Immediately, his body was like electricity, and in the blink of an eye, he attacked Lin Xingyun.

The three of them were all practicing pure martial arts, and with three palms, with the power of thunder, they all captured Lin Xingyun together.

However, Lin Xingyun flipped his right hand.

The Blood Killing Sword is already in control.

He slashed three swords in a row, hundreds of lapis gold sword grasses, and immediately flew away and rushed towards those three true legends!

However, this time the other party came prepared, and each of them released their own divine fire.

The air in the entire lake island instantly became much hotter.

And those three divine fires of different colors were like a roaring furnace, protecting them from the air.

This time, every sword grass just touched their surroundings.

It was immediately wiped out by the raging divine fire.

One after another, the three attacked and killed Lin Xingyun.

The giant elephant particles in Lin Xingyun's body glowed together.

A sword slashed and struck the palm of one of them.

"Oh ————!"

Under the explosion, the two sides fought equally.

However, the other party was more and more surprised.

"A Yuanfu realm, can actually fight hard with me?!"

"Eight Wild Seals!"

He no longer kept his hand, and with one palm, he turned into a thirty-zhang big seal, and pushed it towards Lin Xingyun!

"Broken Star Finger!"

"Xuanyang Wind and Fire Palm!"

The other two true legends also exerted their own magical powers.

Three behemoth offensives bombarded Lin Xingyun in unison.

And Lin Xingyun just swung his sword and slashed.

In the blink of an eye, three thousand lapis gold sword grasses galloped out.

With the magical powers of those three people, they consumed, and consumed each other.

While building a sword formation at great speed.

The two sides faced off for a moment.

The Nine-Leaf Sword Formation was completely formed.

Lin Xingyun's heart position, a complete Zhanjin sword heart, is surging and flickering!

In the next moment, countless sword grasses turned into fierce warriors and immediately attacked those three true legends.

The three true legends had to control the Divine Fire Protective Body while trying their best to blast out magical powers towards Lin Xingyun, trying to break the sword array.

However, it took a long time to try.

The sword formation is still unbreakable!

"How so?!"

"The power of this sword formation..." "

This stepping horse is a magical power that the Yuanfu Realm can perform?!"

The three couldn't help but marvel.

The trickiness of the other party is far more than they expected!

"Gee, this kid's strength... Too much tough, right?!

"I feel that even if I personally take action, it will be difficult to clean him up for a while!"

"Me too!"

The true legends of Saint Ru Peak and Wei Dao Peak who were watching the battle from afar saw it, and they were all stunned.

But everyone was watching the fire from the other side, and there was no intention of making a move.

After all, there are those two holy sons.

Whether they favored Xianwu Peak or asked Jianfeng, it was pointless.

"Can't drag it out!"

"If you drag it on, the Holy Son will be angry!"

After the three of them combined for a while, they looked at each other.

Then each of them raised their eyebrows.

Cast your own true divine fire with all your strength.

The burning power, which seemed to burn the sky and boil the sea, skyrocketed again!

Under the combined force, he finally burned through the corner of the Nine Leaves Sword Array in an instant!

And the residual power did not decrease, and continued to burn towards Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun swung his sword and slashed continuously, breaking a large area of divine fire.

But there were still a small number of divine fire fragments, with the tendency to burn all things, falling towards him.

If you ask Jianfeng for those four true biographies.

At this time, even a little bit of divine fire fragment was enough to burn through their defenses and make them miserable.

But Lin Xingyun's body was already covered with Xuanhuang Linglong armor.

Relying on strong spiritual power support.

The fragments of divine fire are also difficult to damage his body!

At this time, the three of Xianwufeng once again shot in unison.

Attack Lin Xingyun after the flaw.

However, they are not close yet.

I saw that the other party's momentum suddenly shook.

The thirty-six halos of rhyme around the body unfolded in unison.

Three feet above him.

A huge immortal bell that had condensed countless times more than in the past instantly appeared.

"Dao Immortal Bell!"

As soon as he shouted, the immortal bell immediately burst out with immeasurable divine light.

With the strange bell ringing, it suppressed the three people!

"This is a physical vision?!"

"Quick! Resist together!

When the three of them were amazed, they immediately urged the divine fire with all their strength, and the majestic spiritual power rolled out.

