The purple-red magic cannon beam began to scurry around Buton City, and the soldiers who were already having fun almost hit Xiwei on the other side of the city wall.

Under the hazy night, the entire Buton City was in chaos.

At this time, Buton City's remaining defense force also consciously began to organize troops to try to recapture the city wall.

However, they were leaderless and were like a piece of scattered sand. They were beaten back by the militiamen under Xi Wei after several attempts.

After these militiamen who had just entered the battlefield were timid at the beginning, they burst into high momentum under the leadership of the lord and the powerful Bloodhoof clan warriors.

They only need to obey the command and follow the orders and prohibitions, and they can effectively repel Buton City's scattered counterattack.

"Okay, stop playing around. Leave some people to guard one city wall. I will destroy all the magic cannons on other walls. The remaining people will follow me to loot Fort Homan."

As Xiwei's order was issued, everyone took action.

At this time, a Bloodhoof clan warrior carrying a magic cannon came over.

It was Carl Bloodhoof who fell in love with the magic cannon at first sight. Behind him were several militiamen holding magic crystal boxes.

"Lord, these magic cannons are good things. It would be a pity to smash them..."

Xi Wei glanced at Karl Bloodhoof in surprise.

This magic cannon is not light in weight. After all, it is used to defend the city, and it is difficult to drag it to a heavy battlefield. But now it is being held on the shoulder by Karl Bloodhoof, and it seems to be relatively relaxed.

He said somewhat speechlessly: "It is very difficult for our remaining troops to defend the four city walls. Besides, this magic cannon is too heavy and difficult to hold. It is better to smash it."

Karl Bloodhoof glared with big bull eyes and suggested angrily:

"Lord, you can let us Bloodhoof clan carry one person..."

"Shut up, Karl, do you think everyone is as naturally gifted with strange powers as you?"

Before Karl Bloodhoof finished speaking, he was interrupted by a tauren warrior behind him. The other tauren also echoed:

"That's right, our Bloodhoof clan should be holding giant axes and smashing the enemy's heads on the frontal battlefield, instead of hiding in the back and firing cannons with these magical creations!"

"Karl, you are a disgrace to the tauren warriors of the Bloodhoof clan!"

Carl Bloodhoof's nose turned crooked when he heard this, and he roared angrily:

"You bunch of stubborn cows, the magic cannon can play a greater role on the battlefield!"

Neither side was convinced by the other. In the end, under Xiwei's mediation, Carl Bloodhoof carried one magic cannon by himself, and two other tauren carried one magic cannon. A total of five magic cannons were taken away, and the remaining forts were All were ordered to be destroyed.

At this moment, Xiwei also received a villain mission that was suddenly refreshed by the system:

"Ding! The daily villain mission has been refreshed.

Villain's mission one: rob the iron ore that belongs to the Bouton family.

Villain Mission 2: Loot Homan Castle.

Villain Task 3: In the next battle, kill all the Earth Knights and send their heads to Count Ampere.

Completing all tasks has a probability of triggering a critical hit reward. Host, please keep up the good work! "

Xiwei looked at the system tasks thoughtfully. Now that the system had gotten rid of its vulgar taste, it had definitely started to put him on the path to becoming a rampant bandit.

A brutal incident of beating, smashing, and looting was taking place in Fort Homan at this time.

"Pick up the valuable ones and take them!"

"Some things that are inconvenient to handle, such as oil paintings and silks, are all burned!"

"What are you doing with the plate? How much is it worth? Smash it!"

The servants and housekeepers of the Bouton family were crouching in the corner, trembling like a flock of quails. Anyone who dared to resist was lying in a pool of blood.

Surrounded by the hurried shouts of the Eagle Leader soldiers, the sound of footsteps and the breaking of various objects.

A moment later, the originally luxurious and wealthy Fort Homan was quickly looted by this group of bandit-like soldiers and walked away.

The housekeeper's servants got up from the ground in fear, and what they saw was devastation.

The originally exquisite glazed porcelain plates were shattered all over the floor, the huge oil paintings by famous artists on the wall were torn to pieces, and the castle was filled with smoke from burning furniture.

"Quickly put out the fire!"

I don't know which housekeeper was the first to react, and hurriedly shouted, waking up everyone who was still in a daze.

