Villain Lord: Both The Player And The Protagonist Want To Kill Me

Chapter 56 The Destruction Of The Bouton Family

Regardless of the three earth knights who died miserably on the ground, Baine Bloodhoof didn't need his help.

Xiwei first came to Clemont's side to check on Clemont's situation.

At this time, the old knight looked haggard and had fallen into a coma.

He was already exhausted and exhausted from fighting spirit, and he was seriously injured in the battle. It was already remarkable that he could hold out until Xi Wei arrived.

"Fortunately, it's not life-threatening. If I go back and drink a bottle of water of life, I'll be a good man again..."

Xiwei smiled slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the future, there will be more and more such situations, and more and more people will be injured. It is impossible to drink the water of life every time.

Xiwei secretly made up his mind.

"We must seize the time to let Loli wake up when we go back this time."

He was thinking in his mind, now that he is surrounded by enemies, having no healing power is a fatal problem.

The best healing power is of course priests. They are very valuable resources. Generally, only the Earl and Lord cities have churches built by the Holy See.

But Xiwei did not regret killing so many priests of the Badal Holy See before.

Although priests of different gods know basic healing techniques, their beliefs are different.

The priests of the Badar Holy See believe in the god of war and fire, which determines their nature of advocating destruction.

This is why they regard civilians as despicable ants, and even do the devilish act of using the blood of demi-human girls to make Templars.

Secondly, it is impossible for priests to be controlled by Xiwei after all. Even priests of good gods, their original intention is still to serve the gods, not a certain lord.

Xiwei knew this very well. Unlike other lords, he must not allow power to escape his control. Otherwise, a backstab at a critical moment would be enough to drive him to a dead end.

So regarding the choice of healing power, in addition to the little maid who can be completely trusted, Xiwei already has some new ideas in his mind that need to be tried.

On the other side of the battlefield, Buton's army, which was originally in a bad situation, was completely at a disadvantage with the addition of tauren warriors.

"Bloodhoof clan, join the fight!"

"Try this!"

Karl Bloodhoof held the magic cannon in his hand, his mouth cracked with an exaggerated smile, and with a "pop", a purple-red light shot into the Buton family's military formation, blasting a group of soldiers into the sky.

This made the soldiers and knights of Buton Territory startled.

"This group... these monsters have magic cannons!"

"That seems to be on our city wall. Report it to the Viscount!"

In fact, there was no need for soldiers to report. Viscount Bouton had already noticed the purple-red light flying from time to time on the battlefield.

He looked at the tauren warrior who was shooting here and there with the magic cannon in bewilderment, and the ominous premonition in his heart had reached its peak.

"Impossible, no, they can't possibly attack Buton City. Yes, this is their own magic cannon..."

"Your Majesty, the Viscount is in trouble!"

At this time, a soldier rolled up to Viscount Buton.

He was wearing the equipment of a city defender and looked panting. It was obvious that he had just hurried over from Buton City.

"What's going on? Tell me, everything is fine in Buton City, right?"

Viscount Bouton looked at the soldiers in front of him eagerly. He still held on to some hope and some luck, hoping to hear good news from the soldiers.

But the weeping soldiers guarding the city finally shattered his last illusion.

"No! Lord Viscount, Buton City... Buton City has been lost, and the entire Homanburg has been looted! Lord Viscount... Lord Viscount?"

"The Viscount fainted, someone come quickly!"

"Send the Viscount away quickly!"

"Retreat, retreat!"

From the first sound of retreat, the failure of the Bouton family had been established.

The first ones to throw down their weapons were the peasants. They were poor people who were forced to the battlefield by the knights of the Bouton family. Now, as soon as they heard the order to retreat, they immediately turned around and fled.

A large number of peasants fled, causing the knights and regular troops who were still fighting to waver. One or two began to flee, eventually triggering a chain reaction.

After the last few knights of the Buton family who resisted to the end died under the giant ax of the tauren, the war no longer had any suspense.

The Bouton family's militiamen were scurrying around like headless flies in the vast Gobi Desert, and behind them were the red-eyed pursuers of Winter City.

In their eyes, these people are enemies and have military exploits.

It was not until Xiwei arrived to preside over the battlefield and ordered the pursuit to stop that the militiamen returned to their ranks honestly.

After a brief cheer, the soldiers of Winter City began to clean the battlefield. These soldiers and militiamen of the Bouton family wore better equipment than them, and now they peeled off their trophies.

After a little cleaning, you can collect more than two hundred sets of armor. Even if the armor is somewhat damaged, you can take it back to Winter City and find a blacksmith to repair it.

It was getting late, and the soldiers who had finished cleaning up the battlefield set up camp.

Clemont had woken up from his coma, and he followed Xi Wei and a group of knights to gather around the bonfire to discuss matters.

Xiwei did not choose to return to Winter City immediately. The soldiers needed to rest, and it was not safe to march overnight.

In addition to the cheers for their recent victory, the mood of everyone around the campfire was not high at this time, and many people fell into silence and sadness.

This war was undoubtedly tragic, and a large number of militiamen died, but they used their lives to preserve most of the knights in Winter City.

After making some simple arrangements, Xiwei spoke a few words of comfort. Although the effect was average, everyone managed to lift their mood.

What surprised him even more was that the knights spontaneously mentioned to him the issue of pensions to the dead militiamen.

After he understood what had happened, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. He didn't expect that his small move would be so supported by these militiamen, and it would also have a spiritual impact on the knights under his command.

That's a good thing, it's just a shame those militiamen died.

Xiwei didn't say anything more and asked everyone to go back and rest early and return to Winter City early tomorrow morning.

The Buton family was already finished, and Xiwei had wiped out all their money. There was no need to attack and occupy Buton City, otherwise this matter would change from a border conflict to an active provocation of a national war.

Xiwei is not yet capable of undertaking a war of this scale.

As the knights dispersed, only Clemont, Bain and other confidants were left at the campfire.

"Master Xiwei, have you broken through the Sky Knights?"

Clemont was still a little weak at this time, but he had no problem walking, and the gradually recovering fighting spirit was nourishing his body.

Hearing this, Xiwei nodded and said with a smile: "I made a breakthrough two days ago, but I never had time to say it."

"Good... great..."

Clemont's lips trembled when he heard this, unable to conceal the excitement in his heart. He was even happier than he had broken through the Sky Knight.

"Master Xiwei, you are still so young, you will definitely become a champion knight in the future, and it is not impossible to even become a legend."

"Perhaps one day the flag of the Eagle Territory can be planted throughout the entire Kane continent."

Xi Wei shrugged and said half-jokingly.

"Lord, the Bloodhoof clan is willing to fight for your path and work hard for you!"

On the Gobi Desert, the biting night wind made the camp tents rustle. In the entire camp, except for the patrolling soldiers, they had fallen asleep.

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