oh, okay, you go shopping."

"Nebula, let's go, there's nothing fun here, I'll take you to Tingxuelou for a snack."

"Not much interest, unless... You feed me.

"You hate it! It's outside... Don't talk nonsense..."

The two flirted and flirted and went downstairs to leave.

Xiao Chen, who saw this scene, was stunned in place.

His face quickly swelled into the color of pig liver!.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice.

"Mess with stuff!"

"Master! That waste cut off the copper piece, how to get it back, steal or rob?

Xiao Chen's face was grim and asked Han Feng.

"It's not possible, that kid is following a prince realm powerhouse to protect him in the shadows."

"I'm just a remnant soul now, and dealing with cultivators in the Divine Fire Realm is already the limit."

"And you just wanted to buy copper chips with him, and if he lost it in the blink of an eye, you are also the first suspect."

"Alas, that's it, it's just one less chance, with your luck, there will be more opportunities in the future."

Xiao Chen listened to Han Feng's words, and his teeth were about to be crushed.

Since his resurgence.

I've never suffered such a loss!

At this time, his dislike of Lin Xingyun finally went to another level.

The favorability dropped by 5 points in a row.

Reach the level of 16 points [Fast after killing]!

"Hmph! This waste has a way to die!

"He just relies on the protection of the family, and when I succeed in cultivation in the future, I have to slaughter him!"

He is now inexplicably irritable and angry.

It feels like there's something that is especially important to you.

Before I knew it, it was taken away by someone..........


On the other hand, Lin Xingyun and Xiao Qianluo had just stepped out of the Treasure Pavilion.

In my mind, a system prompt suddenly sounded.

"Ding! The host plunders the child of destiny, and the chance succeeds! "

The reward villain is worth 20,000!" Xiao Chen's gas luck value dropped by 20,000, and the remaining gas luck value: 80,000!

"The host makes the Child of Destiny angry and corrupted, and the additional reward villain is worth 5000!"

"The host plunders the Child of Destiny for the first time and rewards the primary lottery opportunity once!"

"Do you want to use it?"

Lin Xingyun was stunned, and then smiled.

"Sure enough, if you clean up these children of destiny, you can get villain points!"

"And to be able to draw prizes, what a bonus!"

"System, what can be drawn in the lottery?"

Lin Xingyun quickly returned to calm and asked in his mind.

"Back to the host: The lottery is mainly to draw the fate, exercises, and magical powers of each level, of which the primary lottery, the winning probability of each level of prizes is: white 80%, blue 15%, purple 4.5, orange 0.5%."

"Ten primary draws, 100% orange prizes!"

"Orange prizes are only 0.5% chance? What kind of profiteer are you?!

"Fortunately, there is still a guarantee..."

And how come there are no gold and red prize odds?

Lin Xingyun remained silent on the surface.

Cursing the system in his heart, he continued to ask.

"Back to the host: Gold and red prizes require intermediate and advanced draws to open."

"Oh? So how do you open a higher-level lottery?

"Back to the host: you need to consume villain value, 10,000 villain value can be used for a primary lottery, 100,000 villain value can be used for an intermediate lottery, and million villain value can be used for an advanced lottery!"

After Lin Xingyun listened, he thought thoughtfully.

The villain value looks useful.

But actually, because it is used for the lottery.

So extremely dependent on character!

It is possible to smoke nine times, all of which are blue sky and white clouds.

It is also possible to smoke once and burst the orange and gold!

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