The next moment, Lin Xingyun had already appeared in front of the two.

He raised his eyes to take a closer look, and saw Tang Yu kneeling and begging.

In front of Tang Yu's body, there was an immortal beast that was more than three feet tall.

It has dragon horns, looks like a lion and tiger, and its hair is as clean as snow, and its fairy light is shining.

It is full of majesty and reveals an infinite divine atmosphere.

A pair of azure eyes, hidden in countless vicissitudes.

"This is the immortal beast [Bai Ze] prompted by the system?"

"It's fluffy, and it's pretty good-looking."

"It should be good to use as a mount."

Lin Xingyun saw Bai Ze's appearance and thought secretly.

"Ants, die."

Bai Ze said indifferently.

Then a divine light spat out from his mouth and slammed straight towards Lin Xingyun.


Lin Xingyun felt the great crisis, and immediately turned his hand and sacrificed a bronze bell to protect him.

However, the divine light struck on the bronze bell.

Unexpectedly, even this Great Saint Soldier was directly blasted away!

"So strong!"

"Although the breath is only a consummation of the Divine Fire Realm, it is several times stronger than those two holy sons!"

Lin Xingyun was secretly surprised.

Bai Ze had already raised his right claw, ready to launch the next attack!

"And slow!"

"You are an immortal beast of the Bai Ze clan, right?"

"I heard you all talk just now, as long as you follow me, I can also ensure that you leave this fairy land safely."

"Why do you have to be enslaved by a villain like him?"

Lin Xingyun immediately waved his hand and stopped him loudly.

Bai Ze showed contempt and sneered.

"Just you?"

"Although this kid is also an ant, he has a heavy treasure and can protect me."

"What about you? Why are you? "


Saying that, it raised its right paw, and another divine light condensed into it.

"I am the young master of the Immortal Lin family, even if you are an immortal beast, after you are born, you are easy to be coveted."

"But with the power of my Lin family, it is not difficult to protect you."

Lin Xingyun replied calmly.

"The Immortal Lin family?"

"In ancient times, I had some dealings with your Lin family ancestors..." Bai

Ze listened, revealing a look of memory.

At this time, the divine light in its claws also stopped.

Seeing this, Tang Yu eagerly persuaded Bai Ze.

"Senior! Don't believe his nonsense!

"I have the Tianji Town Demon Tower to assist, and with your knowledge, you should know that I am destined to win the Immortal Domain in the future!"

"With my support at that time, you can also hope to step on the peak!"

After listening to it, Bai Ze nodded.

Immediately ordered Lin Xingyun.

"Boy, for the sake of your Lin family ancestor, if you swear to keep it secret with your soul, I won't kill you."

"I have been self-proclaimed for countless years, and now I am born, not only for freedom."

"It's even more about reaching the top again!"

"This ant, although he does some tricks, but he does not dare to disadvantage me."

"And he has the most precious treasure, and he will definitely be able to ..."

Bai Zezheng said halfway.

Lin Xingyun suddenly had a little heart.

A broken jade sword was held in his hand.

Bai Ze immediately stopped talking.

Then his eyes suddenly shrank and he exclaimed in amazement.

"Da Luo Dao Sword?!"

"You actually made it confess the Lord?!"

Bai Ze was a little confused.

Even if it has gone through countless vicissitudes.

I didn't expect to meet two Immortal Domain Supreme Treasures in a row today!

Moreover, these two supreme treasures were obtained by these two Terran ants.

It couldn't help but look at the two people in front of it.

I just feel that these two ants are probably born with the immortal atmosphere!

"How? This treasure of mine is no worse than his, right? "

Ask the Immortal Domain, he is also worthy?"

Lin Xingyun said with a disdainful smile.

Then he raised his hand and slashed out a gray sword qi towards Tang Yu.

"Senior save me!"

Tang Yu knew that he was simply invincible, and immediately shouted for help.

Bai Ze glanced at it and raised his right paw.

The divine light in the claw shot out, and it wiped out that sword qi.

"You wait."

"Let me think about it..."

Bai Ze said to Lin Xingyun with a hesitant look.

It seems to be weighing the Tianji Town Demon Tower and the now broken Da Luo Dao Sword.

Which one has more prospects....

