When Cao Bin entered, he felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Her parents, Cao Song and Ding Yuechun, were both on the phone, pacing back and forth in the living room with solemn expressions.

"What's going on, Sister Shu Xin?"

"The company's stock plummeted as soon as the market opened in the afternoon, and its market value has shrunk by one-third."

"Banks also suddenly stopped lending. Suppliers who had been very happy to work with before came to ask for payment as if they had made an appointment."

"In addition, our Cao family's department store in Jiangbei was suddenly hunted. All other shopping malls seemed to have the same prices as negotiated. They would rather lose money and compete for our customers. In less than two hours, we have gained customer traffic. It is already less than one-tenth of the original value.”

"No, godfather and godmother's cellphones are almost buzzing with calls. It's just the shopping mall's cooperative franchisees who are asking for an explanation."

"He did it!" Cao Bin narrowed his eyes.

In the original book, the Cao family was dragged down in this way.

But because of his intervention, the plot seems to be advanced now.

He was a little caught off guard, but not enough to make Cao Bin panic.

"Who?" Shu Xin asked.

"Did the man named Ye Fan come out of the bureau?"

"No, the eldest young master said that although there is no direct evidence at the moment, he will be detained for at least seventy-two hours before the matter is found out. He should not be out now."

"That's what he instructed Jiang Tianhu to do."

"Jiang Tianhu?"

"That's right! It's Jiang Tianhu!"

Mom Ding Yuechun hung up the phone and came over.

Wearing a blue cheongsam, she is as lively as an orchid, and her calm demeanor in the face of danger is worthy of the queen of Bashu generals.

"I just got the news that the person behind the scenes is Jiang Tianhu's Tianlong Group. This bastard has taken advantage of the plunge in our company's stock price to start making acquisitions. He is so ambitious!"

"It's not good, Yuechun!"

At this time, Father Cao Song also hung up the phone, his face looking like a frost-beaten eggplant, and he was very worried.

"What's wrong, husband? Is there anything worse than the current situation?"

"Weiguo was isolated and reviewed by the Discipline Inspection Commission."

Cao Weiguo, Ding Yuechun, the eldest son of Cao Song, and the eldest brother of Cao Bin.

"What? What happened to our boss? Why is he being censored?"

"It is said that someone actually reported corruption and bribery in Weiguo, and the amount was as high as tens of millions!"

"Absurd! How many tens of millions are there between our Cao family's tens of billions of assets? This is simply nonsense. This is slander! It's obvious that the man named Jiang has launched an all-out war against our family."

"Can you contact the boss?"

"No, I asked through my connections. They will reply and investigate the matter. No one can see anyone in Weiguo until now."

"Son of a bitch!"

Ding Yuechun was a little angry: "Labour and management don't believe this evil, I will call Yanjing immediately to ask the old man for help!"

"Mom! Stay calm!"

Cao Bin grabbed his mother.

Except for him, everyone in the room had a dark cloud on their face, and the atmosphere was desolate and solemn.

"You brat, you're still heartless now. Is your elder brother's love for you usually in vain?"

Mother Ding Yuechun's eyes were slightly red.

"It's not heartless, it's just that we can't mess with ourselves." Cao Bin gently hugged his mother's shoulders to comfort him, and continued: "The Disciplinary Committee is on the job, and you are just more anxious to find grandpa at this time."

"We all know that the elder brother cannot be corrupt. Since he is so upright and not afraid of being crooked, they will review it if they want to. There will always be a day when the truth comes out."

"If you really let grandpa find a relationship to clear it up at this time, it won't make sense, it will just give people a clue, but it will be hard to tell at that time."

Cao Song looked at his youngest son in surprise. He used to know that after returning to China, besides being a licking dog for girls, he would play with cats and dogs. I hope that I can catch the unexpected critical moment clearly.

"Should we just wait like this now? What if your elder brother suffers in it?"

"No, the only thing we can do to help big brother now is to stabilize our own situation first!"

"Little brat, it's easy to say, how can you be safe if you are surrounded by enemies and can't ask your grandfather for help?"


Cao Bin said with a smile: "Since they want to buy our stock, they should sell it, just to cash in and ease our loan crisis."

"You are crazy. At this time, not only will you lose your life, but we may completely lose the company's dominance."

"If I remember correctly, our family's pillar industry is real estate, right? Sunset industry, how many bubbles are in the middle, parents, don't you know? The stock price was inflated before, and you don't think you are worth that much, do you?"

"Since this is the case, when it's time to break up, we must be straightforward. The current predicament seems to be a crisis, but it is actually an excellent opportunity for us to completely withdraw from the real estate industry."

Ding Yuechun and Cao Song were stunned at the same time.


Putting it to death and then reviving it, the real estate is already in a downturn, so it's better to get out of it and start a new one.

"Even if this is resolved, it can only temporarily alleviate the crisis of loan cuts. What about the mall!"

"Let's fight actively! Since the opponent chooses to cut the flesh, we can also bleed appropriately, but we must ensure that the profit margin can maintain normal operation, and we can't lose one thousand and two by making the first thousand like them."

"Boy, your thinking is too simple!" Cao Song shook his head and said, "The other party clearly wants to kill us, and our family doesn't have any extra money to fight a price war with them!"

"For three months, Jiang Tianhu's strength will last for three months at most, but our funding gap will last for at most one week."

"I'm rich, Mom and Dad! How much less?"

Hearing this, Cao Song and Ding Yuechun rolled their eyes at the same time.

"I thought you kid would have some good ideas, so let's go and cool off. You didn't get your little money from us, and the drop in the bucket is not enough."

"Who said! Is 60 billion enough?" Cao Bin has a reasonable and legal 10 billion US dollars given by the system!

"That's enough, it's not enough to visit your grandfather's grave during the holidays. You son of a bitch listen to your mother and go cool off, don't make trouble."


Cao Bin was speechless.

Co-author I tell you about RMB, you talk about Tiandi Bank with me, right?

"I'm really rich! If you don't believe me, check it yourself!"

Cao Bin immediately broke out an account: "This is the money I earned in four years abroad. Don't you know that I also have a nickname, the Wolf of Wall Street!"

"Tch~ bragging brat... what!?"

Mother Ding Yuechun didn't finish her words, and the moment her eyes touched the computer screen, her mouth instantly opened into an O shape.

"1, 2, 3... 10 zeros, there are really 60 billion!"

"Husband, come and see! It's true!"

The couple were dumbfounded, and Cao Bin looked like he had seen a ghost.

The two murmured in their hearts: Is this the prodigal kid born by my old lady (Lao Tzu)?

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