Soon after, Xiwei arrived outside Winter City surrounded by a group of knights.

Here he will complete his third villain mission.

What comes into view is a wide moat, with a waterfall at the end of the moat.

Green trees in the distant mountains, jungle pastures, and dots of villages surround the majestic Winter City.

This is undoubtedly a beautiful scene, but behind the beauty there is also devastation.

Along the way, Xiwei saw figures with shabby clothes and sallow faces. Farmers wore straw hats and worked in the fields. There were women wearing headscarves and carrying baskets with some wild fruits in their hands, ready to go to Winter City for sale. .

Occasionally, you can encounter a few hunters carrying game on their backs.

Although they look better, their bodies are covered with scars. You must know that in a world like this, ordinary people going into the mountains and forests to hunt are, to put it bluntly, gambling on their lives.

These people who seem to be living an extremely hard life are the majority of the population of the Eagle Territory. Most of them are farmers and serfs with low status, who are not even considered free citizens.

According to the provisions of the Kingdom Code, everything in the territory belongs to the lord.

Peasants had to work for the lord for free for at least four days a week, and had to pay rent for agricultural products and land to the lord in the form of taxes as a way of thanking the lord for his protection.

Although the food they had left was not enough to eat.

The serfs with lower status were even worse. They had no household registration, no land, and no self-property. They were just a group of unpaid laborers. The greatest hope was to survive with a mouth to eat.

"System, these territorial citizens have been exploited by the previous lord and can hardly survive anymore. You still let me trample on their fields, won't your conscience hurt!"

Xiwei felt uncomfortable and gritted his teeth and questioned the system.

As a well-educated young man in the 21st century, it is too much to let him snatch candy from children, and now he is actually allowed to bully these exploited farmers.

This is simply opening up the wound and adding salt to it.

【Ding! Please host, please work hard to break your own bottom line, the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain]


Xiwei was extremely speechless. God, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. What about giving birth to a child?

"It is impossible to follow the meaning of this two-hundred-and-fifty mission and destroy those poor people."

Xiwei thought in his mind, if he really did this, what would be the meaning of his life? He would be just a poor ghost controlled by the system's mission.

Know yourself and your enemy and you will win every battle. Xiwei felt that he still needed more information.

"System, can you tell me what the specific standards for villain behavior are?"

He didn't know whether the system would answer his question, but as long as the system answered, he would probably be able to seize the opportunity to analyze the system's rules.

【Ding! The standard for villain behavior to be effective is that it must cause psychological trauma to others. 】

"Psychological trauma?"

Xiwei held her chin, thoughtfully.

It can be said that what he did in the city before caused serious psychological trauma to a group of children, and may have become a shadow in their childhood.

In Fatty's place, he once told Fatty that he would take away one candy and return two to Fatty. This behavior would obviously not cause psychological trauma to Fatty, so it was also judged as invalid villain behavior by the system.

Thinking of this, Xiwei felt that he seemed to have caught something.

"In other words, it is actually feasible to give a sweet date after a slap, but the slap must be continued to cause psychological trauma to the other party, and the other party does not know that there will be a sweet date as compensation later."

Xiwei's eyes lit up, and he decided to try his idea immediately. He looked around and saw a piece of farmland not far away.

Old Link was working in the fields at this time. The hot midday sun was baking his dark skin, and large beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks into the fields.

Suddenly, he felt a tall black shadow appear in front of him, covering his whole body. Then, a huge black hoof stepped on the wheat seedlings he had worked so hard to plant.


Old Link frowned and raised his head to scold the bastard who stepped on his wheat seedlings.

But when he raised his head, he almost didn't scare his soul away.

I saw a noble knight with a golden lion clan emblem printed on his armor, riding a majestic dragon blood horse. Behind him was a group of knights who looked like his retinue.

Old Link swallowed, suppressed the curse words, and then his legs weakened and he knelt on the ground.

