Villain Lord: Both The Player And The Protagonist Want To Kill Me

Chapter 96 Even If I Go To Hell With My Master

After the discussion was over and Aarons and Goodbye, who dropped his sword twice, left, only Xi Wei and the two demi-human girls were left in the conference hall.


Xiwei pondered for a moment, then leaned into Loli's arms and murmured a little tiredly.

"What's wrong~Master?"

Loli gently rubbed Xiwei's temples, blinked her big eyes, leaned down close to Xiwei, and tilted her head slightly as if listening.

Xiwei looked at the wall of the conference hall in trance.

There was an oil painting there of a human knight beheading a foreign enemy. The heroic knight held a long sword in his hand, holding the enemy's head high, and his body was covered with blood.

He hesitated for a moment and whispered:

"What would you think of me if I had to do something bad for demi-humans?"

This was a very difficult question to answer. Originally, Xiwei just said it casually and didn't want to know the answer.

But Loli looked at Xiwei's side face with soft eyes, gently hugged Xiwei's neck with her delicate arms, leaned her fair and pretty face on Xiwei's shoulder, and whispered without any hesitation. road:

"No matter what the master wants to do, even if they fall into hell together, Loli will be with the master."

Her expression was calm and her voice had no fluctuations, but everyone could feel the determination and firmness in her words.

When Xiwei heard Loli's firm and trusting words, his heart felt hot and moved. He couldn't help but turned his head and kissed Loli's fair and delicate face that was placed on his shoulder.

Zoe couldn't stand watching this scene.

It felt like there were ants crawling all over my body.

She stood aside, her slender fingers intertwined uncomfortably, looking at Xiwei eagerly, the anxious expression on her pretty face was filled with "Ask me quickly", "Ask me quickly"...

But Xiwei simply ignored her, which made the fox-eared girl's ears and tail droop down in frustration, and she muttered:

"Actually, I also..."

Hearing this, Xiwei turned around and looked at the fox-eared girl seriously.

He knew that this kind of thing would be difficult for Zoe to accept. After all, she was a demi-human saint.

He didn't want Ruoyi to be under too much pressure because of this matter, so he took the initiative to ask:

"Zoyi, it's normal for you to feel confused. You can tell me the questions in your heart, and I will answer them selectively."

Ruoyi's eyes were filled with resentment, she bit her red lips and clenched her pink fists.

In fact, she wanted to say that she could be like Lori.

But now I can't say it at all.

I'm so angry, I really want to bite him!

The fox-eared girl's eyes dangerously glanced around Xiwei's face, neck, body, and body, as if she was studying where to start her mouth.

But in the end she endured it.

There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, but she has decided not to leave anyway.

Roy actually had doubts about this matter in her heart, but since the person who was going to do it was Xiwei, she could just pretend that she didn't know anything.

Even if Xiwei is from the Holy See, he is as evil as the Holy See and wants to use demihuman blood to create Templars.

Then the best she can do is kill all the people in the Holy See, leaving only Xi Wei, and then imprison him so that he can do nothing but be with her forever.

And she believes that the real Xiwei is not an evil person, which can be seen from his attitude towards Loli and his subordinates.

Goodbye does not count.

But since Xiwei asked her this now, she followed Xiwei's intention and asked:

"I just don't know why I did this suddenly. Is there any difficulty? Does it have anything to do with the Holy See?"

"It does matter." Xiwei nodded affirmatively and said after careful consideration:

"You have known before that the Holy See is using the blood of demihumans to create Templars."

"But you don't know that the Holy See is doing something even more insane now."

Xiwei's eyes were cold, and he paused and continued: "They transformed Mudong Town into a place dedicated to raising demi-humans, and promoted it as a paradise for demi-humans."

"Midwinter Town is actually the Holy See's base for research on demi-humans, where demi-humans will become tools for reproduction, materials for experiments, and playthings for humans to vent their inner darkness."

"There are the most demi-humans in the Eagle Territory, and what I have to do now is to immediately start capturing demi-humans within the Eagle Territory."

Xiwei's words made the two demi-human girls turn pale. They shuddered just thinking about what might happen in Midwinter Town.

"How can you do this……"

Zoë's expression was sad, and anger and surging murderous intent began to spread in her eyes. Gradually, her eyes became hollow. Her whole body was trembling sickly, and she murmured in a low voice:

"These... these people should all die...chop into pieces, chop into pieces..."

Good guy.

Xiwei looked at the fox-eared lady in surprise and shuddered.

Suddenly thinking of the two Templars who had been chopped into pieces thinner than dumpling stuffing, he couldn't help but lean into Loli's arms and stay a little further away from Roy.

After noticing Xi Wei's movements, Roy immediately returned to normal.

She forced a gentle and intimate smile on her face, and then moved closer to Xi Wei, as if to express that she would not chop him with a sword.

Despite this, Xiwei thought it would be better for him to explain it carefully.

It would be bad if one day Ruoyi didn't change his mind and chopped him into pieces while he was sleeping...

"Ahem -" Xiwei cleared her throat, easing the awkward and dull atmosphere, and said seriously:

"The purpose of arresting demi-humans is actually to protect them. The Holy See will soon extend its dirty hands to the Eagle Territory, and perhaps it has already begun to do so."

Royce thought about Xiwei's words, bit his lip and suggested:

"Actually, I can also help you. I am a demi-human saint, and I still have some charisma."

"Even if you are a saint, it is impossible for demi-humans to believe in me, a human lord, in a short period of time. We don't have time to engage in publicity. Besides, I am not a good person in the eyes of the demi-humans in the Eagle Territory."

Xiwei glanced at his own panel:

[Reputation of demihuman forces: 3105↑(Your deeds often appear in the mouths of demihuman mothers, used to deal with children who are unwilling to sleep well)]

This arrow is very spiritual, indicating that the demi-humans must be organized within the Eagle Territory, and they are still in contact with each other.

Has it reached the point where the baby has stopped crying?

Xiwei couldn't laugh or cry.

"But why do those demi-humans trust the Holy See?"

Xiwei looked at Roy, who was full of doubts, and explained: "There is an awakened demi-human in the Holy See, called Eve, whose abilities are similar to mind control and memory modification."

"All the demi-humans in Late Winter Town have been brainwashed by her. If you think about it again, if the Holy See lets a large number of brainwashed demi-humans promote Late Winter Town, will other demi-humans believe it?"

I will definitely believe it.

Zoe's expression was ugly. She knew those wandering demi-humans very well.

Although they are wary of humans, they are very trusting of their fellow humans.

If a group of demi-humans brainwashed by the Holy See went to promote Late Winter Town, they would never arouse the suspicion of other demi-humans.

They will be lured out one by one, captured, and then brainwashed, and finally become new tools.

If the Holy See really succeeds, then the demi-humans will be doomed.

Ruoyi felt that half of her body's strength had been drained away at this moment, and she could only weakly support herself on the table, with two lines of tears gradually falling from the corners of her eyes.

She is different from Loli. She has great feelings for demi-humans and her own tribe.

Even though Xiwei was the most important part of her heart now, she still couldn't help but shed tears of sadness when she heard about the danger and misery the demi-humans were about to face.

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