Outside Buton City, all the property taken from Fort Homan had been loaded onto the truck. Xiwei did not have time to count it, but it was conservatively estimated that the value of the property taken from this old family was five or six times that of the Black River Fort. .

This is not counting the five magic cannons.

These belongings will be escorted back to Winter City by a tauren warrior led by five hundred soldiers.

At this time, Xiwei led a group of Bloodhoof clan soldiers to rush to the main battlefield in the iron mining area.

Viscount Bouton is suspicious by nature, and will immediately launch an attack once he discovers that the Eagle Territory's army is suspected of stalling for time. It is estimated that the battle has already begun for some time.

But in fact, the situation on the main battlefield was even more dire than Xiwei had imagined.

It has been an hour since the battle started.

When Viscount Bouton approached the Eagle Territory army, he launched a fierce attack without hesitation.

After a brief battle, he had quickly discovered the strength of the Winter City army. Now he no longer planned to just capture the iron mines, he also wanted to attack the Eagle Territory!

On the battlefield near the iron ore area, even though there were more ordinary knights in Winter City, they were still gradually falling into a bitter battle under the encirclement and suppression of nearly thirty knights from the Buton family.

In a corner of the battlefield, in the military formation of Winter City, two ordinary knights were fighting with a great knight of the Buton family.

Although they relied on tacit cooperation to successfully exhaust the great knight's fighting spirit, their fighting spirit was also exhausted.

Then there was only a physical competition, but the two of them combined were still no match for the great knight.

Now that they have been knocked to the ground, the great knight has come over with a grin on his face and a sword in hand.

Just when they thought they were certain to die this time, several Winter City militiamen suddenly rushed over and attacked the great knight.

They used their bodies to block the steps of the knight without fear of death. Some of them were soon killed by the knight, but other militiamen would take over.

The great knight waved his sword with a gloomy face, looking very annoyed.

His out-of-control emotions also made him make a mistake. The hand holding the sword was actually hugged by a militiaman. Then more militiamen took the opportunity to surround him and threw him to the ground.

But a great knight is a great knight after all. Even if he is in such a predicament, his whole body can still be used as a weapon.

He hit them with their heads, knees, and elbows, and two or three militiamen fell to the side vomiting blood.

"Lord Knight, kill him quickly, we won't be able to hold him down anymore!"


One of the militiamen turned around and roared at the top of his lungs.

Seeing this opportunity, the two knights immediately struggled to get up and picked up the swords on the ground.

They supported each other and staggered to the crowd. The tragedy in front of them made their souls tremble.

I saw the great knight of the Bouton family struggling with his eyes scarlet red, panting and roaring in anger and unwillingness.

But his body was tightly held down by several militiamen.

Some militiamen were bleeding from all their orifices and were about to die before their eyes.

More people had hideous faces with blood on their faces.

They didn't have any extra hands to hold weapons, so they could only bite the big knight's face with their teeth, hug the big knight's arm with all their strength, and entangle the big knight on the ground with a roar.

There were corpses lying around, all belonging to these militiamen.

The two knights of Winter City could no longer be shocked by the scene in front of them.

He raised his sword and was about to stab the big knight, but found that there was no place to lower the sword - the big knight was almost completely covered by the bodies of the militiamen.

The two knights could only go around to the other side. Under the fearful gaze of the great knight, a sword pierced his eye socket. With another forceful stir, the great knight's brain tissue was destroyed and he died instantly.

Seeing this, several militiamen breathed a sigh of relief, rolled off the big knight, and lay on their backs, breathing heavily.

The two knights looked at the militiamen on the ground with complicated eyes, and asked in a solemn voice: ""

One of the militiamen who had recovered his breath raised his head and said with a smile:

"We are just a group of farmers, but the knight is an important force under the lord."

"The lord took pity on us and gave us tax breaks. We have nothing to repay, so we will use our humble lives to exchange for the knight's life."

"Master Knight, please protect Winter City! Protect the lord!"

Similar scenes not only happened here, but also happened everywhere on the battlefield.

The Winter City militia and sword and shield soldiers bravely protected the knights on their side, causing huge trouble to the knights of Buton Territory. After all, their militia would not protect them, and it would be better if they did not escape from the battlefield.

In the chaotic battlefield, old concepts began to change quietly. When the darkness dissipated, the stars finally became bright.

The reborn military soul is also becoming more and more brilliant under the temper of flesh and blood and the flames of war.

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