"Miss Saint, I have to do a mission, how can I level up faster?"

"Miss Saint, can you sign your name for me?"

"I really want to touch this tail..."

"Do you still accept believers?"

"Wow, the expression is so vivid, you can't tell it's an NPC at all!"

"Sister Saint, I am xxxx, xx? Damn it, why are my words being blocked?"

"Hey, you better restrain yourself. Although he is an NPC, he is very intelligent and almost like a real person."

"Yes, yes, the saintly sister's face turned red and she looked so panicked. I thought..."

Zoe was surrounded by a group of players, with a dazed and helpless look on her face. She originally thought that the heroic spirits summoned should be a group of brave, steady, and disciplined warriors.

However, the fact is that outside this Morning Light Town, the square that was specially cleaned to welcome the arrival of heroic spirits has turned into a noisy vegetable market.

Ruoyi looked towards Ye Hao for help, only to find that Ye Hao was even worse than her, and was about to be overwhelmed by layers of heroic spirits... Those heroic spirits were all asking Ye Hao about his profession.

These heroic spirits behaved frivolously, spoke rudely, and some even wanted to touch her, but they all seemed to be electrocuted into black coal by the mysterious power...

In the distance, a heroic spirit climbed to the high roof, then jumped down with a cry of "Aoao", and there were a group of heroic spirits clapping around him.

Yes, Zoe thinks there may be something wrong with their brains.

Although he knew that these heroic spirits could be resurrected indefinitely at some cost, Roy still couldn't accept the weird behavior of treating suicide as a joke.

Their characters are not like heroic spirits, but more like goblins, a low-level creature in the Kane continent.

The same chaos, the same noise, the same incomprehension.

"Goddess above, can these people really lead us to achieve the glory of demi-humans?"

Ruoyi couldn't help but feel extremely worried in her heart.

But the goddess told her so and gave her something called an NPC panel through which she could issue tasks to all the heroic spirits.

Every minute and every second that the heroic spirits spend in Kane Continent, especially when they kill the enemies in Kane Continent and hand over the resources they search for in Kane Continent, they will replenish energy for the goddess’s godhead. When these heroic spirits complete the so-called After the mission, the godhead will immediately replenish some energy to these heroic spirits, so that their strength can be improved, thus achieving a virtuous cycle.

In the mouths of these heroic spirits, this is called upgrading.

They seemed to be particularly enthusiastic about upgrading. Among Wuyangyang's group of people, most of the heroic spirits asked her how to upgrade.

Ruoyi forced down the uneasiness and panic in her heart, and showed a friendly and gentle smile to the dark and crowded players.

"Now the demihuman race is in dire need. We need to rebuild our homeland in a secret and safe place. There are still many compatriots wandering outside the border or being enslaved. I hope that all the heroic spirits can help me find my lost compatriots and save their lives. Demihumans in trouble.”

Is that okay? Will they listen to me? Ruoyi looked at the heroic spirits in front of him uneasily.

As soon as he finished speaking, the players started making noise again.

"There's a mission! There's a mission!"

"Well, collecting wood, catching game, and collecting boulders in the jungle near Morning Light Town to prepare for the construction of a temporary demihuman settlement?"

"Be wary of the militia guards in Chenguang Town, and find out information about Chenguang Town for the Holy Lady."

"Head to the border to search for stray demi-humans."

"Rescue the enslaved demi-humans in distress."

"Except for the first one, the rest are all team tasks!"

"Is searching for information considered a team mission? Are we going together as a group because we are worried that the target is not big enough and the guards will not find it?"

"As long as we kill all the guards, we can still get information!"

At this time, Ye Hao, who had been silent for a while, came over. He knelt on one knee, raised his head, looked at the saint with starry eyes, and said softly.

"Miss Zoe, I will lead some heroic spirits to Morning Light Town to search for the enslaved demi-humans and rescue them."

The player was surprised to find that his attention was involuntarily focused on Ye Hao and Royi, and even though they were far apart, they could still clearly hear their conversation and see their expressions and movements clearly.

