Two days later, a brand new medical clinic quietly opened at the location of the old Parker Pharmacy.

There is a sign hanging at the door of the neatly decorated medical center that reads:

[Specialized in treating difficult and complicated diseases, injuries from falls, wounds from swords, guns and sticks, bites from poisonous insects and beasts, the fee starts from 1 copper coin]

Next to the medical hall stood a huge stone statue, and inside the hall sat a delicate and beautiful demi-human girl.

She was wearing a brand new maid's dress and was lying on the counter with her hands on her chin, looking at the passers-by with a warm smile on her lips.

This demi-human girl is Loli, and the stone statue is Saraken who was sent by Xiwei to protect her.

Usually it sits as a motionless stone statue next to the hospital.

At this moment, it was looking boredly at the streets of Winter City through its green eyes, muttering in a voice that could only be heard by itself:

"Bugs! They're everywhere!"

"Damn it! Saraken hates bugs!"

The little maid Loli is half a head taller than before, growing from just over 1.5 meters to 1.6 meters tall. Although she still looks petite and exquisite, she no longer looks so immature.

In the past two days, Xiwei has basically understood Loli's skills through various tests.

Each of her skills is very practical and powerful, far more than any healing unit in the Cain continent.

Xiwei even felt that even if a saint from the Holy See of Light came, she would still have to kneel down and sing "conquer" to compete with Luo Li for breast milk volume.

[Muyu Hanguang]: A group healing skill, covering 20 people, and the recovery speed is about twice that of the priest's healing skill.

A more serious sword wound requires ten minutes of healing by a priest to restore the wound to its original state. Loli only needed five minutes.

[Eternal Life]: A very powerful single-target continuous healing ability, similar to directly attaching a health recovery buff to the body.

And with Loli's full exertion, she can achieve the rebirth of severed limbs that can only be achieved with water of life and high-concentration holy water.

[Dead Tree Blooms]: Similar to the purification spell, it can dispel diseases, negative effects and curses.

[Blessing of the Holy Spirit]: Group shield, covering 10 people. Once immune, it will be broken after death.

The effect is powerful, but it will consume almost more than half of the natural energy in Loli's body.

The remaining passive skills are as literal as they are, that is, they can communicate with birds and animals, control plants, and emit a refreshing floral fragrance all over their body.

In order to help Loli gradually become more confident, and to gradually change the attitude of people in Winter City towards demi-humans, he helped Loli open this medical clinic in the name of the lord.

The charging standards are floating. Poor farmers receive a symbolic copper coin, while wealthy businessmen can receive up to ten gold coins.

However, Xiwei and Luo Li made a stipulation that they were not allowed to use the skill of regenerating severed limbs casually, and the medical center could only be open for one morning every day.

It takes a lot of natural energy to regenerate a severed limb. There are many people in Winter City who are missing arms and legs. Wouldn't he tire out his little maid if they could all be cured?

Xiwei is a selfish person. He is able to treat the people in Winter City almost free of charge, not to mention that it is his closest people who come out. This is already a great kindness.

The strength of the enemy is the enemy of the enemy. Luo Li's powerful ability to regenerate severed limbs is only used twice a day in the sick camp, and the soldiers have to be blindfolded.

The exquisite decoration and tall stone statues made the small medical clinic unique and soon attracted the attention of passers-by.

When they saw a demi-human girl sitting inside, many people showed expressions of shock and confusion.

People always have doubts and fears about novel things.

So Xiwei, who had been secretly observing for a long time, invited Little Fatty's mother to act as a trustee for the little maid in order to allow the little maid's hospital to open smoothly.

"Sister doctor, can you check on my mother? She has been coughing for several days!"

Little Fatty's loud and anxious voice came from outside the crowd.

Hearing this, everyone moved out of the way for him, and then they saw the little fat boy holding his mother and carefully walking into the hospital.

He shouted loudly on purpose, which was considered to be his true character. After all, it was a fact that his mother had severe lung disease.

Luo Li, who was still a little nervous because no one came to see the doctor, immediately became happy and hurriedly took the little fat boy and his mother into the hospital.

Outside the hospital, there were also mutterings from the crowd of people watching.

"Isn't this the little fat guy from the Crete family?"

"Alas, this baby Aubrey is so pitiful. His father died in the war and his mother is seriously ill. His mother's lung disease is known throughout the outer city."

"Do you think it can be cured?"

"What are you thinking? Even the priest can't do it. How can a demihuman girl do it?"

"Old Parker is gone, and Aubrey went to the doctor in a hurry. Alas."

After a while, another onlooker screamed:

"Hey! It's out, it's out, so fast!"

Everyone saw the little fat boy happily holding his mother's hand and walking out of the hospital.

They found that Aubrey's mother's haggard complexion had changed visibly.

"Aubrey, your mother is..."

"It's cured! It's cured!"

Xiao Pang Le narrowed his eyes and said with a smile:

"That beautiful sister is so amazing. She raised her hand gently, and a soft white light fell on my mother. After a while, my mother felt much better. Her lungs no longer hurt, and she doesn't cough now."

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Xiao Pang'er's mother also smiled and nodded affirmatively to them.

"It's really cured?"


"Let me ask you, the treatment fee should be very expensive, right?"

After a brief shock, someone asked questions again, and many people also looked worried.

If a healing spell costs 100 gold coins like the previous priests of the Holy See, there would be no difference between the medical center being open and not being open.

"The beautiful sister only charged us one copper coin."

"Really? You only received one copper coin? How is that possible?"

"Of course it's true." Xiaopang curled his lips unhappily and pointed at the sign outside the hospital:

"Isn't it written on it? Starting from one copper coin."

After confirming again and again, everyone was furious. Some had already limped to the hospital, while others were rushing home.

"By the gods, I have to go back and inform my old man!"

"That's daughter is saved this time. Let's go back to town and pick her up first..."

"Please line up well and avoid crowding."

"Everyone has a chance to be treated, don't be anxious."

At this time, there was already a long queue outside the medical center. A group of guards temporarily transferred by Xiwei were maintaining order in front of the medical center. They did not dare to leave this job to Saraken, otherwise all the citizens would have to run away. .

Loli was busy in the medical center. Although there were a few drops of sweat on her forehead, she had a happy and warm smile on her face.

At this time, sitting in front of her was a middle-aged man who was sweating profusely and grinning in pain.

This man is a hunter living in the outer city. He was attacked by a demonic wolf while hunting in the mountain this morning. He fought hard to climb down the mountain alive, but his condition is still very bad, with seven or eight bites and a large number of wounds. Bruises.

Without the priest's treatment, the bite of the demon wolf alone could kill him.

As a burst of soft white light fell on him, the wounds were rapidly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the magic pain caused by the magic wolf in his body was disappearing.

The middle-aged hunter was shocked. He looked at his arms and thighs that were dripping with blood and bones, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Okay! Hahaha, I'm okay!"

"Um...girl, is the cost of treatment really one copper coin?"

The middle-aged hunter looked at the beautiful girl in front of him in embarrassment and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, just one copper coin."

Loli nodded with a smile, leaned over and took a tray from the table behind her, and handed it to the old hunter with a smile.

In the tray, there were already more than a dozen copper coins scattered here and there.

The gate of Winter City.

A fat chicken with a round face wearing a simple mage robe was standing under the tall and towering city wall.

Looking at the majestic city gate, the murderous guards, and the magic cannon shining with mysterious magic light, she could not conceal the excitement and shock in her heart, and murmured:

"Is this Winter City? We're finally here!"

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