"Aunt Ying, have you heard of the Immortal Fire Secret Realm?"

Lin Xingyun suddenly asked Yingqing beside him.

"Well, I've heard that it's the south of the Immortal Domain, a secret place away from the state.

"It is said that there are immortal fire and fire spirits hidden inside, which are of great benefit to the cultivators of the Divine Fire Realm to condense their own divine fire.

"That Immortal Fire Secret Realm, how long will it take

to open?" "That secret realm has only been opened once in a thousand years, and this time it should be more than a year or so to open."

After listening to Yingqing's reply, Lin Xingyun nodded.

Since at that time, the daughter of Heavenly Destiny, as well as Jun Chengdao, Qin Yiren, Ye Yu, and Wang Jia's young emperor Teng, these people will all gather at this Immortal Fire Secret Realm.

When the secret realm opens, he will have to go in

and break in! And while he was thinking, Qin Yiren was already solemnly saluting and accepting the canonization of the Son of God under the crown and seal of the Mountain and River Emperor at this time.

Countless fairy birds and beasts in the sky, neighing and flying in unison, dancing in the sky, for the god son.

Everyone in the Qin family also saluted and congratulated the new son of God.

When the canonization was completed, Qin Yiren also generously stated to his ancestors, elders, and guests of honor from all over the world, saying that he would work hard and not fall into the reputation of the immortal family.

Lin Xingyun watched him perform there, and only felt funny.

"To put it nicely, don't you

want to submit to the Jun family's chaotic body in the future?" "But that chaotic body is really powerful

!" "Qin Yiren can fuse the two supreme bones into one in the future, and they can actually be beaten to submission!"

"And according to his fate, doesn't it mean that the Jun family will completely defeat my Lin family in the future?"

Suddenly, he noticed not far away, on the floating island where the Ye family and the others were.

The brothers Ye Yu and Ye Que were naturally present, and they were looking at him with gloomy faces.

He didn't care, but remembered that Ying Qing had just mentioned that the Immortal Fire Secret Realm was also restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, and the strong people above the Wang Hou Realm could not enter.

Moreover, the space inside is closed, and it is difficult for news to come out.

It is simply a perfect realm for killing people and robbing treasures

!" "Since at that time, Ye Yu will also pass..."

"Then let him, stay there forever!" The

corners of Lin Xingyun's mouth raised slightly.

In addition to the Supreme Bone, he had also coveted the Extreme Yang Body Origin for a long time.



The Son of God banquet lasted for three days before the guests left one after another.

Lin Qian, worried that the Jun family was waiting for an opportunity to seek revenge, escorted Lin Xingyun all the way back to the vicinity of the Yaochi Holy Land, and then led the team back to the Lin family.

More than a month has passed.

Yingqing also said goodbye to Lin Xingyun, returned to Yaochi City, and began to officially use the enlightenment peach to try to break through to the Saint Realm.

Lin Xingyun came all the way back, and he did not relax his cultivation, and the seventh Yuan Mansion had already formed half of it.

"The more the Yuan Mansion is shaped backwards, the resources and time consumed will almost multiply.

"There is still nearly a year or so, the Immortal Fire Secret Realm is about to open, and Ye Yu and Jun Chengdao are all not fuel-saving lamps. "

I have to shape at least nine Yuan Mansions before I can break through!" When

he was planning in his heart, he had already returned to the Sword Pavilion with Su Qianwu, An Miaoyin, and Bai Ze.

However, before entering the door, he received a message from Liu Xinyan.

If it was too late today, Liu Xinyan asked him to go to the Peak Main Pavilion first.

At this time, the night is quiet.

On the top floor of the main pavilion of the peak, in Liu Xinyan's study.

"Senior sister, what are you calling me to do at this time?" Lin

Xingyun sat down casually, sipping a cup of fragrant tea while asking Liu Xinyan behind the book.


It seems that you have been very moist during this period of time away from the Holy Land, right?"

asked Liu Xinyan with a smile of shame, and smiled and smiled.

"Ahem... Cough, Senior Sister, this is my private matter.

"You better get down to business."

Lin Xingyun coughed twice and changed the topic.

"Oh, obscene, obscene..."

Liu Xinyan couldn't help but scold in a low voice.

"Master sent me a message a while ago, saying that he would leave the customs tomorrow, and asked me to take you over to meet her at that time.


Xingyun's eyes lit up, after all, to save Liu Meng'er, his master's help was indispensable.

"Well, I expect that in the future, the master will teach you personally.

"Calling you over tonight is for you... The reward I said before...,"

Liu Xinyan said, and a blush fluttered on her delicate face.

She felt that in the future, the opportunity to get along with Lin Xingyun would gradually decrease.

Just take advantage of tonight to cash in that reward.

Lin Xingyun suddenly remembered that it was still the reward that Liu Xinyan promised him before entering the fairyland.

"Then thank you Senior Sister, I won't be polite to Senior Sister."

Lin Xingyun smiled and stretched out his right hand, ready to accept the prize.

Yet the next moment.

I saw Liu Xinyan slightly turning his blushing face, turning sideways, facing Lin Xingyun.

A pair of jade hands slowly and methodically unfastened the belt of the dignified peak lord's robe, and under the robe was a set of close-fitting dark purple petticoats.

Today she is wearing a pair of pale pink long-luo socks and a pair of pomegranate-colored high-heeled boots.

I saw her tilting her face, closing her beautiful eyes, and muttering softly.

"Oh, look, today... "

Little bastard, it's cheap for you..."

Lin Xingyun was stunned.

After a long while, he couldn't help but ask.

"Senior sister, shouldn't it... Is this what you're talking about as a reward?"

Let's not take an example!" said

Willow with sheepishness.

"Senior sister, this..." Lin

Xingyun couldn't help but smile a little bitterly.

I think it was the last time in the Origin God Spring, Senior Sister mistakenly thought that she liked to see her, so she took this matter as a reward!

"Senior Sister, you misunderstood me, how can I be that ridiculous and vulgar person!"

Lin Xingyun defended righteously.

His eyes were indifferent, and he looked his senior sister up and down.

"Huh? You... You don't like to watch?!" Liu

Xinyan was taken aback, and suddenly he was so ashamed that he quickly put on his robe.

However, a pair of wonderful hands had already held her wrists.

"Ahem... "But

Senior Sister's intentions are a pity to disappoint it."

"Senior sister, don't worry, I don't want to think about it, just simply appreciate it.

Lin Xingyun assured extremely naturally.

But he couldn't help but swallow his throat.

"Oh, little bastard, obscene..."

Liu Xinyan saw his performance in his eyes, and couldn't help but scold coquettishly.

His face showed a bit of shame.

Lin Xingyun admired quietly for a moment, and Liu Xinyan's cheeks were already red into a sunset, which was beautiful.

She hesitated to stop Lin Xingyun, but in the end she didn't make a sound.

The atmosphere in the study quickly became unclear.

After admiring it for a while, Lin Xingyun wanted to go further.

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