Villain Lord: Both The Player And The Protagonist Want To Kill Me

Chapter 94 The King Is Dying And The Pope Seeks The Country

When Aarons arrived at the gate of Winter City, the sky in the distance was already white.

Seeing the guards guarding the city in front of the Winter City gate, with faces as golden as paper and pale lips, he couldn't hold on anymore. With trembling hands, he took out the token from his breastplate and threw it on the ground. He was exhausted. Fall to your knees.

"Take me quickly to see the lord, there is...a secret message from the royal capital!"

The door to Xiwei's room was suddenly knocked open, and Goodbye rushed in with an anxious look on his face. He was still holding the door lock that had been pulled off, and loudly reported:

"Lord! There are secrets from the royal capital... hiss..."

Gods be damned, Gudbai almost knelt down in front of Xi Wei.

He saw Xi Wei had been woken up on the big velvet bed and glanced over sleepily.

This is actually nothing. The problem is that there is a little maid wrapped in a quilt lying on Xiwei's chest with only her head exposed.

What's more important is that there is an unknown girl curled up next to Xiwei. She is wearing pajamas with her shoulders half exposed. Her long snow-white hair is scattered outside the quilt. Her furry fox ears are moving, and she seems to be waking up.

It's over.

Goodbye lowered his head and stared blankly at the door lock in his hand, with a sad smile on his face.

"Get out!"

After a moment, the entire Winterkeep heard the angry roar of the Eagle Lord.

In the meeting hall of the castle.

Gudebai stood in the corner, facing the wall with his hands raised flat, holding his sword on his forehead, trying his best to keep the balance of the sword above his head.

If the sword fell off once, he would have to wash his underwear and socks for three more months. If it fell off twice, it would be six months, with no limit.

Before, it could be said that it was accidental, but this time the door lock was ripped off, and Goodbye couldn't explain it.

This time it is indeed his problem. In the past, no one cared about him at Megil, so he developed a bad habit of being careless. He has not completely changed it now, and he will be more impulsive when he is excited.

I have to wash my underwear and socks on impulse...

In front of the conference table, Xi Wei sat seriously at the head.

Roy and Luo Li stood behind him on the left and right. The two beast-eared girls occasionally looked at each other. Small face.

The little maid is still wearing a maid dress transformed from Veina Saint Cloth, but compared to the ordinary maid dress, it has become obviously more refined and upscale.

Ruoyi wears a set of high-quality armor redeemed from the system store. A set costs 500 villain points, and you can choose between men's and women's styles.

Xiwei hasn't figured out how to arrange Ruoyi yet, so he will accept her as a maid and his personal guard for the time being.

I originally planned to put Roy in a maid skirt, but considering that Roy is now a combat unit with a sword, wearing a maid skirt may not be convenient.

Aarons has recovered from his injuries under Lori's treatment, and he has cast admiring glances at the little maid more than once.

He didn't expect that a weak-looking demihuman maid could have such powerful healing abilities.

No wonder the Holy See wants to study the blood of demi-human girls. There must be many unknown secrets in it.

"Elens, what happened in the capital?"

Xiwei looked at his hair with a serious expression.

When he first met Aarons half an hour ago, he was almost furious. He had been hunted all the way and experienced a narrow escape.

Something important must have happened in the royal capital, but the Eagle Territory is remote and no news could be received.

When Aarons heard this, his expression became a little sad. He took a deep breath and tried to make his voice steady:

"Master Xiwei, the king is about to die. The Pope is trying to take advantage of this opportunity to seek his kingdom. The royal capital has been besieged by the Holy See's troops, and the Duke is also trapped in the royal capital."

"In just one week, they used whatever means to kill multiple sky knights who controlled the Royal Legion. Now the king's military system has been semi-paralyzed."

Aarons paused for a moment when he said this, with a hint of anger in his eyes, and continued to add:

"Master Xiwei, your brother, Count Hitler Golden Lion, has surrendered to the Holy See, and with the help of the Pope, he has completely embezzled the Duke's property."

"He even wants to suddenly attack the Eagle Territory and kill you to avoid future troubles."

"I also managed to escape from the Duke's territory with great difficulty."

Attack the Eagles?

Xiwei felt that his brother's brain was caught in the door. If the Eagle Leader beat down this place where there is no place for shit, besides getting a chance to confront the orc brothers, what else could he get?

There are more demi-humans.

The Eagle Territory should be the place with the most demi-humans in the entire Cologne Empire. After all, it was once part of the demi-human country.

Xiwei's expression was solemn. Maybe it was because of the demi-humans. His current situation was very dangerous, but it was still an opportunity.

He didn't expect the Pope to take action so quickly and block his cheap father, the Duke of Manhattan, as well.

Now the entire Cologne Empire is probably in chaos.

The original fight between several princes was forcibly interrupted by the pope who suddenly came in and kicked their so-called battle of wits away with a group of arrogant Templar knights.

The contradiction between royal power and divine power also reached its peak at this moment.

Seeing Xi Wei fall into silence, Aarons took out a blood-stained letter and a roll of parchment from his pocket and pushed them in front of him.

"The one on the left is a letter written by Marquis Calante to all the lords, and the one on the right is some information about the Holy See obtained by the spies I planted in the royal capital."

As he said that, Aarons glanced at the two demi-human girls behind Xi Wei, and continued to add: "It also has something to do with demi-humans."

Xiwei pondered for a moment and opened the letter on the left first.

What came into view was a font that looked like a dog plow, which was very consistent with Kalant's muscle-bound style. It took Xiwei a long time to read many of the words before he could barely decipher their meanings:

[...The fall of the royal capital is imminent. On behalf of the eldest prince, I invite all the lords to come to the Graystone Territory to participate in the round table meeting to discuss joint crusade against the pope... I hope you understand that the situation is urgent. The eldest prince and I are only in Graystone. Wait for five days. The fall of the royal capital is just the beginning. Sooner or later, the Templar Knights of the Holy See will step into your territory. 】

The letter was dated yesterday, less than five days before the roundtable begins.

This is an opportunity, but also a risk.

After Xiwei finished reading the letter, he tapped his fingers on the table and began to think. There was only a "ta-da-da" tapping sound in the entire conference hall.

This gun-and-stick letter basically means the same thing:

The eldest prince is going to have a fight. Will you come to help? If you don't come, you will be beaten at your own risk.

I must go, not because of the intimidation of the warmonger Kalant, and it has nothing to do with the eldest prince.

He has an average relationship with Kalant, and is even more distant from the eldest prince, but the enemy of his enemy is a friend, and they all have a common enemy, which is the Holy See of Barda.

In addition, Xiwei also wanted to find a chance to rescue the old duke.

As for his brother's threat, as long as the Holy See of Barda is kept honest, Hitler himself will shut his mouth with his tail between his legs.

And he must be too busy in the chaotic territory now and has no time to attack himself.

The Greystone Territory is at the center of the Cologne Empire, south of the royal capital and northeast of the Eagle Territory. Xiwei plans to set off tomorrow to attend the First Prince's round table meeting.

With a decision made in her heart, Xiwei took the parchment over again and opened it gently.

The parchment, which was slightly burnt yellow, looked old and weathered.

The handwriting inside was very illegible and different, obviously written by different spies.

In other words, many people died in the process of investigating this matter, and had to be passed on to the next person to continue the investigation, until it was now handed over to him through Aarons.

The parchment scroll was covered with cracks and wrinkles, and four large characters were written on the top:

【Paradise Plan】

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