Villain Lord: Both The Player And The Protagonist Want To Kill Me

Chapter 36 I Have Been Practicing This Sword For Fifteen Years

This duel related to the fate of Chenguang Town was soon known to everyone in the town, and the players even helped clear a large enough space outside the town.

People from both sides have arrived. For safety reasons, they all stand on the newly built city wall of Chenguang Town and look into the distance.

On the duel venue two hundred meters away, Ye Hao and Xi Wei had collided fiercely.

Neither of them had any fancy moves. Once their fighting spirit was activated and their amplifying skills were fully activated, they started fighting for their lives.

After experiencing many setbacks, Ye Hao has obviously become much more mature and steady. He did not say a word of nonsense and focused all his attention on fighting.

There was no slightest suspicion of the enemy in his eyes, only hatred and caution.

This couldn't help but make Xiwei take a high look at this son of fate.

Sure enough, there are only a few who can become the protagonists of destiny, but are really useless.

However, just because Ye Hao didn't speak, it didn't mean that he, Xi Wei, didn't speak. As a serious villain, how could he not harass the protagonist with some scenes?

He has gradually settled into his role.

Xiwei split Ye Hao's long sword with one sword, and took advantage of the wide open door to make up for it. Then he used the gentlest voice and the most frivolous tone to speak the most sinister trash to Ye Hao.

"Hey, why are you so silent today?"

"Why are you chewing your teeth? Do they burn your mouth?"

"Why don't you twerk for me like last time?"

"You don't have enough energy to eat this morning?"

Ye Hao's face turned red. He didn't know whether he was angry or kicked.

He didn't respond to Xi Wei's taunt. After quickly stabilizing his body, he squatted on one knee, started accelerating, and instantly reached Xi Wei.

The long sword slashed at a strange angle, and at the same time, his left hand stretched out like a poisonous snake, and it turned out to be a dagger.

The blade of the dagger turned black, obviously quenched with poison.

"Old Yinbi, you must have thought of quenching the poison on the dagger!"

Damn, can I have sex with you?

Ye Hao cursed in his heart but remained silent on his face. He held a sword in one hand and a poisoned dagger in the other. His whole body was like a whirlwind, as fast as lightning and powerful.

The sword blade in his hand almost danced into an afterimage, and the whole person was like a dancing butterfly.

In the air, the "clang" of weapons clashing could be heard endlessly, hitting the hearts of everyone on the city wall.

The azure blue and golden fighting spirit collided and exploded, and the spilled energy turned into a roaring wind, tearing the surrounding vegetation to pieces with the two fighting as the center.

Xiwei grabbed a gap and turned sharply to avoid the poisoned dagger. At this time, his giant sword was dragged behind him by his right hand. Facing Ye Hao's sword that followed him, he seemed to have no way to avoid it. Can be avoided.

His face became solemn and he shouted loudly: "Wake it up for me!"

The heavy sword was originally dragged behind him, but under Xi Wei's huge force, it plowed open the ground. The violent force blew away the earth and rocks, and a sky-high slash followed.

Ye Hao's pupils shrank and he hurriedly retreated. The Eagle Lord's sword was heavy and powerful. If it was hit hard, it would be useless.

He didn't understand why the person he suppressed and beat before became so fierce now.

But now was not the time for him to sigh. After dodging Xiwei's slash, he had already struck out with an enhanced version of the Cross Splitting Light Slash.

This timing was very accurate, and Ye Hao seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

Seeing the cross-splitting light slash coming in an instant, Xiwei's brain ached with a strong sense of crisis, and his eyes were about to split.

He knew that if he was hit by the powerful Cross Splitting Light Slash, he would definitely die, but he still did not activate his hero-level armor to resist Ye Hao's killing move.

Foreign objects are just foreign objects after all.

Although he is a villain in this life, he also has his own pride.

"I have been practicing epee for more than ten years."

Xiwei took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes slightly, and held the giant sword behind his back. The heavy and oppressive aura began to condense on his body, and reached its peak at a certain moment.

Suddenly, he raised his eyes and looked directly at the Cross Splitting Light Slash. At this moment, all his energy and energy were concentrated on the right hand holding the sword.

The giant sword began to be driven by Xi Wei's power, and at the same time, it was also driven by the sword's power, which was concentrated to the extreme, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Everything was flashing between lightning and flint, and golden fighting spirit spurted out with the force of the sword. Xiwei could vaguely see his figure when he was four years old, cutting mountains with a sword in front of him.



Xiwei's giant sword struck vertically in front of him, shattering the Cross Light Slash and Ye Hao's heart.

The smoke cleared.

On the ground in front of Xi Wei, there was only a crack dozens of meters long, crisscrossing Ye Hao's feet, less than half a meter away from him.

Ye Haozheng looked ahead with dull and empty eyes, his hands still maintaining the posture of chopping the Splitting Light Slash.

After a moment, his whole body trembled, and his legs no longer had the strength to support his body, and he fell to his knees with a "pop".

When the sickle of death passed by him, he realized that he was so afraid of death.

"I lost."

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