They guessed that this should be the main storyline animation, because in their field of vision, a red-topped task appeared in the task bar, which was the main storyline.

[Please follow Ye Hao, the son of destiny, to search for and rescue the enslaved demi-humans in Morning Light Town. Note: Please try not to alert the guards in Morningside Town, as this may cause trouble for your actions. 】


"So, this little shabby place is Morning Light Town?"

Xiwei frowned and wiped the dirt on the soles of his feet on a step in disgust.

If Xiwei hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard to believe that there would be such a dirty, messy, and dilapidated town in his territory.

The dusty loess ground, human and animal feces can be seen everywhere; the city walls are mottled and dilapidated and in disrepair; dilapidated buildings that have not kept up with the times...

The greening was done well. Xiwei saw that more than half of the tree crown had sprouted from the roof of one of the residents' houses.

"What did the former lord do for a living? Even if the resources in the territory are poor and no matter how far away from the royal capital, the territory should not be managed in such a rubbish manner!"

"Master Xiwei."

Raikmon saw Xiwei's dissatisfaction, so he explained to Xiwei:

"The previous lord was Count Calant of the Iron Wall family. He was a complete war madman and a fanatic believer in the Flame Dragon Barda. Sir Calant had been fighting wars during his tenure and neglected to manage the territory. In fact, before the Eagle Countdom The area has not reached the point where we need to use griffins to fly. A piece of land as big as today was conquered by Sir Calante from the hands of the orcs."


Xi Wei recalled in his mind the image of a greasy uncle with a big belly and a beard. The man was always smiling, but he didn't expect that he was actually a militant at heart.

"You mean I have to thank him for leaving me an enlarged version of the eagle collar?"

Xiwei felt very speechless when he looked at Chenguang Town, which was infinitely close to nature. The bigger the territory, the better. The larger the territory, the more difficult it is to manage, especially in a borderland like the Eagle Territory with a mixed population.

Xiwei decided to start his territory construction plan when he went back later.

The demon kings all have magnificent demon king cities. He Xiwei, as the earl of the Eagle Territory, the strongest villain BOSS in the future, the nightmare and nemesis of the fourth natural disaster, yet his territory is built like an urban-rural junction. Wouldn’t outsiders laugh when they see it? Losing big teeth?

On the crooked city wall of the town, several militia guards had already seen Xiwei and Clemen. Although they did not know Xiwei's specific identity, they recognized the golden lion-shaped clan emblem on Xiwei's armor.

A guard immediately trotted down the city wall, came to Xi Wei and Clemont, and bowed respectfully.

"This distinguished lord, I am the guard captain of Morning Light Town, Gudebai. Do you have any orders?"

Xiwei took a closer look and then grinned, "Oh, he's still an acquaintance."

In the game forum of the previous life, some players made their own videos for the first test, including the mission process of rescuing demi-human slaves in Morning Light Town.

Gudbai was an elite monster-level warrior that these players encountered during the mission. This guard captain who was good at sweeping, advancing, and sweeping caused a lot of trouble for the players at the time.

Xiwei couldn't help but look at Goodbye's message with curiosity:

[Name: Goodbye]

[Identity: Captain of the Morning Light Town Guards]

[Strength: Intermediate Swordsman Level 13 (11-20)]

[Skills: whirlwind sweep, heroic thrust]

[Equipment: Guard plate armor (ordinary), guard sword (ordinary)]

[Clone Empire Reputation: 31 (In Morning Light Town, he is a good player and respected)]

[Reputation of demihuman forces: 6 (little known)]

"Yes, that's what it tastes like, the man who sweeps, thrusts, and sweeps."

Xiwei nodded secretly, this is such a talent, just two skills were forced to be combined into a combo, which was disgusting.

But according to the plot of the previous life, the guard captain will eventually die in the hands of the player, which will lead to the mini-boss of Morning Light Town, Mayor Megil of Morning Light Town.

The position of mayor of each town in the earl territory is not available to just anyone. They are usually small nobles or housekeepers who do not have fiefdoms under the earl's command.