"Noble Lord, spare your life! Noble Lord, spare your life!..."

Old Link shivered and buried his head on the ground. His mind went blank and he could not utter any other words except calling the noble Lord for mercy.

Xiwei felt uncomfortable looking at the frightened old farmer lying on the ground.

It was obviously him who trampled on the old man's field, but now it was this gray-haired old man who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

"Should I say that this system is really useless?"

Xiwei cursed in his heart. At this time, Xiwei and his knights had already stepped on a two-meter-wide path in the field, but even so, the system still did not determine that Xiwei's mission was completed.

There was no other way. Although he couldn't bear it, Xiwei had no choice but to order his knights to trample around the fields.

Old Link glanced at this scene from the corner of his eye and was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word.

"I bumped into the noble lord, and this is the punishment I deserve."

Old Link muttered miserably in his heart. He kept telling himself that he was lucky to be able to save his life when he collided with the nobles.

These are the wheat seedlings he worked so hard to plant. Without these wheat seedlings, he would not be able to pay taxes in the second half of the year. The final outcome would be that his land would be taken back and he would be demoted to a serf.

【Ding! Daily task three has been completed. Do you want to receive the reward now? 】


It seems that his violent behavior has caused serious psychological trauma to the old farmer.

So now is the time to try and see if you can make amends.

If not, Xiwei still has to find a way to give the old farmer a way to survive.

But how to compensate is a technical job. This compensation must not only make up for the old man's losses, but also not go so far as to make the old man feel that this was intentional. As for whether the old man can react in the future, it doesn't matter, because he only needs Just cheat the system now.

Considering that the old man would try his best to rescue the wheat seedlings immediately after they left, Xiwei suddenly had an idea in his mind, so when he left the wheat field, he pretended to have accidentally dropped a dozen silver coins.

Xiwei held his breath nervously, but he still didn't hear the system prompt until he was far away from the wheat field.

"It seems I was right."

Xiwei smiled slightly and felt relaxed in his heart.

As expected, this system is rather dull, rigid and does not know how to work around it.

So, this means that he can completely control the system and use the system to make himself stronger.

Clemont rode aside and saw the scene just now.

Maybe others would think that Xi Wei accidentally dropped those silver coins, but Clemont would not.

Because Xiwei himself was an Earth Knight and his perception of various subtle events had reached an outrageous level, so these silver coins must have been dropped on purpose.

Although Clemont didn't understand the purpose of Master Xiwei's doing this, he believed that it was just like Master Xiwei snatching candy from children before. There must be a deep meaning in it that he couldn't easily understand!

"Young master is becoming more and more unpredictable!"

Clemont looked at Xi Wei's back with reverence and admired in his heart.

In the wheat field, Old Link was sorting out the swaying wheat seedlings with distress, his cloudy eyes filled with miserable tears.

Suddenly, through the reflection of the sun, Old Link saw a round, shining thing in the wheat field.

It's a silver coin!

Old Link rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. It was indeed a silver coin.

He picked up the coin with some surprise and put it in his hand, clasping his hands together to thank the God of Harvest for the gift.

But then, near the place where the first silver coin was found, Old Link discovered more silver coins one after another.

By the time he finished tending the wheat field, there were thirteen shining silver coins lying neatly in his ragged pocket.

These silver coins are enough for his family to live safely for a year, and there is still money left to pay taxes, so he no longer has to worry about becoming a serf.

Old Link was dumbfounded by the sudden wealth. He couldn't help but think of the noble knights who brought knights to trample the wheat fields.

"Is it that adult?"

Old Link then shook his head again, denying his naive idea. The high-ranking nobles would not care about the lives of humble peasants like them.

Old Link preferred to believe that this was the result of his diligent prayers to the God of Harvest every day. It was the God who saw his suffering and saved his followers who were in trouble.

Inner city street reference

Portrait of Clement (AI synthesis, not a real person)

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