However, that immortal bell, the power of suppression is incomparably strong, weighing more than the mountains.

At this time, the cover is pressed down, and the power is even more like the sky!

The three True Transmission Spiritual Powers all surged wildly, and finally blocked the Immortal Bell.

Yet the next moment.

Take advantage of their lack of time to care.

The Nine-Leaf Sword Formation took shape again!

Begin to surround and kill them from all sides.

They were under the enemy's back, and it was difficult to resist, and they quickly began to appear injured!

But just when they saw to fall into the downwind.

"A bunch of trash!"

Lu Min scolded with a black face.

Immediately, the figure flashed, and he stepped into the sword formation in one step.

"Thunder extinguished!"

He raised his palm and drank, and then his body immediately burst into dazzling thunder.

More than a dozen silver-white thunder and lightning unicorns immediately roared out.

While rushing out the sword array, he slammed into the Dao Immortal Bell.

"Bang ————!"

Bombarded by lightning, the Dao Immortal Bell was instantly shaken away.

The Divine Fire Realm is still the position of the Holy Son.

It's truly extraordinary.

And Lin Xingyun did not hesitate.

Directly raise the sword and kill the three true legends who have survived the disaster.

But Lu Min is faster.

The figure shook, and it was already blocking in front of the three people.

The thunder light in his right hand flashed and he grabbed Lin Xingyun.

"Oh ————!"

The two fought against each other, after a thunderous roar.

The Blood Killing Sword was actually controlled in the palm of the other party with its vast spiritual power!

"You guys stand down, useless things."

"I'll personally clean up this kid!"

Lu Min looked at Lin Xingyun who was close in front of him and ordered casually.

Then he smiled cruelly and said sarcastically.

"Boy, I heard that you and Zhao Hanyi are that..."

he said halfway.

A pale golden residual sword has already attacked in front of him!


Lu Min was caught off guard, and his divine soul was immediately hit!

When he screamed in pain, a blue light suddenly burst out in his eyebrows.

It was his Divine Soul Defense Magic Weapon.

At this time, the wound was stimulated, helping him to resist the continued attack of the Spirit Sword.

And Lin Xingyun took advantage of the other party's distraction.

Draw blood to kill the sword, and cut it off with one sword.

Hundreds of lapis gold sword grasses flew out in unison.

After cutting through Lu Ming's protective body spiritual power, he cut Dao blood stains on his body.

When he saw that Lu Min was about to be hit hard.

Lu Min quickly recovered his state and immediately pinch and drink.

"Thunder Emperor Body Protection Technique!"

The thunder around him flickered again, turning into layers of thunder light.

In the next instant, he resisted the sword grass and the blood killing sword!

Lin Xingyun made a one-handed move.

The Great Avenue Immortal Bell was suppressed again!

He continued to lay out the Nine-Leaf Sword Array.

Command three thousand sword grasses and besiege Lu Min alone!

At the same time, he cast the Great Desolate Sutra to quickly absorb spiritual power and improve his cultivation.

Just as the two sides fought each other.

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded from Lin Xingyun's side.

"What a sword, even my junior brother can't take you down for a while."

"Then I'm going to be taught too."

"Holy Dragon Flame!"

Chu Yu's face was grim, and he raised his hand and pressed it.

There was a hundred zhang fire dragon, roaring towards Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun only scored his heart to make the sword formation resist.

And Lu Min also took advantage of the situation.

More than ten thunder unicorns flashed out.

This time it was complete, shattering the vision of the Great Avenue Immortal Bell!

Thunder and fire.

The Nine-Leaf Sword Array was instantly wiped out.

Lin Xingyun was also attacked by the divine power of the two and repelled a hundred steps away.

He fixed his figure, and his breath was a little disordered.

Although he had the Xuanhuang Linglong armor protection body on his body, he was not injured.

But now the downwind is clear.

"Good! All right!

"This beast! He was so arrogant and stupid that he dared to challenge these holy sons across two great realms!

"Although they don't dare to kill you, it's enough to humiliate you fiercely!"

"Your life, I will personally take it then!"

Tang Yu was in the Xianwu Peak camp, and he was inexplicably excited.

I almost want to clap my hands!

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