So this Megil is still considered his retainer. He was assigned to him by his family to help him manage the territory. Unfortunately, this person is a waste.

According to the information that Xi Wei knew in the forum in his previous life, the mayor of Chenguang Town had done all kinds of evil during his reign, and his strength was not very good. Calling him a little BOSS is really flattering, and he was only a little better than an ordinary guard.

"Call out your mayor Megil!"

Thinking of the evil things Megil had done, the expression on Xiwei's face became grim.

He really has a love for Gudebai, and wants to bring him back to Winter Castle to train him. As for the rest of the trash, in order to meet the needs of the plot, let them die. If they don't die, the protagonist group won't be able to occupy it. There is no way to build a new village in Chenguang Town.

When the guard found Megil at home, he was sleeping with two maids in his arms. His dream was disturbed and he was about to take off the whip on the wall and whip the humble guard.

But when Megil heard that the person looking for him was a young man with a golden lion clan emblem on his chest, he immediately shriveled up like a deflated ball.

The young man with the golden lion clan emblem? In this Eagle Territory, besides Earl Xiwei Golden Lion, who else is there?

Although he didn’t know why Xiwei came all the way to Chenguang Town, which is closest to the border, Megil still tried hard to walk on his weak feet and even crawled to Xiwei without even wearing proper clothes. in front of.

Megil showed a flattering smile, bent down hard to salute, her head rested on her knees, and she almost knelt on the ground to lick Xi Wei's shoes.

"Dear Master Xiwei, I have been praying to the God of Luck day and night, and finally you are here! You don't know how much I miss you in the days when I can't see you, old servant..."

Xiwei looked at this middle-aged man who was nodding and hunched with a sneer, and glanced at his message:

[Name: Megil]

[Identity: Mayor of Chenguang Town]

[Strength: Knight Level 11 (11-20)]

[Skills: Charge immediately (must have a horse), thrust with a lance (must have a horse)]

[Equipment: Exquisite craftsman armor (exquisite), ancestral sword (excellent)]

[Cologne Empire reputation: 352 (he is notorious in Morning Light Town)]

[Demihuman power reputation: 37 (Demihumans hate him deeply)]

Two ordinary knight skills can be learned for free as long as you go to the Knight Academy to study. You must have a horse. Without the horse, he is just a useless knight with no skills and only fighting spirit.

Xiwei shook his head, thinking that this guy was already rotten.

"Megill, let me ask you, has there been any bad news in Morningside Town recently?"

Megil's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

"Is it possible that the Earl knows all the bad things I did? It shouldn't be so far away..."

Megil's mind was racing, but he still couldn't get a clue. He could only bite the bullet and said with a smile:

"Master Xiwei, don't worry. What can happen to Chenguang Town? Everything is normal. The people live and work in peace and contentment. They are always grateful for your selflessness and greatness..."

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

Xiwei sneered and interrupted Megil's flattery with a loud shout, which also made Megil's face suddenly turn pale.

"The demi-humans have already infiltrated your house. You damn girl don't know anything yet. In this case, you should stop being the mayor for the time being. I will be the mayor and you stay here as the guard captain." , when will you figure it out, when will you come to me to reinstate the officer!"

Gudebai stood aside with a confused look on his face, a little worried.

Why was his guard captain being fucked while he was still talking? It was an unreasonable disaster. His whole family was still waiting for his little allowance to eat!

"Well, the noble Earl..."

"You will be my personal guard! The allowance will be doubled."


Goodbye was no longer in a hurry. He stood behind Xi Wei with deft hands and feet. His heart showed no fluctuation, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

"Master Xiwei, I..."

"What are you doing? Just stay here and guard me. If something happens in the city, you can do whatever the guard captain should do. By the way, stop riding your horse and ride it for me."

After Xiwei finished speaking, he led Clemont and Goodbye towards the mayor's mansion, not even bothering to look at Megil, who stayed there with an ashen face.

A big drama will soon take place in Morningside Town. Xiwei is standing at the highest point of the mayor's mansion in anticipation. He has found the best stand.

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