Villain Lord: Both The Player And The Protagonist Want To Kill Me

Chapter 98 Have You Heard Of The Asian Paradise? (Big Chapter)

Otto is a young male demi-human in Morningside Town. His dominant trait is a jungle gray wolf. He also has a sister whose dominant trait is a white wolf.

By this time he had finished tending his fields and was heading home.

Along the way, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. The red brick houses and green trees made him feel comfortable.

The heroic spirits that you can usually meet everywhere, but now few of them are still in Morning Light Town.

It is said that he went out to draw pictures, but Otto didn’t understand.

These heroic spirits are quite normal most of the time.

It's just that sometimes his words and actions are weird, and he likes to ask some incomprehensible questions such as "Do you have a mission?" "Is there any secret book passed down from your ancestors?"

But everyone is used to it.

The days of Chenguang Town are getting better and better. There are heroic spirits from another world here to protect them, allowing them to have land to grow, food to eat, and to live freely.

It is acceptable for the heroic spirit-sama to be a little abnormal.

Unfortunately, everyone's most beloved Saint, Her Majesty, was kidnapped by the evil Eagle Lord.

According to the heroes who came back from the battlefield, Her Majesty the Saint has been brainwashed by the Eagle Lord, and she looks like she has become a completely different person.

She is ruthless, bloody and cruel.

He actually chopped living people into mincemeat.

It’s scary to think about.

Even if he is an enemy, this kind of behavior is still difficult for the peace-loving Otto to accept.

But it was all that Eagle Lord's fault.

Her Royal Highness the Saint is obviously such a gentle and kind person, but...


Otto shook his head, sighed, and stopped thinking about it.

He had arrived at the door of his house, and the sound of his sister's laughter and strangers' conversations could be heard inside.

"Is there anyone?"

Otto instantly became alert. He held the hoe in his hand and walked into the house anxiously.

I saw my sister talking and laughing with two demi-human girls I had never seen before.

Otto was instantly relieved.

It would be fine as long as they are not those heroic spirits, because sometimes those heroic spirits always look at their little sister strangely and like to touch her ears.

Can a girl's ears be touched casually?

What's even more outrageous is that sometimes these heroic spirits don't even let him go!

"Brother, you are back!"

As soon as Bai Ya saw her brother, she immediately shouted happily. She jumped to Otto's side, hugged his strong arms, and her little body swayed like a swing.

"Two sisters, this is my brother, Otto!"

Bai Ya introduced her brother to the two strange demi-human girls with a smile.

At the same time, in her quirky little mind, she was also thinking about whether she could make one of the sisters her sister-in-law.

The two demihuman girls looked at each other and exchanged glances. Then a blush appeared on their faces, and they started chatting with Otto with an embarrassed smile.

We are all compatriots of the same ethnic group. As we go back and forth, we gradually become familiar with each other.

One of the dominant characteristics was the demi-human girl who had a white rabbit. Seeing that the fire was coming, she suddenly said:

"Have you ever heard of the demihuman paradise?"

"A paradise for demi-humans?"

Otto and Bai Ya looked at each other with blank expressions on their faces. For them, Chenguang Town was already a paradise for demi-humans.

"Actually, we are from Mudong Town." The rabbit-eared girl continued talking:

"The powerful Awakened Lady Anna relied on her own strength to negotiate terms with the Holy See of the Cologne Empire. The Holy See promised to give the entire Late Winter Town to Lady Anna to govern as a home for demi-humans."

"There we have no worries about food and clothing, we are free, and we have delicious food every day. This is the compensation given to us by the Cologne Empire."

"The most important thing is," the rabbit-eared girl paused and added in a mysterious whisper:

"Lady Anna has mastered the accurate method of awakening demi-humans. All demi-humans who go to Late Winter Town can receive the best education. If they are talented enough, they can realize the awakening of bloodline power."

The awakening of bloodline power?

Otto had not heard of this for many years.

Since the destruction of the demihuman kingdom, wandering and wandering has been the main theme of demihuman life. How can we find the time to study how to awaken?

Otto and Bai Ya have already obtained a free and comfortable life without worries about food and clothing in Chenguang Town, but they also have better education and the opportunity to awaken...

Otto set his sights on his sister Bai Ya.

Awakened people among demi-humans are basically women. Maybe my sister can also become a powerful awakened person in Late Winter Town.

Otto did not doubt the rabbit-eared girl's words, nor did he doubt the leader Anna's ability.

They, the demi-humans, were originally a sincere and friendly group, and the word deception would hardly appear in their dictionary.

Besides, he and his sister are just ordinary demi-humans with no power, so what can they gain by deceiving them?

The rabbit-eared girl saw that the brother and sister looked moved, and knew in her heart that the matter was basically done.

So she and another demi-human girl began to describe the beautiful life in Mudong Town vividly, listing many interesting things and gossiping, and successfully made the brother and sister full of yearning for Mudong Town.

After a while...

When they stepped out of Otto's house again, the brother and sister were already following behind them.

And with the help of the two brothers and sisters, news of the paradise quickly spread among the demi-humans in Morningside Town.