"Since the ancient war, the Great Luo Dao Sword has been destroyed into this virtue, and the power is less than one

..." "The scabbard has also been lost..." "

The Tianji Town Demon Tower is intact."

"Even if this kid is the Lin family, in the future, I am afraid that he may not be able to..."

Bai Ze was thinking.

Lin Xingyun was clever.

He stretched out his hand and headed a little towards his wheel.

A pitch-black right armourd was taken out by him and held in his hand.

And Bai Ze, who was originally hesitating.

When I saw that pitch-black armour, I was stunned for a moment.

Then it directly turned into a white shadow and instantly pounced in front of Lin Xingyun.

Carefully observe the armour.

After confirmation.

Bai Ze's limbs couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The next moment, it crawled in front of Lin Xingyun, and said excitedly and excitedly.

"You still have this thing to confess the Lord, didn't you say it earlier?!"

"I'll follow you in the future!"

"Take me out, I will help you preach the Great Emperor in the future!"

Lin Xingyun was also stunned.

It seems that I didn't expect that the effect of this arm armor would be so much stronger than the Great Luo Dao Sword!

Then he chuckled and patted Bai Ze's dragon horn.

"Well, since you are so proactive, it is too wasteful to just be a follower."

"In the future, you will be my mount!"

"In exchange, I will keep you safe."


Bai Ze showed displeasure.

It is arrogant by nature, and it is an immortal beast, and it has never been anyone's mount.

But at this time, it looked at the armour, and then at the jade sword.

I couldn't help but smack my lips and endure it.

"Mount, mount! It's not unacceptable!

"But... Don't try to bully me too much, I'm not a small temper!

"Push me to a hurry, beware of me killing people and taking treasures!"

Bai Ze viciously gritted his teeth and threatened.

"Don't worry, when I am my mount, you will feel honored in the future."

"Also, don't be so fierce to the master in the future."

Lin Xingyun patted its dragon horn with satisfaction and ordered with a smile.

And in the corner of the cave mansion, Tang Yu, who witnessed all this.

His face was already dead ash, and his expression was dull.

"Nope... No..." "


He exclaimed in pain.

Then he completely couldn't bear it, got up and faced Lin Xingyun, roaring angrily.

"Lin Xingyun! You beast! "

I was in my last life, did I slaughter your Lin family ancestors?!"

"Why! Why are you against me at every turn! "

Why take everything from me?!"

"Oh? Why, you ask?

"If you have to say why..."

Lin Xingyun sneered and said playfully.

"Because from the first breath you appeared to me."

"You already have a way to die!"

Immediately stretched out his hand, turned into a big spiritual power hand, and grabbed it towards Tang Yu volley.

"Heavenly Luofa, Silent Halberd!"

Seeing Lin Xingyun attacking, Tang Yu's souls were all evil, and he immediately used his peerless divine power to resist.

He cast a spell, and a golden halberd phantom appeared in his hand, and then held the halberd in his hand, slashing at the spiritual power big hand with all his strength.


However, with his cultivation, under the collision of the two, the halberd in his hand was instantly shattered and shattered, and he himself was captured by the volley again, unable to move for half a minute.



The big hand of spiritual power tightened, and his bones that had not grown for a long time were crushed in half, and he suddenly screamed and wailed!

Lin Xingyun lifted him over and pressed him to the ground in front of him.

Seeing that he was still bursting with spiritual power, he wanted to struggle to get out.

In order to help him, Lin Xingyun stomped on his head fiercely!

"Huh... Duh———! Tang

Yu smashed his head and face to the ground again, blood gushed from his mouth and nose, and several teeth were shattered!

"Tang Yu, how is it? Are you still satisfied with the gift I left in that pool?

Lin Xingyun said with an evil smile while trampling his head repeatedly.

"Livestock ... Animal ———! Tang

Yu was already unable to speak, and he couldn't raise his head, but he still cursed angrily with resentment.

"You know Tang Yu? Xiao Wu that girl, really moist!

"I've been playing with her for two months, and I can't get tired of playing with her!"

"Don't worry, when you die, I will take good care of her and let her continue to taste all kinds of games!"

Lin Xingyun said with an evil smile.

The words fell in Tang Yu's ears, making him completely resentful and roaring and struggling to the death!


"Lin Xingyun - die! I want you to die!

"I'm going to kill you a thousand times, and I won't stop ——!."

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