(It was previously posted by the author and said that it cannot be seen. Now it is added at the beginning. The elves that appear in this chapter will not be collected. They are just tools for exchanging resources in the later stage. If there are comments similar to the male protagonist's collecting of elves, it is recommended to have his eyes treated. 2023.4.4 repair)

The demi-humans were eventually taken away by the Winter City army. Although they cried and cried, they still could not change Roy's determination.

In the mayor's mansion, the whole room seemed to have been robbed. Cups and plates were shattered on the floor, and a portrait of Roy was torn into pieces and scattered around the room.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

The man's rough growl came from the bedroom.

Ye Haozheng was seen lying on his back on the bed with a bruised nose and swollen face, unable to move his whole body.

He was not beaten by Roy, but after he was injured, the old knight held him down and beat him up, and stuffed him into a pigsty.

If a kind-hearted player hadn't found him, he might have spent a night in a pig pen to recover.

The players bandaged Ye Hao very considerately. He was wrapped in gauze all over his body and a beautiful bow was tied on his head.

Ye Hao is about to collapse. He feels that he is being targeted all the time. He is not the son of destiny, but the clown of destiny.

The woman is gone, the enemy cannot be beaten, the will of the world squeezes him, the succubus sucks his essence, and even the player has to tie a bow to humiliate him.

The man shed tears easily, and two lines of tears slid down the corners of Ye Hao's eyes.

In the messy room, waves of suppressed roars came again.

In a private house in Chenguang Town, a demi-human girl secretly glanced out the window and discovered that those terrifying human armies had left.

She couldn't help but patted her small chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl's name is Mei Duo, and she is the only Asian who was not taken away because she was not there when Bai Ya came to find her.

Later, when she returned home, she happened to see what happened at the gate of Chenguang Town. She also hid in front of the window and secretly witnessed the whole thing.

"I didn't expect that the gentle and kind-hearted saint sister would actually take refuge with the evil human lord." Mei Duo murmured sadly.

She used to like Roy very much. The beautiful and holy saint was the idol of almost every little girl in Chenguang Town.

But now this idol has collapsed.

"Fortunately, Mei Duo was not caught. Mei Duo is going to Midwinter Town quietly, to the paradise of demi-humans!"

Mei Duo huddled in the corner and muttered, clenching her little fists to cheer herself up.

She knew that those heroic brothers were very helpful. After two days, she asked one of the heroic brothers to send her to Dudong Town. At that time, she could also ask the adults in Dudong Town to rescue the demi-humans captured by the Eagle Lord. .

On the other side, after three days of traveling, Xiwei had already arrived at Graystone City with Loli on his own gryphon.

Mounts are prohibited in Greystone City, and everyone's mounts must be stored in special sheds before entering the city.

It has to be said that it is indeed a prosperous central territory. As soon as you enter Graystone City, you can see that it has a completely different style from the bleak Winter City.

It was night time.

Magic towers stand in the gray stone city, and the mysterious magic light shines in the city, like lanterns coming on, like bright stars blooming in the night.

On both sides of the street, various shops were crowded with people, the tavern was bustling with people, adventurers were coming in and out of the adventure guild, and the equipment shops were shouting. It was so lively:

"Does anyone need a tour guide? It only costs five copper coins to show you the entire scenery of Greystone City!"

"Take a look, take a look, the freshly baked second-order frost wolf magic core is of perfect quality. It has a wonderful effect when used to increase the power of the ice staff!"

"This amplification ring from Master Kaliz of Graycastle can be used by both mages and knights! This is the only one~"

"Hey! Man, can your powerful potion be cheaper? What? Give me a bottle of long-lasting potion? I like an upright boss like you best~"

From time to time, you can see majestic dragon statues on the road. The statues' eyes shine and become unique street lamps.

It is obvious that many mages can be seen among the passers-by. They are wearing simple or gorgeous mage robes, holding half-person-high staffs in their hands. They look calm in their words and deeds, their eyes are stern, and their arrogance is palpable.

Xi Wei couldn't help but sigh, the Eagle Territory is indeed a place where birds don't poop. Look here, although there are not a lot of mages, but in terms of density, they are definitely similar to the knights of Winter City.

Next to Xi Wei, the little maid holding his hand tightly was dumbfounded. This was her first time in such a lively city. At a glance, the lights and colorful lights were everywhere, and everything was prosperous.

"Ah! Lord...Master, that is..."

Suddenly Loli exclaimed, her pretty face flushed, and she covered her face shyly.

Xiwei followed her gaze and saw a richly dressed nobleman browsing in front of an equipment store, but in his hand was a ragged and almost naked elf girl holding a dog leash.

The elf girl had silver hair and a beautiful face. There were whip marks all over her fair body. Her eyes were hollow and numb, and she mechanically followed the nobleman crawling on the ground.

Pedestrians around occasionally gave the elf girl playful and dirty looks, but most people turned a blind eye to it. It seemed that such things were commonplace in Greystone City.

Perhaps hearing Loli's exclamation, the noble turned around and looked at Xiwei and Loli.

This is a handsome, tall young man with well-groomed brown curly hair, gentle eyes, and raised corners of his mouth, looking very friendly.

The premise is to ignore the elf girl he is holding in his hand.

His eyes paused for a moment at the clan emblem on Xiwei's breastplate, and then he smiled and nodded, sending a friendly message.

His eyes flickered from Loli's body again, flashing a hint of surprise, but he quickly stopped, and his eyes returned to Xiwei's face.

Among nobles, it was considered rude to stare at someone else's maid.

Unless the two of them are already chatting happily in the house, they plan to exchange the maid as a gift to sublimate the atmosphere and enhance their friendship.

Xiwei nodded to the young nobleman without saying anything.

He didn't know this person, and there was no family symbol on his body, but from his arrogant behavior of leading the elf slave girl on the street, he could deduce that this person was probably the eldest prince without looking at the panel.

After a simple eye contact, Xiwei immediately took Lori's little hand and left.

It was normal for nobles to tame elf slave girls. Although he sympathized with the elf girl's plight, that was all.

There are too many unfortunate people in this world, and Xiwei can't control them. For the time being, he can only protect the little maid beside him.

As for saving people?

Don't be kidding, as long as he dares to take action, one or two sky knights or great magicians will immediately appear from nowhere and tie him up and roast him on the fire.

This country, or rather all human empires, is rotten.

This kind of ulcer cannot be cured by simple reforms. Instead, the rotten flesh and blood must be scraped off with a bone scraper, and then the rotten roots must be burned with a hot iron to make them grow new flesh and blood. .

He didn't want to be a bone scraper or a branding iron. What he wanted to be was the executioner holding a bone scraper and a branding iron.

Xi Wei was thinking as he walked, feeling the soft and gentle hands of the little maid in his hands. There seemed to be blazing fire burning in his eyes, shining brightly in the long night.

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