More and more demihumans joined their team.

They were going to Midwinter Town, to that paradise exclusively for demi-humans.

Until Winter City's army completely surrounded Dawn Town.

This group of demi-humans with dreams and hopes in their hearts were also blocked at the gate of Morning Light Town.

The crusaders who stood tall and tall separated from each other. Saint Zoë walked out slowly accompanied by Clemont, which also caused the demihumans to exclaim.

"Yes... it's Her Royal Highness the Saint!"

"Her Royal Highness the Saint is back!"

"Is what the heroic spirits said true?"

"But...why did Her Royal Highness the Saint get mixed up with the Eagle Leader's army?"


Zoë looked at the familiar companions in front of him. They looked warily at the Winter City army behind him, but the eyes they looked at him were full of concern and worry.

"Sister Saint!"

Bai Ya yelled in surprise and ran in front of Roy with a "da da da" sound. Her energetic little face was flushed with excitement and happiness, and the wolf tail behind her also swayed happily because of the excitement.

"Sister Saint, Bai Ya misses you so much!"

Bai Ya murmured happily while hugging Roy tightly, rubbing her face against Roy's chest.

It's just that the usually soft sacrificial skirt has been replaced by cold and hard armor, and it is not as comfortable as before.

"It's Bai Ya~" Ruoyi smiled slightly, looking at the little wolf-eared loli who relied on him with soft eyes.

She was very familiar with Bai Ya. When she was in Chenguang Town, this naughty girl would always give her a piece of sweet wild fruit every time she found it in the mountains.

"Where are you going?" Seeing these demi-humans carrying large and small bags, looking like they were about to move to a new home, Zoë asked with some confusion.

Bai Ya smiled and said happily: "We are going to Mudong Town, which is a paradise for demi-humans. Many demi-humans live happily there, and even talented demi-humans can successfully awaken their abilities. , Sister Saint, why don’t you come with us too~"

"Winter Town? Paradise?"

Roy's pupils shrank suddenly, and a surge of anger mixed with fear rose from her heart.

If she came a little later, wouldn't they...

Her hands holding Bai Ya trembled slightly, and she said in a stiff tone:

"No, Bai Ya, who told you to go to Mudong Town? That's a conspiracy of the Holy See, you can't go!"

"Ah..." Bai Ya raised her head and felt a little scared when she looked at Ruoyi's unfamiliar cold eyes. She muttered:

"Sister Saint, you...don't be angry, it's those two sisters who want to take us there..."

As a loyal little fan of Ruoyi, Bai Ya sold out the two demi-humans from Mudong Town without hesitation.

Ruoyi raised her head after hearing the words, her pretty face covered with frost, her cold and murderous eyes like sharp swords piercing the two demi-human girls in front of the team, and she slowly said:

"Everyone, listen to me. Midwinter Town is not a paradise at all. It is a cage where demi-humans are kept. The purpose of the Holy See's construction of it is to use our demi-human blood to produce Templar Knights."

"These two demi-humans are lying to you. They want to destroy the last hope of our demi-human race."

Roy's words made the demi-humans in Morning Light Town look at each other. They were a little at a loss and didn't know who to listen to. In the end, their searching eyes fell on the two demi-human girls in Mudong Town.

"Saint Zoë, we have heard about you."

The demi-human girl from Late Winter Town walked to the front of the crowd, looked directly at Roy without fear, and said coldly:

"You question whether our paradise in Midwinter Town is fake, and Lady Anna's efforts are all a scam. So, may I ask, what do you want to do with these human armies?"

"I heard that you have become Eagle Lord's lackey, and along the way, orders to capture demi-humans have been spread everywhere."

"Who is the real liar? Who really wants to destroy our demihuman race?"

At the end of the sentence, the demi-human girl walked up to Roy, her pink eyes full of contempt and scrutiny.


Ruoyi bit her lip, her eyes evasive, and she explained hesitantly:

"The Lord...the Lord has his own reasons for doing this...because it's too late, so he can only implement tough policies. He also does this to protect the demi-humans."

"Eagle Lord protects demi-humans?"

The demi-human girl in Late Winter Town burst out laughing when she heard this, as if she had heard a big joke.

She turned around and said to the demi-humans in Morning Light Town:

"This is your saintly lady. She would actually say such ridiculous things that the Eagle Lord wants to protect you."

"Comrades, based on your understanding of the Eagle Lord, do you believe it?"

The demi-humans were silent after hearing this, and looked at Saint Roy with doubts and pity.

They already didn't believe Roy.

After all, the Eagle Lord has never done a good thing every time he comes to Morningside Town since its establishment.

He hurt heroic spirits, beat Lord Ye Hao, and even kidnapped the saint.

Now he doesn't know what method he used, and he even brainwashed Her Majesty the Saint into coming to Chenguang to arrest them.

What those heroic spirits said was indeed true.

The Eagle Lord is a complete devil.

It’s just that the demihumans don’t know.

Although the sunset before dusk is beautiful, it is about to sink into darkness. Although the night before dawn is cold, a ray of dawn is already brewing in the clouds.

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